Kuzey Makedonya
Kuzey Makedonya

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    • Gün 19

      Day 19: Skopje

      1 Kasım 2023, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Today, I've been exploring the city center of Skopje. As Skopje is not very known for city trips, I didn't have an idea what to expect from this city, honestly. But I was wrong; my (barely existing) expectations definitely have been exceeded!

      I started my day with the visit of the Old Bazar, which completely surprised me. This quarter has so many things to offer, such as cozy cafés, restaurants and shops. Strolling through the alleys was definitely fun!

      My second stop today has been the Fortress of Skopje, just a couple of minutes away from the Bazar. The entrance to the fortress has been free of charge, the only thing was, that it has been "at own risk", as it was written...

      As last part of the day, I passed at the modern city center, where also many shops are located.

      I need to admit, that I had certain concerns about North Macedonia before I came. After todays experience, I'm convinced from the opposite. The locals are very friendly, starting conversations just on the street and letting you feel welcomed in their country.
      Someone even asked my "why are you visiting Macedonia?". Well, from tourism aspect, the country is still developing but exactly that's the charm of it. Tomorrow I'll visit the country side and I'm already curious about seeing more of North Macedonia!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 24

      Pure magic and cold spell

      17 Nisan, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

      I woke up well-rested in my comfortable hostel bed this morning. My only room mate was Lothar from Germany. He did some backpacking with his son in Albania and was about to catch his flight back home. We had breakfast together that was prepared from Fatima with much love. Eggs from their chickens, cheese from a local supplier, freshly baked bread and self-made fig jam - yummy! Fatima is the hostel owner and like a mommy. She makes sure that everyone has a decent meal and feels like home. As Lothar wanted me to leave with enough energy for the day, he shared half of his breakfast with me. Thanks again Lothar!
      Fully energized and thrilled about the upcoming day, I left the hostel in pouring rain. Not so fast! Fatima is waiting for me outside - lovely hug, kiss on the cheek and off I am.
      It didn’t take long and I was soaked again. I don’t mind the cold and rain very much. I know that my panniers keep my stuff dry and I will have a hot meal for dinner and a dry tent for the night. So, I had great fun today like a little kid playing in water puddles. The construction workers on the side of the road were just shaking their heads.
      It was also nice to be accompanied by an elderly couple from Zurich in their Jeep. I met them in the hostel as well and they waited for me twice on the side of the road. Come and have a coffee and snack with us in a warm restaurant! Thanks again Verena and Hans. I thankfully refused the invitation as I was making good progress and in my flow (never break the flow).
      When I reached the summit, I had a brilliant view over Lake Ohrid and it stopped raining. That was pure magic.
      Then I went to a bakery to spend my last Albanian Lek on Burek, Donuts and Croissants - awwwr that’s so much food today! But I needed it for the mountain climb on the other side of the lake. Having arrived there, the temperature dropped significantly. It was up to 30 degrees the previous days and up here on 1500m it’s only 3 degrees. Massive drop! But I can finally get out my warm clothes and sleeping bag. One of the best days including the longest climb.

      Thanks Albania! I felt super safe here on the road. The traffic was so much better than expected and you crazy horn abusers motivated me non-stop. Loved it!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 25

      Winter came back

      18 Nisan, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ 🌨 -1 °C

      Woke up in the middle of the night because of a thunderstorm. I had to go out and secure my tent with more tent pegs. My fault, should have done this right away.

      The morning was bitter cold with -2 degrees and it was still raining. I had breakfast and went back to my tent hoping for the weather forecast to be true - warmer temperature and less rain in an hour.
      After half an hour or so, I woke up and opened my tent. Everything was covered in snow. What!? Okay, I need to get off this mountain as quick as possible. The road was covered in snow too. To my surprise, my tires did a great job uphill as well as downhill.
      I made it down and met Barbara. We were both amused as we share the same trouble. She still had to cycle up that mountain. Hope you made it to the other side!

      Annoyingly, the dogs in North Macedonia seem to be very active too. They tirelessly chased me down the road a couple of times. They were big and faster than me. I had no other choice but to stop. Otherwise they would‘ve crossed my direction and I had hit them with my front wheel. That would have been a disaster for me and the dog. My method worked pretty well and they soon had lost interest. It’s not that I’m afraid of them, such situations are just super annoying.
      I only spent one day cycling in North Macedonia and I know that this country has so much more to offer. But the weather forecast is lousy and I prefer warmer climate for now. Maybe next time!
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 179

