New Zealand
Middle Peak

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    • Day 37

      Mt Cook - ein/das Highlight Neuseelands

      December 17, 2022 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Auf der anderen Seite der Alpen hatten wir mit dem Ausblick deutlich mehr Glück. Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein konnten wir die schneebedeckten Berge um Mount Cook bewundern. Ein bisschen Weltschmerz war aber auch dabei - 90 Prozent des Eises sind an den 12 größten neuseeländischen Gletschern bereits verloren gegangen. Und das sieht man auch.

      Das Leben im Van will organisiert sein, also nahmen wir uns zur Abwechslung mal wieder einen bezahlten Campingplatz, um Wäsche zu waschen. Wir konnten uns mit der Auswahl des Standplatzes glücklicher schätzen, als unsere Nachbar:innen. Die teilten ihren Van schon sehr bald mit einem Opossum :-)
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    • Day 42

      Aoraki & Lake Tekapo

      December 18, 2015 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Na het bungy avontuur van Mike besloten we richting Mount Cook (Aoraki) te rijden en omdat het weer steeds beter leek te worden besloten we helemaal door te rijden tot een park dat er vlakbij ligt en vanaf waar je een mooi uitzicht hebt op alle bergen in de omgeving. Het was een heldere nacht waardoor we ’s avonds laat genoten hebben van de sterren aan de hemel. Dit gebied is namelijk 1 van de vijf ‘International Dark Sky Reserves’ ter wereld, omdat de lucht hier vaak helder is en er geen lichtvervuiling is van grote steden. We hebben hier het gordijntje van Jeanette open laten staan bij het in slaap vallen, fantastisch.
      De volgende ochtend was het nog steeds prima weer en dus waren we min of meer verplicht om de ‘hoerenloop’ van Nieuw Zeeland te lopen (Hooker Valley Track). Het is een drie uur durende return trip naar de voet van Mt. Cook en daar hadden we eigenlijk weinig trek meer in na onze Routeburn trekking. Maar op een heldere dag schijnt dit een geweldige wandeling te zijn die je niet mag missen. Dit was voor Mike een van de mooiste momenten van dit land, wat een genot om hier rond te lopen. Vooral het uitzicht over het Hooker lake dat voor de berg ligt met de spiegelingen van de berg op het water en de ijsschotsen in het water. Maar ook al was het weer fantastisch, het vege lijf was eigenlijk aan wat rust toe na onze Routeburn trekking. Waar Anika het na deze trip wel welletjes vond, besloot Mike nog even op en neer te lopen naar de Tasman gletsjer, aangezien de Franz Josef en de Fox op een kleine teleurstelling waren uitgedraaid en de Tasman de grootste van NZ is. Bij aankomst aan de top was het eerste wat je zag een bord met daarop de tekst: “Where is the glacier?”. Nu ook weinig meer van te zien dus, maar het Tasman lake waar vroeger de gletsjer lag was mooi om te zien. Na deze enerverende dag besloten we door te rijden naar Lake Tekapo zodat we aan de rand van het meer de nacht door konden brengen. Ook hier is de lucht in het donker geweldig, echter hebben we dit niet meer meegemaakt en lagen we lekker te slapen.

      De volgende dag stond officieel in de planning als ‘rustdag’ na al het wandelgeweld van de laatste week. En waar beter te ontspannen dan in de Lake Tekapo Hot Springs met uitzicht over het meer zelf. En hoe het mogelijk is weten we niet, het weer was weer fantastisch en dus hebben we uren lang genoten van de ligbedjes en het warme water.
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    • Day 170

      Mount Cook

      February 21, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Mount Cook ist Neuseelands höchster Berg. Wir liefen durch das Hooker Valley, um uns den Berg aus der Nähe zu betrachten. Leider schoben sich immer wieder dicke Wolken vor den 3 724 m hohen Gipfel, sodass wir diesen immer nur sehr kurz zu sehen bekamen. Trotzdem war es eine schöne und einfache Wanderung, die sich definitiv gelohnt hat :)Read more

