Žanjev Do

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    • Day 169

      Ladder of Kotor (Kotor)

      December 5, 2019 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Today we hiked the Ladder of Kotor. We were both excited to get out and hit the trail this morning with blue skies, 2 degree temperature and no wind. We have felt a little cooped up the past week with all the aftershocks from the recent Albanian earthquake.
      The Ladder of Kotor trail remains from the legendary route that connected Kotor to the ancient capital of Centinje. The trail climbs up the mountain from Kotor to the Krstac Pass at a altitude of 940 meters with more than 70 switchbacks and the most incredible views of Kotor, Kotor Bay and the surrounding mountain ranges.
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    • Day 10

      Susanne am Abgrund

      August 31, 2019 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Der Tag nach der Party begann viel zu früh, weil die Sonne fleißig auf die Zeltwiese schien und so die Temperaturen im Bus sehr schnell unerträglich wurden. Da wir aber erst mal in aller Ruhe frühstückten, duschten, Route planten und bloggten, waren die allermeisten anderen schon längst weg, als wir endlich aufbrachen. (Bis auf einige wenige Schnapsleichen - siehe Foto.)

      Die heutige Road Mission führte uns entlang der Bucht von Kotor, die wirklich wunderschön anzuschauen ist. Und die Straße mit den tollsten Panorama-Blicken führt eben an einem steilen Hang über 25 Serpentinen hinunter zum Meer. Susanne fuhr und war mal wieder am Schwitzen und Fluchen wegen der steilen Abgründe, unebenen Straße oder engen Kehren. Wobei man sagen muss, dass diese Strecke auf jeden Fall breiter und der Rand besser befestigt war als gestern die Piste zum Campingplatz. Dafür hatte man hier teilweise Reisebusse im Gegenverkehr - auf einer Straße, auf der sich schon normale PKW aneinander vorbeidrücken müssen!

      Nach reichlich Aufregung waren wir endlich am Meer angelangt und konnten der malerischen Bucht folgen, bis wir irgendwann ins Inland abbogen, um zur bosnischen Grenze zu gelangen. Vorher streikte Liese mal wieder - nach dem Tanken war es ihr zu warm, um gleich wieder anzuspringen. Also kühlten wir fleißig die Benzinpumpe und schwatzten derweil mit anderen Teams, die vorbeikamen, bis es nach einer halben Stunde wieder weitergehen konnte.

      An der bosnischen Grenze hatten wir die bisher längste Wartezeit (ca. 45 min) und brauchten auch die meisten Papiere: Ausweise, Fahrzeugschein, grüne Versicherungskarte UND Führerschein. (Bloß die Vollmacht von Jochen wollte noch niemand sehen - dabei haben wir diesmal sogar eine echte!)

      Gleich hinter der Grenze kamen wir in eine Polizeikontrolle - die erste, die wirklich mal Dokumente von uns sehen wollte. Auch sonst ist die starke Polizeipräsenz im Land auffällig. So vielen Polizisten sind wir in noch nirgendwo sonst begegnet.
      Ähnliches gilt für die Kühe, die hier ohne Zaun oder Leine direkt neben der Straße weiden und gern auch mal gemählich über die Fahrbahn schlurfen, wenn ihnen das Gras auf der anderen Seite grüner zu sein scheint. Zum Glück scheinen die aber bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit alle zurück im Stall zu sein.

      Wir schlichen auf gewundenen Straßen durch die Berge, in endlosen Kurven und Kehren immer rauf und runter. Die Landschaft war schön, aber wir waren müde und wollten auch endlich mal ankommen. Wir wechselten uns ab mit Fahren und Nickerchen machen und freuten uns über den Regen, der ein wenig Abkühlung brachte. (Und die Scheibe ist jetzt auch wieder sauber!)
      Als wir endlich in Sarajevo ankamen, war es schon dunkel und wir total knülle. Wir suchten uns eine kleine Pension mit Restaurant am Wegesrand und aßen dort erstmal, was auch immer der Kellner empfahl (war lecker), und waren froh, danach endlich ins Bett sinken zu können.
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    • Day 15

      Beklimming uit het dal van Kotor

      September 23, 2019 in Montenegro ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      De beklimming om uit Kotor was grotendeels in de regenwolken. We waren verbaasd dat we ineens een prachtig uitzicht op het dal hadden.
      We werden aangemoedigd door de pauzerende toeristen langs de weg. Kans dat dit gebeurde was echter groot sinds we een 10 tal bussen tegen kwamen die richting Kotor gingen.Read more

    • Day 14

      Kotor Fortress and Ladder Trail

      July 18, 2023 in Montenegro ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      It was time to leave Budva and head for Kotor. Although i arrived here on a day trip with Jack, this is the first time that I am planning on staying in the town. I checked out of my previous hostel, trekked down the hill, and went to the bus stop after a quick breakfast and coffee break. Budva was a nice coastal town that was very relaxed and chilled, but I could already tell that Kotor was going to be much more fun.

