Karađorđev Park

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    • Day 34

      A stroll around Tivat, dodging storms

      August 19 in Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      The weather's getting more interesting. Even the local 'weather girl' on the telly has been getting slightly more animated. A big yacht capsized at anchor off Sicily and the thunder, lightening and rain has brought down the temperatures.
      So I did my default thing when nothing more interesting/exciting is planned: I went for a stroll through Tivat.
      No, it hasn't changed much. Just a tad cooler in the low 30's.
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    • Day 57

      Montenegro solo

      August 26, 2019 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Mein Tag begann bei Nektarine und Cashewkernen mit Meerblick, anschließend machte ich mich mitten im Berufsverkehr auf nach podgorica..Nach unmöglich viel Gegenwind und Verkehr auf engen Straßen und mindestens zehn Hochzeitskorsos erreichte ich das chaotische aber doch sympathische Shkoder..Die Stadt mit den meisten Radfahrern bisher und genau die machen alles so Leben würde ich hier nicht Auto fahren..😂..Wie erwartet traf ich auch wieder auf gepäckbeladene Gleichgesinnte, allerdings alle in Richtung Athen unterwegs..auf dem Stück zwischen Shkoder und Podgorica bin ich so gut wie alleine auf der Straße..als ob keiner das Land verlassen oder betreten geht entlang eines wundervollen Sees, der einer Bergkette vorgelagert ist (Bild 2)..Irgendwo dahinter fährt Maria..sie hat sich kurzerhand entschlossen die Küstenroute einzuschlagen und damit heute zwar in Montenegro aber nicht in Podgorica einzureisen..Die 4500km Marke feiert damit jeder für sich..mich beschleicht das Gefühl, dass das nicht die letzte Solofeier der Tour war..
      Zu Podgorica - als ich eingefahren bin, war ich bereit den Titel für die hässlichste Hauptstadt verleihen zu können..Man muss wirklich suchen, bis man was schönes findet..zumindest, bis man von Park zu Park springt, auf einmal im Wald auf einem Berg mit den restlichen Stadtbewohnern steht und einen einlullenden Abendhimmelblick auf die Stadt erhaschen kann..Auf einmal ist Podgorica ganz toll..🤣..Was ein Perspektivwechsel so alles bringen kann..
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    • Day 47

      Tag 47 - Podgorica

      August 30, 2019 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      80 km / 2360 km - 8 / 217 Stunden


      0 € / 28 € Transport (Fähre, etc.)
      25,5 € / 515,5 € Lebensmittel
      5 € / 345 € Unterkunft
      1 € / 98 € Eintrittspreise
      4 € / 12 € Anschaffungen
      0 € / 8 € Ersatzteile

      35,5 € / 1006,5 € Gesamt

      Ich liebe diese Morgen, wenn man alleine irgendwo in der Natur aufwachen kann.
      Die Sonne kam über die Hügel und die erste Wärme durchflutete das Tal.
      So langsam muss ich dann doch zusammenpacken und weiter fahren.
      Der erste Halt ist in Cetinje. Hier schrie mich förmlich Homer Simpson an, ein Sandwich bei ihm zu essen.
      Da sag ich nicht nein. Vorallem nicht, wenn mein erster Kaffee gleich nebenan wartet.

      Danach wird noch geschaut und gestaunt, wie viel die Stadt wider Erwarten zu bieten hat.
      Cetinje ist eine Stadt mit sehr viel Geschichte.

      Und schönen Bergen drumherum. So ging es ab hier wieder einige Kilometer bergauf.
      Aber lohnend. Denn oben angekommen ging es von hier nur noch bergab durch schöne und wenig besuchte Natur bis hin zu Virpazar. Dort warteten zwei Burgen auf mich. Die Burg Besac und Lesandro. Lesandro war nicht besucht. Das lag sicher zum einen am nicht vorhandenen Parkplatz und der Abgelegenheit und zum anderen auch an der Bahntrasse, welche die Straße von der Burg trennte.

      Wäre ich ein Backpacker und es schon abends gewesen und auch nicht so laut, ich hätte hier drinnen mein Lager aufgeschlagen.
      Aber so bin ich dann noch nach Podgorica gefahren.
      Das Sightseeing fand heute im Dunkeln statt. Viel zu sehen und zu erleben bietet die Stadt nicht.

