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    • Day 1–7

      Primera noche en la ciudad de México.

      April 14 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Wir sind in der ersten Unterkunft angekommen. Besser hätte die Hinreise nicht laufen können! Wir haben unsere Wecker gehört, haben den Flug nicht verpasst, sind durch alle Kontrollen gekommen. Die Rucksäcke sind als Sperrgepäck durchgegangen (so fühlen sie sich auch an). Annas Rucksack 8,9kg und meiner 9,9kg). Mit dem Taxi dann zaaaack zur Unterkunft, durch Mexiko City bei Nacht. Jetzt sind wir in unserer ersten Unterkunft und werden die eingelaufenen Beine hochlegen.
      Gute Nacht 🌙
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    • Day 4

      Arena México

      June 28, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      ¡Bienvenidos Anika y Oli!
      Unsere Reise geht ab jetzt zu viert weiter und das erste Abenteuer lässt auch nicht lange auf sich warten: Anika Rucksack steckt noch irgendwo zwischen Montreal und Mexico fest und so geht es für sie erstmal shoppen. Bevor es zum Abendprogramm über geht, schmieden wir bei ein paar Drinks Pläne für die weitere Reise. Die Getränke sind genau wie das Land selber - unfassbar riesig! So genießen wir im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes literweise Margherita, Mojito und Micheladas. Den Abend verbringen wir beim Wrestling und sind erstaunt, wie cool es doch ist, den Athleten beim gestellten Kampf zuzuschauen. Es wird gegröhlt, gepfiffen, gebuht und gestaunt!Read more

    • Day 39


      April 11, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      So nun musste ich von Holbox nach Puerto Vallarta! Dafür musste ich extrem früh aufstehen Bzw ich hab ehrlich gesagt nur 30 min geschlafen um dann die erste Fähre zu nehmen. Danach mit einem shuttle nach Cancun zum Flughafen und dann erst nach Mexicocity und dann nach Vallarta. Ich sollte eigentlich um 18 Uhr ankommen. Leider war die Hölle los in Mexicocity, sodass ich da 8h am Flughafen warten musste.
      Durch die Klima, den Nordwind usw. bin ich allerdings krank geworden in Holbox und das kam dann am Flughafen hervor. Hab mir dann schön IBU und Nasenspray gekauft. (Das Mexikanische Nasenspray ist beschissen!! Jana und Till ihr hättet da echt Probleme mitgehabt. Das hilft einfach mal gar nicht!)
      Naja um 2:30 nachts kam ich dann fix und fertig mit Fieber an. (Corona ist es aber nicht! Hab 2 Schnelltest gemacht)
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    • Day 3

      Centro histórico y Catedral de mexico 🏰

      April 15 in Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Centro histórico mit der Kathedrale von Mexiko. Unglaublich schöne und riesige Gebäude. Ein Museum nach dem anderen und dieses Viertel ist einfach sehr sehr überfüllt und laut, außerdem ist alles voll mit Polizei. Macht dann also bei 33 Grad nicht so viel Spaß durch Menschenmassen zu laufen, aber ist auf jeden Fall sehenswert!
      Zurück wieder in unser Viertel, das so grün und gepflegt ist, man läuft um die Ecke und da ist der nächste Park. 🌴🌿🍃
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    • Day 45

      Mexico City

      June 3, 2022 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      During the Aztec period, Mexico City was initially built over a lake, the Lago de Texcoco. Aztecs built an artificial island by dumping soil into the lagoon. Later, the Spaniards erected a second Mexico City on top the ruins of Tenochtitlán. Tenochtitlán was founded in 1325 A.D. by the Mexicas.

      Because of its construction on that lake, Mexico City is constantly sinking slowly. Some areas of the city have dropped more than nine meters in the last 100 years.

      I didn't feel the city's sinking, though the high altitude, since its elevation is on ~2.200m wich made it harder for me to breath.
      Cesar picked me up from the gigantic bus station and showed me around the city center.
      He is professionally organising hiking and climbing trips, so he asked me if I wanted to go on this trip to the highest volcano in the region. Porqué no, I said to myself and even asked my friend Silvana to join us.
      In the end we were 5 people driving 3 hours to Nevado de Toluca.
      The special was that we hiked the Vulcano at night to see the sun rising from the top (~4.400m). We wore warm jackets, helmets, headlamps, sticks, gloves and good shoes (wich I bought in the afternoon at decathlon for ~20€), so the adventure could begin.
      We walked in a constant tempo up and made breaks every now and then. It became harder and harder to breath since we came up higher. The sky was full of thousands of stars and you could see the milky way very clearly.
      At 4 in the morning and after around 3 hours of hike I started questioning myself: "Why do I do this? I always hated these walks! Can we please return..."
      Somehow I managed to fight my lack of willpower and kept on fighting. At some point we came to path were it was a more climbing than walking what I liked more and from there it was only a half more hour to the top.
      We made it right on time and found ourselves a windproof cave in the rocks. We unpacked our sandwiches and watched the sun rise.
      An undescribable feeling, being there on top of the world. We could enjoy the view for half an hour until it got too cold. It was under 0* C and the wind was whipping our faces, so we started our way down, wich aswell wasn't very easy.
      It was amazing though seeing the landscape around us for the first time after the complete darkness.
      After 4 hours up and three down we made it to our car and drove back to finally get some sleep 🥱

      The next day Silvana took me with her and her dog Lobo to see the beautiful districts of Coyoacan and Roma Sur/Norte.
      We strolled all day around had all the different kinds of street food.

