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    • Day 5

      V.B.S’ing with La Libertad

      July 8 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      V.B.S. = Vocational Bible Study
      Today was all about spending time with the villagers … keeping to our theme of L-♥️-V-E and livin’ water 💦!

      A bit of a later start this morning but off to the village we went along the Rio Nanay about 9:15am.

      Festivities began at 10am with prayer and BiG thanks to God for the day.

      From there it was go time…

      - “Be the Light Project” where kiddos (and mamas) colored a design themed on Matthew 5:16, which says “… let your light shine before others …”. A reminder to them to let their light shine (gifts) that God blessed them with to shine bright to glorify God.

      - Aprons for the ladies … and the men!!!!!! These were made by a woman’s group, and each have a small label stating “Made with Love” to remind them they each are love and loved.

      Before these were handed out, a story behind the apron was read to them (see pic).

      - Jewels on the ♥️’s of the villagers. Elsi (interpreter) and I went around to all the ladies, young and old and put a sparkly gem over their ♥️’s.

      Union Break! Lunch and a tour of the water well project for us. But not for Pastor David and his few contractors he brought with him to help him build the water well enclosure. Pastor David was equipped with his tape measure, a rectangle type contractors pencil (that reminded me of what my grandfather and dad used to build fences - ya know the one???) and a few DeWalt skill saws. A roof were coming to life!

      They were showing us that the water well wasn’t quite ready, as it would take a few days to flush out the dirt from the pipes from the drilling. So every so often, a generator would fire-up for a few minutes, let a bunch of water out and then shut down. What a process but this water well will be their source of life! All thanks to Jesus and His living water. 🙏🏼

      After a few minutes, back to community center we went for …

      - Handmade dresses for the girls. These were made by the same church group and “made with love” but also from a fellow team members wife we sewed some for the village girls as well. The extras were handed to a woman who was in charge of the lady villagers, to hand out as girls outgrew the ones they chose today.

      - Zappatos for all! Woman and children first and then the gents snagged a pair of shoes from the variety we had available. God provided a new pair of shoes for each and every one of the villagers! Amen.

      - But wait there was one more thing … Dolls and stuffed animals for all!!!

      Through this process I was able to take in all the sights, each team members interactions with children and families, and all of God’s goodness. The grateful hearts that surrounded us was enough to make one’s cup runneth over.

      I did spot one young lady, Ariana… with a “Faith, Hope, Love” t-shirt. Our eyes locked and she was a must-meet for me. Anyone who knows me, knows I am a HUGE Tim Tebow fan. Don’t believe me… I still have my Broncos #15 jersey ready for the Broncos next super-bowl! 🤪

      Another heart-full day!

      Amen ✌🏼🤍🙏🏼
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    • Day 2

      Hola Iquitos! Campus Livin’

      July 5 in Peru ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Arrived in Iquitos to warm rain … warm, refreshing rain. As you all know, I’m not a dancing in the rain type of gal. I prefer to be warm and dry … but today … I embraced it. Embraced where I was, content with the unknown of what was to come and faith knowing I was exactly where I needed to be. (Mike’s pep talk sure sunk in and always grateful for his words/support).

      The drive to our campus in Nina Rumi (home for the week) wasn’t bad at all! Some paved roads and some dirt… oddly familiar feel as the small shacks lined the roads and people bustled along on tuk tuks. But what was different was the dogs appeared fed! Hallelujah! No dog food stop for us this trip.

      Campus is quaint, clean and lush green. Boys cabin and girls cabin … bunk beds in each, along with showers and bathrooms. Running water but no hot water, which is a bit rough given I do appreciate a hot shower. But not complaining!

      We had about an 1/2 hour to get settled in and then kids and families arrived. They packed the campus hall with smiles and excitement. Worship happened (Mike’s favorite part 🤪), then Venetia came in to get the kiddos hyped for the activities.