      Mrdaja Beach

      24 Nisan, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Endlich sehen wir wieder das Blaue des Himmels hinter der rötlichen, unerträglichen Sandschmiere. Auf unserem Stellplatz am See wurden wir mit Kuckuckrufen, Vogelgesang und Froschkonzert empfangen. Wie schön. 🙂🙂. Nun können wir uns langsam wieder an die "Zuhause Zeit" gewöhnen.
      Ja, ihr habt richtig gelesen. Zu Hause sind wir zwar überall, weil wir unseren Charlie ja dabei haben (oder er uns🤔), aber da es notwendig geworden ist, zwischendurch mal in die Heimat zu reisen, gibts ne Unterbrechung und die Türkei muss ein wenig warten. Doch aufgeschoben ist ja nicht aufgehoben.
      Leider wurde es am frühen Abend noch notwendig, abzufahren. "Jungvolk" kam zum Zelten nebenan und ihr "ntzntzntz" übertönte den wunderbaren Sound of Nature. Adios Amigos.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 28


      23 Mayıs, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Die bootstour war sehr schön mit 2 Haltepunkten bei denen ich dann auch noch ein wenig gewandert bin. Der oridsee ist ca 560qkm groß, der Gardasee ist 570 groß. Also echt riesig. Bis jetzt ist es noch nicht so überlaufen wie am Gardasee und auf jedenfall eine Reise wert.die Umgebung ist sooo schön es gibt viel zu entdecken. 2 Tage sind viel zu wenigOkumaya devam et

    • Gün 27

      In den Bergen Nordmazedoniens

      4 Haziran, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heute hat es uns in die Berge verschlagen. Erst haben wir eine Wanderung gemacht. Als wir losgehen wollten, kamen plötzlich drei Busse voll Schulkinder, die den gleichen Gipfel erklimmen wollten. Wir haben schnell alle Sachen gepackt und sind los, dass wir auf jeden Fall vor ihren sind. Das hat gut geklappt und wir sind ihnen dann erst beim Abstieg begegnet.
      Natalie hat ihre erste frei lebende Landschildkröte gesehen.
      Später sind wir dann Off-road quer durch die Berge zum Ohridsee.
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 1


      27 Temmuz, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Hello everybody!
      Our road trip to the Balkans has began. We started our Saturday morning early, made our sandwiches and started the long journey through Greece - our final destination for the day was Skopje, North Macedonia. The majority of the journey I was driving since the roads were familiar and I wouldn’t get too nervous with where I’m going. On the way, we listened to a little bit of music (Gojira 🤘🏼mostly since this is Lampros’s favorite at the moment) and then a couple of podcasts that I’ve been following. We made a stop in Almyros, Volos and bought a couple of coffees. Just before the Greek-North Macedonian border control, Lampros took the wheel and led the way. We had our sandwiches and finally arrived in Skopje around 16:30 local time (N.Macedonia is an hour behind Greece). The host at the booking we had booked was very friendly and kind, helped us use the car-lift for the parking and told us where to eat and hang out in the city. We left everything in the room and headed off exploring!
      Skopje is a small capital city and everything is approachable by walking distance. Their currency is dinar which equals to 61D=1€. We visited the stone bridge, which is a symbol of the town, the Macedonia square, the national theatre and the old town Bazaar. We also saw the statue of brothers and apostles of the Slavs, Cyril and Methodius - the Byzantine empire sent these two brothers from Thessaloniki to teach and spread Christianity to the Slavs - they also created the alphabet these countries use, also known as Cyrillic alphabet. (Τι σου κάνει η ιστορία της Ε δημοτικού!! ααααχ!) There were a lot of street musicians (mostly Roma/Gypsies), and we noticed a lot of Muslims too (from the scarf around their heads). The old town Bazaar had a lot of jewellery shops, with lots of gold/silver pieces in the windows, I presume meant for the weddings they do. The weird/funny thing is that all the magnets/memorabilia you can find say “Macedonia” instead of “North Macedonia” which is the correct name for the country. Also, they have a lot of Alexander the Great related souvenirs (should they? Not sure🤔). After our walk in town we went to a mall to have a look at the shops and wandered around a super market to buy snacks for tomorrow. We came early back at our room to get some rest cause we have a very early start tomorrow! Stay tuned! 🩷
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 5

      Am Ohridsee

      5 Eylül, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Heute ging es quer durch die Mazedonische Bergwelt auf abenteuerlichen Wegen und katastrophalen Straßen Verhältnissen. Der nächste TÜV wird wohl teuer....bestimmt jedes Gelenk am Fahrwerk ausgeschlagen...ohje.
      Der Ohridsee schmiegt sich traumhaft in die Bergwelt an.
      Den Ort Ohrid wollten wir uns anschauen aber wie so oft hat uns die Parkplatz Situation einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht. Es blieb bei einer Sightseeing Tour im Auto.
      Mit dem Campingplatz haben wir es wieder gut getroffen, direkt am Wasser mit Restaurant und den dazu gehörigen Getränken. Als Highlight gab's eine gebratene Ohridsee Forelle und ich kann euch sagen "Vom Feinsten"
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 45