      On Monday, my last day in Latino America, I met my friend Melody wich was one of my first yoga students in Puerto Escondido and we did a session in a park in La Condesa.
      In the evening Cesar, Silvana and me went out for dinner and had RICO Mexican cuisine.
      When we brought Silvana home, I had to pee strongly so I facilitated myself next to a tree, when Cesar suddenly screamed: "NINO, STOP! STOP!"
      I stopped, but it was too late and a police car saw me there....
      Two cops came out, searched all our stuff, mumbled something from a fee of 3.500 Pesos (175€) and that I had to come with to the police station.
      It was already late 1:30am and I had to be at 4:00 at the airport to catch my flight to Miami, so definitely no time for a police station visit.
      Silvana tried to convince them with all she got, when Cesar noticed that they smell like alcohol. He told us in a Quiet moment and when one cop requested me for the 5th time to now get into the car, Silvana turned up and told them: "Either you take us to the station and I will tell your supervisor that you drank in your shift or you take these 500 Pesos (25€) and get the fuck out of here!"
      After short consideration they reluctantly took the money and drove off. 😅😅😅😅😅
      We couldnt believe our luck and drove home happy af.
      I packed my stuff, took an UBER to the airport and got safe and sound into the plane were I had a hole line of seats for myself. So I slept the three hours like a baby until I wake up in the United States of America 🇺🇸
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    • Day 110

      Coyoacan walking tour pt2

      February 19, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      More of coyoacan quiet neighbourhood, before we got to the main square. Unfortunately we had cut the walking tour short, as we had to book out tickets in advance for the Frida Kahlo House, as its a real tourist attraction all the time 😅. But after visiting Frida Kahlo's House we revisited the main square in Coyoacan and had a small but yummy Mexican meal and made our own self guided tour before heading off for our flight to Puerto Escondido (yet another beach town in the south of Mexico😂😂) 3 days in the city and its all too much it would seem! We loved México City, and wished we'd have booked longer, so we can do alot more.... I'm not sure even a week here would be enough to see everything!Read more

    • Day 110

      Coyoacan walking tour

      February 19, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      This morning we took an uber (of course so we could pack and have more sleep lol 😂) to the beautiful Coyoacan neighbourhood, home to the rich and the famous Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Apparently alot of famous stars of Mexican TV live in this area, and so makes since why it would cost around 1.5million dollors to buy just a small place here 😳😱 alot of people that live here though have had the houses in the family for generations, so that's how alot of normal people can afford to here too. The area has a very bohemian atmosphere with lots of small coffee, and cake shops with a beautiful town centre with alot of history around. We also took a visit to some of the gardens, which some are unnone to the mexicans visting the neighbourhood, as most tourist stick to the main centre of the town.Read more

    • Day 1–3

      Coyoacan, Mexico City

      January 1 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      So after a long flight and a long day (6 hours longer than normal due to the time zones) we arrived safely in Mexico City. This is a mega city with a population of 22.2 million so we picked the quiet suburb of Coyoacan for our first two days to allow us to settle in.

      This area has a bohemian and hipster vibe with plenty of street entertainers, local food and markets and interesting architecture.

      The area is most famous for being the home of celebrated Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and her husband the muralist Diego Rivera. We visited her childhood home where she stayed much of her short life. Called Casa Azul (blue house) it had lovely grounds and provided rich insight into her challenging life and the art it fuelled.

      We then went to the Leo Trotsky museum, the house where he lived in exile from Stalinist Russia, suffered multiple assassination attempts before he was eventually murdered (with an ice axe).

      We spent the rest of the day exploring the streets, market and did some birding in the local park. Because this is a new country for us most of the birds were brand new. Of the 18 species we identified 16 were life ticks. Highlights were the small Ladder-Backed Woodpecker and the brilliant red Summer Tanager.

      Tomorrow we are heading to Valle de Bravo for a few days (a 3 hour bus ride) to see the Monarch Butterflies.
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    • Day 110

      Frido Khalo musuem & home!