      - Water fight
      - Corn hole
      - Hair accessories
      - Bracelets and Necklace making
      - Nail polish; apparently Tawnya does pedicures too! She was thrilled! Lol
      - Potato sack races

      The kids enjoyed the day and even moms and grandmas joined in the fun when the kiddos weren’t. And that’s when I met this beautiful mama… she approached me (as I was taking a moment for myself) and put on a handmade bracelet she made with her own supplies. Her deep dark brown eyes were so kind and warm. Besides my go-to “gracias”, I had no words. So I did what I knew … gave her a hug and repeated “Gracias” muy mucho.

      Our paths crossed again at the end of the day when T and I were finishing the nail polish station and even showed off my bracelet to where Josh (fellow team member) bought 5 bracelets from her and I snagged a few too! She was so very grateful and before she left, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug goodbye. Wish I snagged her name…

      Dinner was catfish, steamed veggies, potatoes, plantains and a salad mixture. While I don’t eat fish… catfish brought a flood of memories on my Grandpa Ernie and his love of catfish. Many fishing trips on his brown boat in the Sac River catching what he saw as dinner and I saw as a pet. (It’s a story for another day but ol’ Grandpa Ernie… have to 🤍 him and his ways. Mind you he was also the grandpa that made me eat a hot tomato with salt one time in a field 🤢).

      Night concluded with journaling and giggles from my lady mates. Tomorrow off to the village Momonicello (village District visited last year) to drop some seeds to plant food but seeds of hope and love.

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    • Day 6

      House Visits + V.B.S La Libertad

      July 9 in Peru ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      It’s Day 9 of our travels and being away from home sweet home… away from my comfort zone and all my loved ones has started to wear on this introvert a smidge. Probably a bit homesick and also on Day 3 of Cipro (Google that if you need to know what that med is for 🫣) so to say that today started with a bit of a challenge may be a bit of an understatement.

      But God had other plans for me… This morning I was asked to pray over breakfast and for the day. Ever been asked to pray when it’s the last thing you feel like doing? That was me this morning! But God put prayer in my path so I prayed. It wasn’t my best performance but the team gave a big AMEN and then we (more like they) feasted.

      On a trip back to our cabin before we left, I was about to walk out of our room and felt the need to grab my Bible. Grabbed it and put it in my backpack just in case.

      My plan for me today was to be a supporting role (comfort-zone) and just quietly go about my day. But this was not God’s plan for me either today …

      We got to the village and Pastor David called me over to him for a one-on-one and showed me another Bible he was gifted, that had two Bible verses handwritten from the gifter; Mateo 24:14 and Marco 16:15. He told me to not see myself as small but that with God in my heart, I am big and can do great things! And to go out today and allow God to talk through my heart to the people of La Libertad. Ugh… the tug at my ♥️ with those words.

      The first half of the day started with these home visits, where we were welcomed into the villager’s homes, granted the opportunity to pray over them and was able to reconnect with many of the villagers we met yesterday during VBS.

      Pop quiz! What does VBS stand for?

      And as Pastor David promised … God’s strength and words arrived and Tawnya and I prayed for and with these people. From medical issues, to over babies and simple prayers for hope, faith and love (Tebow!) Tears flowed and hugs exchanged. Amen. 🙏🏼

      Remainder of the day was f-u-n! Fun with the men! Fun with the ladies! And fun with the kiddos of course! Gerri did a demonstration on planting seeds (Please tell me you have read LCP’s newsletter on planting seeds!) and then each received some seeds to plant, nurture and grow just like we need to do with our faith. Remember … Faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains!

      And I totally redeemed myself with sunglass! They were a hit! 😎 (Guatemala gave me a big thumbs down 👎🏼 on the el’ sunglass-os so this was a big highlight for this gal!)

      Kiddos meanwhile flew kites, played soccer, jumped rope (I even joined in for about 60 seconds) and my new amiga, Ariana, asked me to play volleyball with her. It was liked getting picked first to play kickball! And one of our team members did dance lessons at the school. Soooooo good! 💃🕺

      Team is pooped. Villagers are pooped. God is good.

      Amen. ✌🏼🤍🙏🏼
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