      Song des Tages:
      Dead Rock Commandos - Night Stalker
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    • Day 33

      Bus to Budva in a Storm

      August 18 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      The walk to the bus station is the worst bit: Clammy and sweaty, then a wait for the bus to finally arrive - almost on time. Saw a very interesting looking man by the supermarket entrance who looked to be. getting some grief from the police in a parked car next to him.
      Thank goodness there's somewhere to shelter from the sun, then the rain. All morning it's been promising thunder and lightening. Just before getting on the bus, the angels started. shouting at us from above. When it rains here, it's a week's worth at a time.
      Usually it's a fairly interesting view out the window on the way to Budva. Today was a non-event as the humidity and cold rain smeared a mist over the outside of the bus window - couldn't see much at all, but Budva was dry.
      Buddha's okay in small doses i.m.h.o. It's much too 'touristy' for my refined tastes. I set off for a walk to the Old Town (the interesting bit) but ran out of time before the return bus back to Tivat. So I had a quick stroll around an open market, again saving myself a fortune by not buying anything.
      Back at Tivat bus station, there was the interesting looking man again, sitting on a waste bin outside the supermarket. It looked like he'd not moved at all, so I had a chat with him. What an interesting character he was too. Senal spoke excellent English (and German apparently), had worked in London and had a life story to tell:
      If I understood him correctly, he'd had a ruptured intestine that nearly killed him (big scar to show for it). Apparently, the supermarket car park was where he spent most of his time - keeping the area clean and tidy as a voluntary gesture/gift to the people using it.
      Unfortunately, I only had my phone with me, so the photos of him are not technically the best.
      Y'see what fascinating people there are, right under your nose where you least expect them to be.
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    • Day 31–36

      Herceg Novi & stuff

      August 16 in Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Blimey, you'd think I'd been busy...
      Well I've done all my online marking, caught some sun, drank some beer, swam our two swimming pools, and got about a bit.
      If anyone remembers, one of my main reasons for coming. back to Montenegro during August was to visit a couple of film festivals (Bit of busman's holiday for a chap who researches film festivals but, hey, someone's gotta do it.)
      If the Green Montenegro F. F. was a slight disappointment, then maybe the Montenegro International Film Festival would be a bit more er, (exciting, stimulating, engaging) rewarding? So I kept with the 'green' mood and went on the bus to Herceg Novi where the festival is based. (Unesco World Heritage site dontcha know).
      Montenegro buses? Don't get me started.
      I managed to find the festival office and persuaded one of the staff to give me an interview. A bit cheeky, but if you don't ask etc. It was okay, I got some stuff so the trip was worth it.
      Can I cobble this stuff together and finish the article I started months back? We'll see. (It's the 'completist' in me that wants to get it finished - even though I've now definitely retired - Definitely.)
      Herceg Novi is worth an explore. I've visited once or twice before, but always find a new alley or snicket or ginnel or ancient building that I hadn't seen earlier.
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    • Day 24

      Tivat: marking and Rubix Festival

      August 9 in Montenegro ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      No, I've not been completely lazy out here. Yes, I've been hard at it doing my little online chore for Bournemouth University. Apparently, they still need me - or someone just as cheap and available.
      Me and my marking buddy. Dave Young managed to pretty much put the marking to bed today. But I keep saying, 'this is definitely it now. I'm going to retire from proper work. - properly.' Well that's it. I'm done, spent, an empty husk.
      So this afternoon you'll be thrilled to learn that. I had a. bit of a doze in the heat, had a stroll down to the waterside, and stopped off for an (average unfortunately) pistachio ice cream.
      You were commenting on my 'banging tunes' mention Colin. Well the latest bit of noisy so called entertainment in town is the 'Rubix Festival of Music, Art, Theatre and Technology'. Gulp. Really? In little old Tivat?
      I didn't get too involved. The ticket prices were exorbitant. 'Headlining' on the first day was Isabella Rossellini (Don't know what she did. Talked maybe).
      When I took the shot at the festival entrance, all I could hear was a Euro-pop-rock band with a lead singer trying to channel Patti Smith.
      Thank goodness there's another film festival coming up later this month.
      More. to follow.
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    • Day 12

      A Few Days Later...