      February 19, 2020 in Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      We visited the much famed house of Frida Kahlo in the afternoon, she is such a big figure of influence here in Mexico, know for her amazing paintings, individually in her dress sense, personally and home. She also was a revolutionary woman not scared to explore the new and controversial decisions in her life. Despite her misfortunes in life she was always positive and strong minded throughout (she contracted polio when she was a young child, and this made one of her legs shorter, then while in high school she had a terrible accident involving a train crash where was paralised and bed ridden for 1 year, where she started to paint as a hobby before she could walk again! She later realised in her life because of the accident she could no longer have children and continued to give her pain throughout her whole life) She married the famous painter Diago Rivera who she lived with in the house we visited with its beautiful gardens, colourful and creative interior.Read more

    • Day 172

      Xochimilco & Frida Kahlo

      March 20 in Mexico ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Hüt hämer zwei Sache vor. Eimal Xochimilco, det cha mer mit bunte Bötli die schwümmende Gärte bsueche und s zweite ischs Casa Azul, s dihei vo de Frida Kahlo.
      Mir sind also am Morge mit em Uber los für uf Xochimilco und hend em Fahrer gseit, dass mer zum Haupt Embarcadero, e Art Anlegestell fürt Schiff, wend. Es git öpe 4 verschiedeni. Im Internet hämer gläse, dass es Boot für e Rundfahrt rund 600 Pesos chosted, aso rund 30.- Fr.
      Churz bevor mer am Ziel acho sind, isch eine uf em Velo zu eusem Auto cho und het sehr penetrant gmeint, die Anlegestell, wo mir hi wänd, isch gschlosse wegemene Fest. Es gäbi aber e anderi Anlegestell, wo offe segi. Da d Semana Santa, aso d Osterwuche, grad afangt, isch das nöd so verkehrt gsi. De Uberfahrer isch au unsicher gsi wie mir. Er het eus aber versicheret, dass es sicher segi. Mir händ mit ihm abgmacht, mir gönds go aluege und wenns eus komisch vorchunnt, gömer wieder. Det acho hämer d Böötli gse und und get au es paar Mänsche und Lädeli gha.
      Aso simer usgstiege und sind zum Vermieter vo de Böötli. Er het eus 3 verschiedeni Route vorgschlage, wo aber alli über 2500 Pesos, aso ca 120.- kosted hend. Aso fast 3x soviel wies im Internet gheisse get😂🤷‍♀️ Da mir eus vorallem uft Sicherheit vo dem Ort fokussiert händ, hämer nöd tschägget, dass das au eifach en chline Scam chönnt sie, und sie eifach viel meh als üblich chönnted verlange. Da de Uberfahrer scho weg gsi isch, und mer uf kein Fall es Taxi vo de Strass derf ne (sind gfährlich), und mir i dere Gägend, wo mer nöd känned, nöd eifach händ wele umelaufe, hämer versuecht, d Pris abezhandle. Am Schluss hämer 60.- Fr. zahlt, s doppelte wie suscht, aber immerhin d Helfti was sie händ wele. Naja da mir wiedermal i ne Turifalle glofe sind und kei anderi Wahl meh gha gend, isch das den euse Priis halt gsi🤦‍♀️😂😂😂

      D Fahrt mit em Böötli isch aber würkli mega toll gsi. Euse Kapitän het, wie in Venedig, s Böötli mit emene Holzpfahl ageh und so simmer dur die Wasserstrasse gleited. Euse Kapitän isch en junge Mexikaner gsi. Uf sim Platz hämer es Ritschratsch entdeckt und bim gnauere hiluege au Gras und er het rächt glasigi Auge gha😅 wo mer uf em Hauptkanal acho sind, hets zwei Böötli mit Mexikanerinne vo Oaxaca gha, wo fliessig zu luter musig tanzend, gsunge und Mezcal gschöttled hend (es isch 10i am Morge gsi). Vo Boot zu Boot händs eus au Schöttli gschänkt, wo mir gern gno händ. Nach enere witere Rundi simer au in Trinklune gsi und händ e Michelada teilt, Bier mit Limettesaft und Tabasco. Es isch richtig luschtig gsi und mir händ den rasch au eis höckle gha. Was für es amüsants Böötli mir gsi sind, zwei agrüschleti Turis und en bekiffte Gondeleri😂😂😂
      Mir händ den bimene Garte no en Halt gmacht und händ Schlange, Kameleon und e Tierart, wos nur dete git, chöne aluege. Axolotl, das sind mölch wos nur in mexiko git.

      Wieder zrug simer mit emene Uber witer zum Casa Azul. Da mer richtig Hunger gha hend, simer no schnäll bim Markt e Torte (Sandwich) und e Quesedilla für uf de Weg go hole. Bizli zspaat, oder in Mexico ebe genau richtig, hämer no mit eusem Timeslot is Museum ine chöne.
      Das Huus, wo d Frida gläbt het isch wüki wunderschön und richtig farbig. Es het aber richtig viel Mänsche gha, das eus d Lust zum alles Läse und gnau aluege bizli vergange isch. Zuegeh euses Morgerüschli isch sicher au nöd ganz unschuldig dra gsi🙈😂
      Nach em gmüetliche spaziergang simer nomal a de mega tolli Markt und hend seinte oder andere no krämlet.
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