I woke up with a sore throat, sniffy nose and low energy level yesterday morning. Not sure, what’s wrong. So I treated myself to a decent breakfast hoping to get energy for the day. It didn’t help, I still felt weak. Anyway, I started cycling with lower intensity and much more breaks. This day has been the hardest so far. What kept me going were the nice car drivers and sometimes even the police. They honked, smiled and showed their thumbs up. Crazy what so little things can do with a person.
I finished my day in Kolašin and went straight to the supermarket to buy dinner. Then Josua showed up and started talking to me. Josua is from Germany and currently doing some backpacking with his friend Jonas in Montenegro. We get along very well and I join their camp a little outside of the city. It feels good to have some company now. We have dinner together and share some stories. Even better, they have a contact in Istanbul where my replacement pole for the tent can be shipped! Jackpot, thank you!!!
I felt a little worse this morning but still wanted to cycle to Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. At noon, I noticed that I’m feeling much better. The effort was absolutely worth it! I was rewarded with a scenic mountain bike road high up in the mountains without a single soul. One of the most magnificent places so far on this tour. The descent to Podgorica is long and the road is in good condition. Time for some speed!
What’s next? Well, tomorrow I will already enter Albania - one of the countries I am excited about the most!Read more
Traveler Magnifique
Traveler 🤣
Traveler En effet 🤭
Traveler Une journée bien remplie...