    • Day 149

      Mt Cook National Park

      February 11, 2017 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      The road to Mt Cook wasn't particularly long but it was pretty dramatic. Not in the same way as normal, where the winding roads reveal more and more of the hillsides and coastlines, this was a pretty flat road, quite high up on a plateu of golden grasses and tussocks that blew in the wind and caught the light as far as the eye could see. Small alpine forests dotted the landscape too and then in the distance to mountains range revealed the stunning, snowcapped Mt Cook on the horizon. It was perfectly framed by the mountains around it and the expanse of grassland around us, the road ahead heading straight down the middle. There were barely any cars on the road and it felt pretty desolate.
      The closer we got to the mountains the more amazing they looked. Then we got to Lake Pukaki, a huge lake that the road hugged on route. It was the most amazingly bright aquamarine shade of blue that it just didn't seem real. The dull green and golden grass landscape with rocky grey mountains was cut through the middle with this brilliant blue that really should have belonged to tropical islands.

      We stopped for several photos on route and eventually arrived at the village of Mt Cook where we stopped lunch with the amazing backdrop of the mountain. Barely a cloud in the sky!

      A man eating next to us advised that we do the Hooker Valley walk as you get amazing views and you can see the Glacier at the end with icebergs in the Lake! We were sold, so off we went as it was a 3 hour return and we didn't have hours to spare.

      We heard another siren at the beginning of the walk, they are like air raid sirens and you can hear them all through the valley. We have since worked out they are to alert of an emergency as many emergency services in the remote areas rely on volunteers. Still kept a lookout for an avalanche though! Just in case.

      The walk to the viewpoint was beautiful. Not to up and down which was good, today was meant to be an easy day after all the walking.
      The valley was filled with grasses, tussocks and flowers including huge daisies and dandelions. We also managed to find one Mt Cook Lily which I was on the hunt for, it was a very beautiful flower.
      Every turn looked like a postcard picture, the mountains, valleys and little rivers of milky blue and grey just creating the perfect frame.

      The mountains were just incredible to look at and I counted at least 8 glaciers in view at one time. I also managed to fall over whilst looking up in awe and counting.

      The wind on the walk picked up massively the closer to the mountain we got, it was like a huge wind tunnel. The swing bridge closest the viewpoint was so so windy whuch meant it moved even without you walking. Very entertaining to walk across! You might as well be drunk.

      The view of the lake and the Glacier that terminated there at the bottom of the huge Mt Cook was awesome. It was a perfect cliff of ice that just disappeared back into the crevices of the mountain. And there were the icebergs too, three of them floating in the Lake, all shades if white, grey and blue. A pretty awesome sight.

      On the way back Rob chambered over rocks in streams to get some great shots and we watched as the once clear mountain tops started to gather cloud. They were just hugging the very tops and then been dragged down the sides by the strong winds. It looked a bit like they were falling down, like a cascading river of cloud that eventually disappeared into a wispy nothing.

      After seeing My Cook in all its glory we headed towards Tekapo. It is another stunning lake and a bug tourist attraction. It is quite amusing what people find so fascinating in these places. The Church of the Good Shepherd is one that draws crowds of photographers so that you can't really photograph it without several people in the way. We weren't too fussed. It is cute, but the crowds lessen the attraction. What was most strange was the the wedding dress and suit. They quickly changed out of it at their car so who knows...maybe just a photoshoot? Very odd!

      Our drive from Tekapo to.our free camp for the night took us past more amazing lakeside views and we saw lots of eagles too. In fact one such eagles flew right across the road ahead and had we not slowed down we would have smushed it, it was big!

      After a very bumpy Road down the bluest canal I have ever seen, we pulled up amongst the many other campers and enjoyed some soupy rice before settling down to sleep as we were once again exhausted!
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