      When I arrived, I completed the short walk to the old town and found my hostel. They informed me that it was the boat cruise and the karaoke night. The boat cruise was already fully booked, but he said to be in the common room at about 7 for karaoke. I'm not a huge karaoke guy, but if I am, it needs to be 1am, and I need to be blackout drunk. So I was quite sure I wasn't going to karaoke. Either way, I headed to my room to drop off my bags and chilled for a moment. When I arrived, I met a Kiwi girl who was explaining her big night the night before. I was sure I was in a bit of a party hostel and keen for that night. I then explained that I was very keen to do the Ladder trail, which takes you right to the top of the mountain, overlooking Kotor. She was also very keen to do it but left the next day. She convinced me and a couple of the other guys in the hostel to complete the hike that afternoon. I was on board as it meant i wouldn't be doing it alone, and i could make some friends along the way. They were all really cool people, and the trek was awesome. We started by doing the fortress walls that begin the climb up the mountain. The steps were steep, and the sun was still very brutal, even at this time of the afternoon. We made it to the top, had a small break and took some photos before heading down slightly to crawl out of a window and begin the ladder trail to take you to the very top of the mountain. As you leave the fortress, you come across a little abandoned church made of cobblestone. It was cool. It felt like I teleported to someone in the UK. The ladder trail part of the journey was much easier as there were no stairs, and the zigzag approach they took when building it meant that the incline was never too great. Part of the way up the hill, there is a little house owned by an old man who has made a business selling beers and pomegranate juice. We sat down for a drink and enjoyed the scenery. The sun had started to set by this point, and so the views were incredible. The town of Kotor sitting within the bay began to look tiny, but the old town, made of stones, with the red rooves looked amazing from above. The mountains on the other side of the bay provide a beautiful backdrop, too. We had to continue, however, if we wanted to catch the sunset at the top of the mountain. We then set off up the hill, racing the sun to the top. We didn't get to the very top for sunset, but we still got to witness it from very high up and enjoyed sitting down at the top and admiring twilight. After a sit down and quick chat, we had all decided that we would be going out that night, and so it was best to begin the journey down to ensure we have time for drink. It was cool on the way down as the town began to become lit up with lights, contrasting the darkening of the sky. I took so many pictures because every time i looked, it was an even nicer photo opportunity than previous. As we approached the bottom, it was very dark, and we relied on our phone lights to get us there. But after quite a trek, we did eventually make it. We'll worth it.

      We headed back to the hostel and had a shower to get ready for the night. Once we all congregated at the hostel, we headed to the common room. Karaoke was in full force, and the room full of screaming girls put us off drinking there. So, as though I was 17 again, we bought a bottle of spirits and drank them in the park near the old town. This was cool as I got to bond more with the people I was with. Eventually, we were drunk enough to head to the first pub on the crawl. There was then a bar that sold different flavoured shots that were deadly. The Kiwi and I bought a couple each, and we were buckled. We eventually caught up with everyone at the next pub and continued drinking. A couple of pubs later, it was getting late. But, the Kiwi girl (who had a 7am bus to catch) proposed going skinny dipping. It is hard to turn down such a proposal when you're blind drunk and a cute girl is asking. We headed to the beach, went for a swim, and headed back to the hostel. By the time we were done, it was close to 5am, and the Kiwi set her alarm for 2 hours later. I felt for her as I was so excited to sleep in as long as possible tomorrow. And that's what I did.
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    • Day 10

      Trotz allem ein schöner Tag!

      August 31, 2019 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wunderschönes Montenegro 🇲🇪

    • Day 10

      5 Stunden 🥱😳😫🤮

      August 27, 2022 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      ...haben wir an der Grenze gestanden! Aber vorher war's super 😊

    • Day 94

      Almost Lovćen

      April 4, 2018 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Only in this region you get almost wasted with rakiya and laughs before starting a hike😂 This homemade booze makes climbing almost unnoticeable to your body and when you reach the top 🏔 you get drunk once again - seeing such a view😉Read more

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    Žanjev Do, Zanjev Do

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