Madre de Dios

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    • Day 63

      A Weekend in the Amazon

      January 3, 2020 in Peru ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      So we spent a weekend in a lodge just outside of Tambopata nature reserve in the Amazon rainforest. That was an interesting experience! We waded through flooded rainforest, got eaten alive by mosquitoes (and definitely caught some sort of mild jungle fever), and sweat profusely 24 hours a day. It was a swampy, stinky, insect ridden dive into the jungle, and we really enjoyed it!
      Despite the trouble adjusting to the heat (and the need to be coated in deet at all times) we ended up having a great taste of life in the jungle. We tried local food (chicken and rice wrapped in bijao leaf) I found my new passion in life; taking long naps in a hammock, and Charlotte became best friends with a jungle cat. Not to mention the wildlife! We saw giant otters, Capuchin monkeys, red howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys (and red squirrels that weren't monkeys) macaws, parrots, parakeets, a black tarantula...'s leg, and hundreds of species of butterfly. Oh and one really weird looking mushroom. Even though we weren't so lucky with some of the more infamous Amazonian fauna like Anacondas and Cayman, it's a wild place and what you get to see is pure luck, we still really enjoyed our stay in the Amazon. Although ultimately that might just be the jungle fever talking.
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    • Day 65

      Amazon adventures continued

      January 5, 2020 in Peru ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      More antics in the amazon including monkey Island (not the best photos) but we did get to feed them up close and personal which was an amazing experience 😍 before they realised we had no food left! Needless to say they got alittle angry about this, so we had to make a quick exit with the help of our tour guide distracting them with a few left over apples 😅Read more

    • Day 65

      Amazon adventures pt3

      January 5, 2020 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      More of our adventures in the amazon, from ziplining, canapy walking, chilling in hammocks and meeting fellow travellers it was such a great experience all round, even though it was humid and full of mosquitos 😂😅 we still enjoyed every second 😊Read more

    • Day 59

      Lago Sandoval 290m

      November 6, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Ce magnifique lac se situe dans la région de Puerto Maldonado, la partie nord de l'Amazonie péruvienne. 🇵🇪

      Nous avons levé le camp à 4h30 du matin pour marcher dans la jungle et nous rendre aux abords du lac. 🛶🐟
      Puis nous continuons notre aventure en bateau d'abord par un bras du lac puis sur l'étendue pour en observer la biodiversité.

      Du singe au caymans, en passant par les peroquets et les loutres de rivière ( espèce en voie de disparition) nous avons eu la chance de contempler ces créatures de l'Amazonie.
      S'en suit les innombrables végétaux, les ficus géants et les mythiques liannes...
      J'ai même eu la chance d'en escalader un comme un singe. 🐒🙊
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    • Day 60

      Puerto Maldonado/ Rio Madre de Dios 180m

      November 7, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Arrivé dans la ville de Puerto Maldonado depuis Cusco par le bus de nuit , dans un véhicule fort étroit pour ne pas dire désagréable. 🚌🚍

      Après ce petit périple nous avons rejoint notre logement qui se site au abords du fleuve Rio Madre de Dios. 🏞️

      Tout s'est ensuite enchaîné, l'île aux singes , du kayak sur le fleuve, un repérage nocturne de Cayman , la pêche au piranhas et même une marche de nuit dans la jungle pour y observer les tarentules. 🕷️🕸️🐊🎣
      J'ai aussi pu nager dans le fleuve à mes risques et périls. 🏊
      Bref un image vaut mille mots comme on dit ...
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    • Day 76

      Puerto Maldonado - La Selva

      November 30, 2022 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Dernière étape au Pérou avant le Brésil, nous entrons dans l’Amazonie, la fameuse. Petit jungle tour de 2 jours pour vivre entre les tarentules, moustiques, perroquets, jaguar, singes, caïmans et plein d’autres de plantes de toutes les couleurs.

