After our experience in Oaxaca, we changed our plans. Originally, we were going to see some tourist attractions around Oaxaca. But after we saw how many tourists were in the city, we decided to skipRead more
After our experience in Oaxaca, we changed our plans. Originally, we were going to see some tourist attractions around Oaxaca. But after we saw how many tourists were in the city, we decided to skipRead more
Our Christmas started with a breakfast of dry bread - unfortunately the only bread we could get in town. At least it was filling, so we were ready to hit the road again. The first part of rolling andRead more
As we spent Christmas Eve in the mountains, we wanted to be at the coast on Christmas Day. The route was one of the best we've cycled so far. We passed tiny mountain villages, enjoyed stunning viewsRead more
Yes we're at the beach again, 3 days of city and we're back to relaxing 😂 this morning we walked from our hostel to a local beach called Puerto Angelito, it was about a 10min walk down and it wasRead more
We heard from the owner of our hostel that there's a beach just out of town where you can release baby turtles. It was quite a walk from where we're staying but it was definitely worth it! The beachRead more
So it ended up being my birthday here in Mexico (its not all about me, but was for this one day only lol 😂) zach surprised me with some lovely jewellery that he bought way back when we were inRead more
Mais ist hier Grundnahrungsmittel und wird in verschiedenster Art zubereitet .Mit unterschiedlichen Maissorten: gelbe, blaue bis schwarze, alte und neue.
Bekannt ja in Form von Tortillas in denRead more
Heute haben die Frauem demonstriert für gleiche Rechte und soziale Sicherheit. Mexico hat ja bekanntlicherweise ein Gewaltproblem mit hohen Tötungs- und Mordraten.Davon sind Mädchen und Frauen inRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Estado de Oaxaca, Oaxaca, OAX, Estat dOaxaca, Oaxaca osariik, État de Oaxaca, オアハカ州, Guaxaca, 瓦哈卡州
Traveler Wir wünschen euch ein frohes Weihnachtsfest in fernen Landen, alles Gute euch und ganz liebe Grüße. 🎄✨🎁