      8 Eylül, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ein wirklich tolles Städtchen! Von den Deutschen zwar schon längst entdeckt, aber trotzdem nicht überlaufen. Viele Klöster, Kirchen und alte Häuschen und dank des warmen Wetters wirkt der See eher wie ein Meer 😊
      Hier bin ich am späten Nachmittag angekommen und habe den Abend und die Nacht verbracht. Nordmazedonien wird für einen zukünftigen Urlaub gemerkt 👌🏻
      Okumaya devam et

    • Gün 238–241

      Ohrid See

      9 Eylül, Kuzey Makedonya ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Der Ohrid See gehört zu den ältesten Seen der Welt. Er liegt zum größten Teil in Nordmazedonien, ein kleiner Teil liegt in Albanien.
      Laut Wetter App soll es in einer Stunde anfangen zu regnen und am Donnerstag erst wieder aufhören. Die Natur wird sich freuen, wir weniger. Entlang des Sees gibt es nämlichen einen schönen Radweg, den wir gerne antesten möchten.
      Der Campingplatz Sunrise ist klein, Platz für ca. 6 Wohnmobile. Liegt direkt am See mit eigenem Strand.
      Links von uns stehen Slowenen. Total nett und freundlich. Rechts von uns stehen Deutsche. Ich bin gerade so fassungslos und muss das jetzt schreiben. Nach der überschwänglichen Herzlichkeit, die wir hier im Balkan erfahren haben, fällt diese Unfreundlichkeit der Deutschen noch mehr ins Gewicht. Grüßen wird überbewertet, Gesicht wie 10 Tage Regenwetter und nur mies gelaunt. Wahrscheinlich hatte sie 1 Woche keine Verdauung. Anders kann ich mir das nicht erklären. Aber ich finde soetwas einfach nur 💩
      Okumaya devam et

    Burayı şu adlarla da biliyor olabilirsiniz:

    Republic of Macedonia, Ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien, Macedonia, FYROM, Macedonië, Masedonia, ማከዶኒያ, مقدونيا, ܡܩܕܘܢܝܐ, República de Macedonia, Masedoniya, Македонія, БЮР, Македония, Macedɔni, ম্যাসাডোনিয়া, Makedonia, Makedonija, Macedònia, Makedonie, Makedonien, Makedonia nutome, Π.Γ.Δ. Μακεδονίας, Respubliko Makedonio, Makedoonia Vabariik, Mazedoniako Errepublika, مکدونیا, Meceduwaan, Entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia, Makedónia, Macédoine, Rèpublica de Macèdonie, Masedoanje, An Mhacadóin, મેસેડોનિયા, Republika Makedonija, מקדוניה, मैसिडोनिया, Makedonska, Macedónia, Մակեդոնիա, Republiko Macedonia, Lýðveldið Makedónía, マケドニア旧ユーゴスラビア共和国, მაკედონია, ម៉ាសេដន, ಮ್ಯಾಸಿಡೋನಿಯಾ, 전 유고슬라비아 마케도니아, Komara Makedonyayê, Res publica Macedonica, Masedwanɛ, ແມຊິໂຄເນຍ, Masedwane, Maķedonija, Република Македонија, മാസിഡോണിയ, मॅसेडोनिया, Maċedonja, မာစီဒိုးနီးယား, Republiek Makedonien, म्याकेडोनिया, Voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek Macedonië, Republikken Makedonia, ମାସେଡୋନିଆ, Republika ning Makedonia, Była Jugosłowiańska Republika Macedonii, د مقدونيې ولسمشريزه, Macedônia, Republika Makedoniya, Fosta Republică Iugoslavă Macedonia, Республика Македония, Ripùbblica di Macidonia, Dásseváldi Makedonia, Maseduäni, Macedónsko, republika, Makadooniya, Republika e Maqedonisë, மாசிடோனியா, మేసెడోనియా, Ҷумҳурии Мақдуния, ประเทศมาซิโดเนีย, Republika ng Macedonia, Masitōnia, Makedonya, ماكېدونىيە, колишня Югославська Республіка, مقدونیہ, Ma-xê-đô-ni-a (Macedonia), Makedonän, Republika han Macedonia, Orílẹ́ède Masidonia, 前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国, I-Macedonia

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