      Difficile de tous les prendre en photo, on était plutôt avec les jumelles !
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    • Day 59


      May 4, 2023 in Peru ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Allinllachu, so sagt man Hallo in Quechua. Dies ist die Sprache der Uhreinwohner des peruanischen Amazonas, wo wir die letzten Tage verbracht haben🌴🌳Nach einem Flug zum Flughafen Puerto Maldonado ging es mit dem Boot über den Fluss zu unserer gemütlichen Dschungellodge ✈️🛖🌴 Strom gab es hier nur 3 Stunden am Tag und Empfang erst recht nicht, also ziemlich gut für ein Handydetox und Dschungelerlebnisse 🌿In der Lodge wurden wir auch gleich sehr herzlich von unserem Guide Jhonatan und unser Mitreisenden Chinesin namens Sushi begrüßt👋🏼
      Auch wenn Jhonatan mit 33 Jahren wie alle Peruaner sehr klein ist, hat er dafür ein umso größeres Wissen über Tiere, Menschen und sämtliche Pflanzen des Regenwaldes, wie wir in den vier Tagen feststellen konnten🌾🦜🪶

      Angefangen mit einem Canopy Walk und Zipline in schwindelerregenden 40 Metern Höhe und einem Nightwalk mit Vogelspinnen und Skorpionen waren wir am ersten Tag erstmal ordentlich beeindruckt🕷️🦂 Am nächsten Tag ging es dann in den Tambopata Nationalpark, wo wir Kaimane, Otter und Vögel beinah hautnah erleben durften🐊🦜🦦 Auch ein Piraña fishing, der Besuch einer nativen Familie und das füttern von Affen auf Monkey Island durften natürlich nicht fehlen 🐠🪹🏺🐒🍌

      Der Höhepunkt war jedoch das Eulenwatching mitten in der Nacht von den Hängebrücken aus, welches Jhonatan ganz exklusiv für unsere kleine Dschungelfamilie (Kim, Timon & Sushi) angeboten hat🦉🌙✨

      Abgerundet hat das ganze dann das fabelhafte Essen des local Kochs und gemütliche abendliche Runden mit peruanischen Rum 🥃🍛

      Alles in einem ein echt unvergessliches Erlebnis (dennoch mit tausenden Moskitos) und ein top Abschluss in Peru 👑🌴🌾
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    • Day 36

      The Amazon

      June 6, 2023 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      After taking a night bus from Cusco (the same day we finished the Inca Trail... we were very tired and smelly 😂), we arrived in Puerto Maldonado. This city is the gateway to the Peruvian Amazon. We spent the first day there resting and hanging out by the pool before embarking on a 3 day Amazon tour.

      The first day of the tour had a driving to the edge of the Tambopata River and then boating down to the jungle oasis where we would be spending the next few days. The oasis itself was very cool as it was surrounded by rainforest! After lunch we spent some time cooling off by the pool (the rainforest is very humid)! We then went on our first activity which was a rainforest walk to a look out tower for sunset. During this walk we got to go into the rainforest for the first time and try and spot some wildlife! We luckily got to see some howler monkeys and some toucans! Our guide Rodrigo used this portable telescope thing to zoom into so we got a closer look at the animals... We also used this to get some epic photos throughout the trip! The look out tower was very tall and allowed us to be above the trees for an incredible view of the jungle and the sunset. We then walked back to reserve to start our second activity. For this activity, we were in the boat at night looking for caimans. We got to see a few different caimans, some tiny baby ones and one bigger adult one! One of my favourite parts of this activity was the stars. It was one of the best places to see the stars I have ever been to! We then had dinner and went straight to bed! It was cool getting to fall asleep to the many sounds of the rainforest.

      The next day we had an early start at 4:30am. We got into the boat and went for 45 mins along the Tambopata River to arrive at the clay licks. This is an amazing natural phenomenon where hundreds of macaws and parrots gather on this clay wall in the morning to lick the minerals off of it for food. This was probably my favourite part of the trip (though it is tough to choose a favourite because everything about the rainforest was epic)! It was so stunning to see all of these birds in their natural habitat. There were so many types and different coloured ones and the sounds were crazy. This was such a special and unique experience and I loved just getting to sit and watch the birds for a few hours. We then had a picnic breakfast before going for a wildlife spotting boat trip. We saw another caiman and about 14 capybaras! These were so fun to see in the wild and we were able to get close to them in the boat as they relaxed on the shoreline. We then returned home for some free time before lunch. Afterwards we set out for our second activity of the day: kayaking. Angus and I shared a two person kayak and then paddled down the river. We tried going upstream for a while but made hardly any progress 😂 so we paddled downstream the rest of the time. We had more paddling experience than the rest of our group so we got quite a bit ahead of everyone, which was amazing. It really just felt like us and the Amazon. We had so much fun just paddling, chatting, looking for animals and birds, and just enjoying the view. We then stopped at a little island where we were able to swim in the river! The water was very refreshing and we both loved getting to swim in the Amazon! Our final activity for the day was a night hike in search of nocturnal animals and insects. We saw lots of spiders and bugs and even a tarantula! I was paranoid about the snakes above my head the whole time (we didn't see any snakes though so that was good) so I was looking up at the trees instead of down for insects, which ended up being a good thing as I spotted a sloth! I felt so satisfied cause everyone else walked past it except me and the whole group were so impressed that I found one!

