Province of Iloilo

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    • Day 2–10

      Maligayang pagdating sa Iloilo

      November 5, 2024 on the Philippines ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      “Willkommen in Iloilo”

      Am 5. November sind wir nach drei Flügen (Zürich-Doha-Manila-Iloilo) und ca. 15h in der Luft gut aber müde in den Philippinen angekommen.
      Unsere Versuche, während unseres längsten Fluges zwischen Doha und Manila zu schlafen, um möglichst sanft in die neue Zeitzone zu gelangen und sachte in den damit verbundenen Schlafrhythmus zu finden, sind weitgehend gescheitert. Als wir gerade zum ersten Mal endlich in einen tieferen Schlaf gefunden hatten, ging auch schon das Licht im Flugzeug wieder an und das Frühstück wurde serviert. Zwei Stunden später sollten wir in Manila landen.

      Am Flughafen von Iloilo wurden wir von Patricks Onkel Oscar abgeholt. Er fuhr mit uns zum Haus von Patricks Familie und er hatte bereits lecker für uns gekocht.
      In den folgenden Tagen hat er uns überall hin begleitet, wofür wir sehr dankbar sind.

      Die ersten paar Tage haben wir hauptsächlich unserem Jetlag und der Eingewöhnung im vorübergehenden neuen Zuhause gewidmet.
      Wir haben uns mit der Umgebung (wieder) vertraut gemacht, im Nachbarschaftspool geplanscht, Onkel Nelson einen Besuch abgestattet und den Tag mit Patricks Cousin Carl verbracht.
      Wir haben uns durch verschiedene Spezialitäten durchprobiert, so zum Beispiel die Süssigkeiten Turon und Halo-Halo sowie viele verschiedene Fisch -und Reisgerichte.

      Oft haben wir uns unterwegs gefragt, wie die Dinge hier funktionieren. Dabei mussten wir mehr als einmal feststellen, dass die Abläufe für uns nicht immer einleuchtend sind, sie jedoch meistens funktionieren- wenn auch mit Umwegen oder etwas langsamer als wir es uns von zu Hause gewohnt sind.

      Nebenbei schmiedeten wir die nächsten Reisepläne, was bei der schlechten Internetverbindung gar nicht so einfach war.
      Nach etwas mehr als einer Woche ruhigem Betrieb, sehnten wir uns wieder nach Aktivität und bereiteten uns auf unser nächstes kleines Abenteuer vor.
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    • Day 133

      Iloilo City

      March 21, 2023 on the Philippines ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Questa impronta in realtà é solo per ricordare il viaggio che da Romblon ci ha portati fino a Moalboal. 36 ore di viaggio in totale!
      Siamo partiti alle 2 di notte da Romblon, arrivando alle 10 a Roxas city. Lì abbiamo preso un tuktuk triciclo fino alla stazione dei bus insieme ad altre due Filippine! Sempre con loro
      abbiamo preso un van fino ad Iloilo e abbiamo chiacchierato del più e del meno! Erano davvero molto gentili! Arrivati ci hanno offerto un passaggio fino al porto e abbiamo conosciuto il figlio di una delle due, un bambino di 8 anni che conosceva tutti gli stati del mondo, le capitali e le bandiere! Un vero genio!! Salutate le nostre compagne di viaggio prendiamo un altro traghetto notturno da 14 ore per arrivare a Cebu City (dove poi passeremo gli ultimi giorni nelle Filippine), poi una jeepney per la stazione dei bus ed infine l'ultimo bus per Moalboal!

      La fortuna dei traghetti nelle Filippine é che il posto a sedere è un letto, quindi si può all'incirca dormire. Gli aspetti negativi sono che non spengano le luci e noi eravamo nella sezione "economy" senza aria condizionata e faceva decisamente caldo eheh.

      Naturalmente appena arrivati doccetta e nanne ahah. Un viaggio indimenticabile...
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    • Day 51

      Ausflug in Iloilo

      September 11, 2022 on the Philippines ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Nachdem wir am Vortag nach Iloilo geflogen sind, haben wir heute einen Ausflug zu einer Gartenanlage gemacht und haben dort zu Mittag gegessen.
      Zum Abendessen waren wir in einem Restaurant am See verabredet.Read more

    • Day 21

      Rest day

      April 6, 2018 on the Philippines ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Decided not to go in today and had a lie in until about 10am. I then needed to go get my visa extension from the immigration office. Emma came with me as she needed hers too. We had been told to wear smart covered clothes and so we dressed appropriately. We got there to find that they wouldn’t let Emma in the room as she didn’t have covered shoes on! This caused a bit of a fuss as we needed to get them today. Eventually a woman came out and said that if she was paid 500 pesos she could do it for Emma and she wouldn’t even have to go in the room. We weren’t entirely sure if this was legitimate but she came out of the office so we kind of had to go with it. Had to also pay 1000 extra to get it done same day, otherwise they were going to keep our passports until next week! We had to wait an hour for it to be done so we went to a cute coffee shop to get a frappe and some brunch. I had banana Nutella waffles that were delicious. We eventually collected our passports and headed over to SM city shopping mall to get a few bits ready for the weekend. We headed back to the house and I sat and did a bit of planning for my Palawan trip next weekend. We then had dinner and went out for desserts as it was some of the girls last nights. Had so much cake that we could hardly move! Then headed home to pack and go to bed as we had an early start the next day.Read more

