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    • Day 93

      Everest Base Camp Trek - Day 5

      December 1, 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☀️ -9 °C

      Tengboche - Dingboche
      Dingboche rest day 4,350m

      We woke up really early in Tengboche to start trekking. It's better to start early so we have the afternoon in the next place and if you start too late, then you have to stop for lunch. We really enjoy stopping for lunch and not have to trek any further. It was pretty cold in the morning. We all started out in jackets and mitts, but took them off when the sun came up.

      We ended up by mostly trekking with a group of british people. We were around the same speed as them, and it wasn't until the end of the day when we slowed down that they went ahead of us. Most of the people we saw on the trail were people who we had talked to at some point, or at least recognized.

      It wasn't too hard at first, most of the day was a gradual incline with some flat and a bit of dowhill. At the end of the day however, it got way harder, when we got to the 45 mins of uphill and it ended up being a 6 hour day. Everyone who we had passed and all the signs had said we only had 30 minutes left, but it ended up being more like an hour and a half of trekking uphill!

      When we got to the first lodge, it was full so we had to go a little farther to the next lodge. We had lunch there and got settled and relaxed for the rest of the day!

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    • Day 9

      Day 9: Lobuche, Nepal.

      June 1, 2024 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      Trekked to Lobche, 5030 mtrs elevation. Temps have dropped dramatically but scenery remains amazing. Visited the memorial site of climbers and trekkers who have died at EBC or climbing Everest. Very somber experience.Read more

    • Day 14

      Der Rückweg startet 🙂

      April 29, 2023 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

      Um 8 Uhr geht es los.

      Zuvor war Papa noch schnell auf dem Kala Patthar 5545m 😅. Er ist um 4 Uhr los und kurz vor 7 war er schon zurück 💪🏽.

      Wir machen uns also auf den Weg zurück in die „Wohlfühlzone“. Ich bin da ehrlich. Unter 4800m fühle ich mich besser.
      Es ist ein langer Weg raus aus der Höhe. Begleitet von sehr vielen Heli-Flügen welche zum Everest Basecamp unterwegs sind. Ich stecke mir die AirPods in die Ohren und höre mir ein Hörbuch an. Das Café am Rande der Welt. Danke für die liebe Empfehlung an dieser Stelle. Kann es nur weiter empfehlen. 🙏🏽🙂

      Das Wetter zieht sich weiter zu. Ein eisiger Wind weht uns entgegen und immer wieder krümelt etwas Schnee.
      Kurz nach 15 Uhr erreichen wir unser heutiges Ziel. Eine sehr schöne Lodge auf 4410m Höhe. Kein Kopfweh mehr und der Schnupfen hat sich auch schon sehr gebessert 🙂.

      Wir geniessen den Nachmittag. Unsere Sherpas zaubern zwei kleine Flaschen nepalesischen Rum mit heissem Wasser auf den Tisch 🫣😅. Mal eine kleine Abwechslung anstelle jeden Tag Tee 😅.

      Nach dem feinen Abendessen fallen wir müde in unsere Schlafsäcke 😴
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    • Day 14

      Helikopterausflug zum Mount Everest (II)

      April 19, 2023 in Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 1 °C

      Bevor es wieder zurück nach Kathmandu geht, machen wir eine Zwischenstation am Hotel Everest View, wo Frühstück geplant war. Mir war allerdings immer noch flau im Magen, also fragte ich nur nach Kaffee und Keksen - die sollten aber trotzdem US$31 kosten, also blieb ich bei meinem Wasser 😅

      Letztendlich kann ich nur sagen, es war einfach atemberaubend😍😍😍 Ehrlich gesagt, habe ich eine ganze Weile gebraucht, um zu realisieren, dass ich nicht nur in den Alpen bin😅 Aber wow... diese 2 min draußen in der Nähe des Mount Everest Base camp... wegen der Höhe bzw. dem Sauerstoffmangel dachte ich müsse kotzen 😅🫣 hatte bis abends noch Kopfschmerzen, aber es war jedes Leid und jeglichen Stress wert🥰

      (Es gehen nur 20 Bilder pro Footprint, und bei so einem einmaligen Erlebnis musste ein zweiter her 🤣)
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    • Day 94

      Everest Base Camp - Day 6

      December 2, 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☀️ -10 °C

      Acclimization day: Dingboche

      On our rest day, we slept in until 8:30, which is sleeping in late for trekking. Usually, we have already been trekking for a half hour by this time and have been up since 6:00 a.m. When we woke up, it was below freezing in Dingboche and the windows all had ice in them.

      We stayed in Dingboche to acclimate and just relaxed for our rest day. My parents hiked up higher and figured out the trail for the next day so we wouldn't get lost, while me and Neve stayed at the lodge and read.

      In the afternoon, we read some more until 1:00. Then, we had lunch and headed over to the bakery.

      Everyday, the bakery here has a movie showing at 2:00. They have movies about helicopter rescues in the mountains, the Dawn Wall and Free Solo. Today, we got to watch Free Solo. We have seen Free Solo before, but it was really cool to watch it at an elevation of over 4,000 meters! We ordered tea and hot chocolate for the movie.

      When the movie was finished, we went back to our lodge to read and organize our stuff and start packing it up. Because our shoes are just regular running shoes and have ventilation, my parents decided to tape up the toes of our shoes with tuck tape so they will hopefully be warmer. It is supposed to be -10 tomorrow morning when we start trekking.