      The last day began with a boat ride and then a hike. On this hike we got to see lots of different plants. We saw the life tree, which was massive! We also drank water from this bamboo tree (it was actually really good). We ate a termite (tasted minty and better than expected) and this sugar cane type thing that everyone thought was too sour and I thought it tasted like candy! We also had some of this leaf and our guide didn't tell us the use until afterwards... It is used as a local anesthetic so it makes everyone's mouth go numb for a few minutes! We also saw some more monkeys on this walk! Overall it was a really nice hike. We stopped at a mammal clay lick but didn't get to see any mammals. After the hike I went for one last swim in the river before packing up and going home!

      Overall, we LOVED the rainforest. Angus and I both agree that we want to come back and have 2 weeks just to be in the rainforest the whole time. The wildlife was beautiful and just the vibe of the place was awesome. Absolutely loved my time here.

      This was our last stop in Peru and while writing this, we are currently in Bolivia. I loved Peru. I felt like we got to see and experience so much yet I also feel like there is so much more I want to do! Like Ecuador this is definitely a country I will be coming back to. I loved how we could be surfing on the coast then in a desert then in the mountains then in a rainforest all in one country. There was great infrastructure for tourism which made traveling and busing here very easy. The food was great and the people we met were very kind. Overall, Peru was beautiful, fun, and so diverse. Sad to be leaving but excited to keep the adventure going in Bolivia!
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    • Day 107

      Dschungel #2🎣🛶

      November 9, 2023 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Kayak fahren, Ziplining, Angeln, ... all das erwartete uns am sogenannten "Action-Day". Wir hatten eine Menge Spaß mit unseren tierischen und menschlichen Friends! Neben den ganzen Ausflügen war aber auch reichlich Zeit um am Pool oder in der Hängematte zu entspannen.Read more

    • Day 68

      Manu Nationalpark 🇵🇪

      February 5 in Peru ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir haben die letzten drei Tage im Amazonas verbracht, genauer gesagt im Manu Nationalpark in der Nähe von Cusco. Der Park ist 17.000 Quadratkilometer groß! Den großteils des Parks darf man nicht betreten, um die Tiere dort zu schützen und deswegen haben wir uns nur am Rand in der “buffer zone” aufgehalten. Den Großteil der Zeit haben wir damit verbracht, durch den Dschungel zu laufen. Dabei haben wir Affen, Papageien, Schlangen, Tucans, Kolibris, Tapire und vieles mehr gesehen. Es war nicht einfach die Tiere zu entdecken, da sie gut getarnt sind. Aber unsere guides hatten geschulte Adleraugen und das richtige Equipment dabei, sodass wir viele Tiere entdeckt haben. Nach Einbruch der Dämmerung haben wir uns mit Taschenlampen bewaffnet und uns auf die Suche nach Insekten gemacht. Junge, junge wir haben gigantische spinnen, grashüpfer, Skorpione und Kröten gesehen und ich war froh, als wir sicher wieder im Camp waren. Der Ausflug war sehr beeindruckend und ich habe gespürt, wie gewaltig der Dschungel mitsamt seinen Bewohnern ist! 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios Jach’a Suyu, Рэгіён Мадрэ-дэ-Дёс, Мадре де Диос, Departament de Madre de Dios, Region Madre de Dios, Madre de Diosin alue, Région de Madre de Dios, Regione di Madre de Dios, マードレ・デ・ディオス県, მადრე-დე-დიოსი, Regio Fluminis Matris Dei, Madre de Dioso departamentas, Wilayah Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios-regionen, میڈری ڈی ڈیوس, Madre de Deus, Mayutata Suyu, Мадре-де-Дьос, 马德雷德迪奥斯大区

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