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    • Day 37

      Reaching Hageseter

      July 18, 2024 in Norway ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      I suppose it was optimistic to walk in just a shirt when the previous day I had walked past several spots where snow was still lying on the ground in the sheltered places. But I did. And it wasn't long before I had decided that it was a good idea to have something warmer over my shirt.

      From Fokstugi, the trail follows a small river straight up to the west before turning and heading north. There is still some climbing to do but not at such a steep gradient. The trail meanders in and out, and up and down over rocks, streams, little marshy areas, and all sorts of boggy ground. In some places, planks and logs have been placed across the deeper swamp to assist.

      Around lunchtime, the trail started to descend into Furuhaglie, where there's a campground with a cafe. It was too much to resist, and I went the 200 odd meters off track to lunch there. One big burger later, I was ready to hit the trail again and head to Hageseter.

      Shortly after Furuhaglie, there is a zone of permafrost just to the north of the track, with some storyboards explaining both the significance of the site and the dangers that we bring if it is damaged.

      The trail now starts to go alongside some lakes and marshy areas along the bottom of the valley. None of this is easy walking for me right now as I don't see to be able to pick it easy line through the rocks and the mud and everything else. It slows me down considerably to have to look and evaluate how I am going to walk each of these little obstacles.

      I have a room tonight in the main building, not in a cabin. I am grateful for that.
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    • Day 37

      Day 14: can't. stop. walking.

      June 20, 2016 in Norway ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

      Today, for the first time on this trip, my legs feel like rubber! After almost 35km, I'm completely tired so I'll keep it short. It was a beautiful day, I crossed a canyon in the morning which was really fun with lots of scrambling, slid down another show field, crossed two mountain ranges and by the end of the day I was so done that I am treating myself to a real bed and a dinner of locally caught elk in a mountain hut.

      Picture 3 shows you my pack, my faithful friend (who still needs a name by the way, let me know if you have any suggestions). Typical for a sunny day, the solar panel is strapped on top to charge a battery pack which I use for my smartphone and satellite phone. Also typical some "laundry" I did earlier in the day, hanging off it to dry. And my jacket stuffed between the pack and lid for fast access, should if get cold quickly. Ooh and the orange bag on the left holds my tent poles.

      Fact of the day: This of the most northern point I will visit, it can only go south (and west) from here ;-D
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