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    • Day 10


      September 13, 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      It’s Anita’s birthday today so we all signed a post card and gave it to her.
      I had the best jam for breakfast. It’s was red so presumably it was a berry but it was straight up bubblegum flavored. Delish!
      Today was another acclimatization day so we didn’t have to pack up our big duffels huzzah! Our shit is everywhere 😅😅

      Getting water organized is way harder the higher you go.

      Off we went for another fun climb. 😂
      We went from 14,400ft to 16,100ft in 2 hours.

      Today was hard. Had real issues breathing but not only that it was really cold but we were simultaneously also overheating. And then came the rain which made the whole experience quite miserable you normally do it for the views but there were none 😂
      Still in the damn cloud. Bit annoying, hopefully it does clear up.

      Me, Will and Anita went extra slow today.

      We were all fucking dying and our bloody Sherpa guide was so UNCHALLENGED he was clipping his fucking nails as he walked.
      I was busy hyperventilating. Maybe I’ll clip them next time 🙄

      Soooooo happy when we reached the top. We stayed there for about 20 mins and got some
      And back down we went.
      Ahhh,much better haha.

      We saw a vulture on the way which was cool.

      We have had our lunch and our daily nap. Have to pack our duffels tonight 😩

      Went down for dinner. Because it’s Anita’s birthday the sherpas organized a cake and present for her (beanie) they also each presented her with a traditional silk scarf thingo.

      The sherpas put tiger balm on our temples and noses to help with our colds and Anita goes:

      “They have banned that is some places actually because it’s made from real tiger”

      I can’t.

      How is she a person.
      Like, I like her but man is she painful!

      I’m not very hungry atm but trying to make myself eat.
      Decided to pack tomorrow morning which I will absolutely regret but can’t really do now cause my sleeping bag is out.
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    • Day 9


      September 12, 2019 in Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Today was the first day I successfully closed my duffel bag without assistance.
      My morning fun also included a nose bleed.
      Off we went.
      It was an easy start today going downhill until we reached a bridge. The old one lay nearby destroyed us the 2015 earthquake.
      Then we went up up up. There is a lot of big boulders covered in white script.
      We eventually arrived at the Pangboche monastery, a stop a lot of people miss because you have to climb higher to reach it.
      Me and Will were super keen because it’s home to the famous Yeti skull.
      Pangboche is the oldest Sherpa village.
      The monastery was built in the 16th century.

      It cost 250 rupees to enter.
      Hated taking off my shoes my feet reeked!
      Inside wasn’t as nice as yesterday’s but it was still cute. Much smaller and less WOW factor but still had lovely artistry and paintings etc.
      the yeti skull and hand were in a locked box. Very cool. I don’t know if they have ever been examined (can’t check no wifi 😅) but I’d love to know more about them. The hand is huge and the head has fur rather than hair. They look like real bone to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
      Very cool. Wish we could take photos but at least my entry ticket which is in my written journal has a pic.

      We then had tea in a tea house just above. I gave a dog a few biscuits and it followed us for the next hour and a half to the next village. Haha
      There was also a ratty kitten, I would love to squeeze but it had yucky ears :(

      1.5hour walk to our lunch spot. For my hot drink today I had hot grape and really liked it.
      Our dog friend seemed to know some of the dogs and abandoned us to go play. 😍
      Today’s hike was my favourite, after lunch we then kept climbing but it was a gradual and not a suicide mountain.
      I did roll my ankle but my boots saved me.

      There were 2 sections of the trek that killed me. Due to falling rocks you had to be super quick to cross.
      We saw some wild yaks. The wild ones are fluffier.
      The river we have been following for day one finally and to a fork. The left side was being fed from island peak and the right was from the Everest glacier.
      I drank little water today cause I’m pretty sure my hand sanitizer got into my water supply when I clears the nozzle.

      We arrived!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
      We are always, ALWAYS in the tea house furthest from the entrance gate.
      We had tea. (Love this system gets your fluids up)
      Got my sleeping bag out for the first time. Dinner then bed.
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    • Day 39

      Pausentag in Dingboche

      October 19, 2016 in Nepal ⋅ 🌫 16 °C

      Wanderung zum Nagarsang Peak, mit Wolken aber immer wieder schönen Fenstern mit guter Sicht.
      Mobilfunk geht nicht mehr, dafür gibts in den Lodges jetzt teilweise "Everest Link Wifi". Somit kann es ab jetzt zu längeren Pausen kommen, wo hier nichts passiert.Read more

    • Day 46

      Von Gorak Shep nach Pheriche

      October 26, 2016 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Man glaubt hinunter läuft es von alleine, aber dem ist nicht so. Man muss zwar nicht so viel Schnaufen aber dafür melden sich die Kniegelenke. Und wir können es immer wieder gar nicht fassen, wer da alles unterwegs ist, selbst dreieinhalbjährige Kinder werden hier hoch getragen.Read more

    • Day 141

      Fleeing elevation :)

      December 2, 2016 in Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Starting today, we're going downhill and my headache is thanking me! The fast and steep incline above 5000m yesterday was a bit too much... ;)

      We got to our guest house in the early afternoon and took a half rest day. Most of the afternoon, I played Nepali, Swiss and German card games with fellow hikers and guides. Feeling great and energized again!Read more

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