      July 28 in Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      I am so so sorry for not updating this for a few days. Must've been busy or summat.
      After a horrendous, traffic jammed drive from Dubrovnik finally, I say finally, we arrived in Tivat. 'It's more of the same only better', well, familiar.
      The place was the same, but (oh the drama) workmen had to break into my apartment, busting my lock, turn the electricity off, and check if a water leak in a neighbour's apartment had come into mine. It hadn't, phew. So, the lock needed changing and my old key didn't fit. Oh botheration.
      All was sorted out by my good friend Vasilije who gave. me a set of new keys.
      Shame about the mould in the fridge though :(
      Still, it's the hot side of warm here. Perast and Tivat are gorgeous as ever. The restaurants are filling up. The yachts are bobbing up and down nicely in the marina, and the super-yachts appear to be getting a good cleaning at their berths by handsome and beautiful crews.
      God, I'm homesick....
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    • Day 7


      May 3 in Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Vandaag moesten we terug de bus op van Plav naar Podgorica. Gelukkig deed ze ee deze keer maar 3u over.
      Aangekomen in Podgorica zijn we de zakken in het hotel gaan afzetten en we paar bezienswaardigheden van de hoofdstad gaan bezien. Het is duidelijk geworden dat je naar hier komt voor de natuur en niet voor een citytrip. Op 2 à 3 uur hadden we alles gezien en zijn we iets gaan drinken. Wat later op namiddag zijn we een beetje gaan luieren in het hotel wat eigenlijk wel heel goed deed na vorige dagen. 'S avonds zijn we nog iets gaan eten en erna vroeg ons bedje in want morgen is de taxi naar de luchthaven er al om 04u30 😱Read more

    • Day 3


      June 3, 2023 in Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      EP. 3 | C’è solo una domanda: “Perché dopo tutto quello che ho fatto mi hai trascinato giù?”
      Quesiti impressi sui muri alle porte dei dannati.

      L’inferno che continua- il nono cerchio, dedicato ai traditori degli ospiti, in terra di Montenegro in quel di Pogdorica, si susseguivano stati d’animo differenti e contrapposti, desideri di vendetta, speranze di poter recuperare l’amico di una volta tanto caro, rancoroso con sensi di vuoto. L’aspettative di quegli ex compagni delusi che avevamo investito su quegl’altri, svanirono come tempi che furono, di una madre patria-come una Russia di padre, non rimase che un ricordo vulnerabile e fragile di cui ne faccio parte anch’io al contempo.

      Se avesse capito o potuto capire a cosa stesse andando incontro? Quale sarebbe stata la contro-azione Putiniana più radicata?

      Stop stop un momento, per capirci, i riferimenti del discorso sono i seguenti che elencherò:
      Il cambiamento del passaggio da parte del Montenegro alla combriccola europea lasciando le tanto amiche Serbia e Russia.

      Probabilmente qualche cambiamento più o meno evidente nelle consuetudini del rapporto preventivo al tavolino con il vecchio amico di sempre, il filorusso e forse l’evoluzione che attraversa ogni patriota insospettabile che richiamò qualcuno al grido “al lupo al lupo”
      o una qualche temporanea urgenza emotiva che avesse “distratto” l’ex amico dal rapporto di condivisione per poi cancellare quel vissuto insieme di tante cose. Poco importa, di colpo si trovarono messi sul banco degli imputati, orfani di una parte di moralità e redenzione.

      Da una sponda l’amico su cui ci fu la proiezione della parte migliore di essi, quella che amavamo di più, fino a farlo diventare il loro “doppio” in cui potevamo rispecchiarci e finendo per essere come quelli che avevano appena traditori. La loro perdita porta con sé la perdita di una parte di ambo le parti.
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    • Day 2


      June 2, 2023 in Montenegro ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      EP. 2 | Vidi con i miei stessi occhi, un amico o più di uno perdersi nel tradimento più ideologico del termine, in base al posizionamento su cui posassero i loro piedi nel commettere un errore, con il dilemma di chi per loro reputassero spalleggiante nel momento decisionale, il dilemma sulla territorialità:

      O imbrocchi la direzione sbagliata, O semplicemente diventi il malvagio per costui

      E per qualche ragione...
      Le ragioni possono essere diverse, ma nonostante ciò alla fine, lo stesso rapporto che una volta fosse solido tra compagni patrioti, nel giro di attimi, il legame tra vecchi amici venne seriamente danneggiato, se non completamente spezzato. Invece d’affetto e comprensione, almeno uno di essi prova avversione, sfiducia e sdegno per gli altri, se non addirittura odio vero e proprio a causa di ciò che l'altro dannato non ha fatto.

      In un’ ottica futura come i verbi usati ma che possono essere al tempo passato:
      Può capitare ancora una volta, che i fratelli inizieranno a combattersi o evitarsi, portando alla fine dell'epidosio un senso separatista etnico, e ciò significa guerra sui confini per la conquista di fazzoletti da poter bruciare all’inferno tra i gironi infami di traditori.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Karađorđev Park, Karadordev Park

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