Rabat Afternoon

So, group touring. It has been a long time since I have travelled on a tour. I’m a little cranky about the herd and time limits. I’m guessing this is also just adjusting to everything from myRead more
So, group touring. It has been a long time since I have travelled on a tour. I’m a little cranky about the herd and time limits. I’m guessing this is also just adjusting to everything from myRead more
Innerhalb der dicken Mauern einer ehemaligen Burganlage am Fuße der historischen Kasbah der Oudaya liegt dieser herrliche Garten. Es ist noch nicht heiß genug, die Brunnen stehen noch still, aberRead more
Reisebericht: Rabat und die Kasbah des Oudaias
Ankunft in Rabat
Rabat, die Hauptstadt Marokkos, liegt an der Atlantikküste und ist eine faszinierende Mischung aus moderner Stadt und historischerRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Matḩaf al Wadāyah, Mathaf al Wadayah, متحف الوداية
Traveler Morocco signed an agreement in 2020 to normalize relations with Israel. Lots of Jewish groups are coming through as a result. Yes, once upon a time there were lots of Jewish people in Morocco until they got kicked out.
Traveler Interesting history here.