    • Day 7

      Isla Gigantes day 1

      March 23, 2018 on the Philippines ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Up at 4.30 which was painful! Got a van between 10 of us to drive us to the boat port. I slept for the whole way, so tired! People on the trip were: Emma, Hannah, Tegan, Sophie, Emma S, Keziah, Claudio, Laura and Anne.
      Lots of waiting around but eventually got shown to our boat. Had to walk across a dodgy looking gang plank and hope we didn’t drop our bags in the water!
      The boat resembled a spider with floats out on sticks at the side. Not particularly sea-worthy. We had an hour and a half journey where we thought we were going to capsize. Got completely soaked through to the point where I might as well have jumped into the sea.
      After a sketchy journey, we arrived at an incredibly beautiful island, with white sand and clear blue water. We were greeted with a fresh seafood lunch of clams, chicken stew and rice. The meal was made slightly uncomfortable by all of the stray dogs begging around us and red ants clinging everywhere. The rooms were cute wooden huts with 6 beds in each. Some electricity but no phone signal to be had.
      We then went for a dip in the sea which was heaven. Perfect temperature, just beautiful.
      Next we got changed and ready to go on a hike up to some caves on the island. It was a hard hour long hike, clambering over rocks with blistering heat and humidity.
      Eventually got to the top and found some pretty magnificent caves - Pawikan cave or sea turtle.
      Lots of interesting geological features and photo opportunities. 3 chambers with holes up at the top so you could see the sky. Stood on a precarious rock to get a great photo. Had to get help on the way down as there were some pretty tricky parts with big drops down the sides.
      Made it down and rewarded ourselves with another swim in the sea.
      Then had dinner, bbq pork and fish with more rice. Drinks and card games followed, which sort of escalated to the point of some people being completely smashed. Lots of fun and good to bond with everyone.
      Eventually all got to bed at about midnight.
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    • Day 24

      Obs and gynae day 1

      April 9, 2018 on the Philippines ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Up at 7am to have breakfast. French toast, bacon and syrup, my favourite! Excited to see some babies being delivered. Was on shift with Prachi who has been on O&G for ages so she was going to show me the ropes. Had to get changed into fresh scrubs and then made our way onto the ward.
      Here there is a private room for paying patients and a delivery room with 2 beds in it for those that can’t afford to pay. Next to the delivery room is basically a holding room for women to labour in. There are 3 “beds” but usually at least 5 women in there, some of which have to stand up. They are shouted at and told to be quiet if they make too much noise!
      They are assessed intermittently for cervical dilation and only when they get to 10cm are they moved into the delivery room. There are no partners allowed and so these poor women have to go through it all by themselves. Saw 2 deliveries both of which had episiotomies, both seemingly unnecessarily. Once baby is delivered it is taken into a room next door and assessed then put in a little crib away from Mum. There are posters everywhere about the importance of early skin to skin contact and breastfeeding but this just doesn’t happen. Some of the babies are in this room for hours before they get given back to their Mum and so don’t get fed. We spend our time in between deliveries cuddling the babies and trying to comfort them.
      One delivery happened in the holding room as the baby basically just fell out! There was no sense of urgency to help the poor woman.
      Stayed in the delivery room until midday and then headed back to the house. Had some lunch and then went to my room to relax for a bit. After this I sat and made plans with Hannah, Emma and Lisa to go to Cebu weekend after next. We booked our flights and hostel so now all of my weekend plans are sorted until I come home. I also did a bit of laundry from the weekend.
      We had dinner and then decided we wanted to go out for a glass of wine. Went to a place 10 mins walk from our house in a hotel. It was a rooftop bar but unfortunately there was a thunderstorm and so it was raining heavily. We sat inside and had wine and cocktails which was really nice. Headed back at around 10pm and video called Roger which was really nice. Had a good catch up for over an hour and then headed to bed.
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    • Day 25

      Obs and gynae day 2

      April 10, 2018 on the Philippines ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Had an afternoon shift today so was able to have a lie in until 10.30am! Got up and had some breakfast then chilled out for a while until I had to go in. Was on delivery room again but with Cristina today who is a midwife. Saw 3 deliveries today, 1 of which was actually completely normal and quite nice, no episiotomy! One of them Cristina spotted in the holding area and could see the head so tried to tell the doctors to come in. They eventually tried to get the woman into the delivery room by which time the baby was half way out! Bit of a shambles really. Cuddled a few babies and finished at around 5.30pm. Then headed back to the house for dinner. We then went out as a group to get massages. It was at a place called Spa Riviera which was a jeepney ride away. There was an overwhelming smell of lemon as I went in which actually made me feel quite sick! We were given robes and slippers and got changed ready to go. We decided to have hot stone massages which actually felt really nice. The main issue I had was that my masseuse kept burping and coughing throughout and so it wasn’t really very relaxing. It did last an hour though and only cost about £7, not bad really. Got given some peppermint tea after but mine was far too hot to drink. We then got in a taxi back to the house and I went to bed.Read more

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    Province of Iloilo

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