Stare Miasto

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    • Day 2


      September 9 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute morgen, nach einem ausgewogenen Frühstück (ich habe mir gottlose viele Gewürzgurken hintergeworfen, man glaubt’s kaum), fuhren wir in die Innenstadt, um uns paar Wahrzeichen und die Altstadt anzusehen. Besonders angetan hat mir es der Kulturpalast - amazing, wonderful, stunning. 🤩
      Das Bild mit den zwei hübschen Kerlen (very respectfully) ist im Sächsischen Garten entstanden. Königs August II. der Starke, dessen Herzen wir in Dresden aufbewahren, hat den Garten 1713-1733 angelegt. Von dort aus sind wir in die Altstadt, welche 1949 bis 1955 originalgetreu wiederaufgebaut wurden ist, da alles bis auf die Sigmundsäule im zweiten Weltkrieg zerstört wurden ist.
      Tschüss Polen, jetzt geht’s weiter nach Litauen 🇱🇹
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    • Day 3

      Warsaw - open air history class!

      October 22, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Warsaw Day! The capital of Poland is imposing. The guide that the Polish team chose was fantastic! He was able to keep our team's attention throughout the visit and made himself understood all the time, always trying to rephrase his speech to make himself understood. A three-hour walking tour of the city has led us to remarkable historical times for the world and for Europe, namely the latest and most terrible world war. Despite the massacre to which the Polish people were subjected in this war, the shock that came to our guide was evident throughout our visit when he realized that there was an even more tortured people within his own country - the Jewish people. We went through various places of interest. We saw the modus operandi of the German army, its cruelty and the destruction it has caused in the city, leading to its near total destruction. It is therefore amazing to see how the Polish people dedicated themselves to the complete reconstruction of the city and carried out a brilliant and Herculean task.
      The Soviet presence is also very evident and its biggest symbol is the imposing Palace of Culture - a replica of the palace of the same name in Moscow. From the top you can see the whole city, making the obvious exercise of recognizing the places we have been to before.
      After lunch it is fun time! Learning by doing! The interactive Science Museum brings knowledge and tests individual capabilities, increasing critical spirit and leading to knowledge in a sustained but also empirical way. From physical dexterity to the sensory part, going through pure knowledge of the laws of physics and science, anything is possible here.
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    • Day 39

      Explored the cbd

      June 15, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today we went into the cbd to have a look around. It was really clean and there were no people wigging it in the streets like Perth. We ended up stumbling upon an old style area that was lined with lots of regal looking parliament type buildings. The carparks for the buildings were filled with crazy cars, I saw a maybach and a la Ferrari. The old area also had a bunch of nice freo style restaurants with alfresco areas to sit. We had lunch at one of the restaurants and got polish dumplings, which are called pierogis. They were insanely delicious, I got a mix of 9 different vege ones and there was only one I didn't like. It was $24ea which I feel like is pretty cheap considering we were in a very upmarket area. After lunch we kept walking through the old area and saw a big religious gathering of people wearing red robes and burning stuff in swinging cans. We checked out the river which had nothing much going on, just bushes on either side, and then came home.Read more

    • Day 160


      June 23 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Die Stadt bekam 2023 die Auszeichnung „European Best Destination“. Im Krieg total zerstört, wieder aufgebaut ist die Altstadt im UNESCO WELTKULTURERBE aufgenommen worden.
      Eine wirklich sehenswerte Stadt mit ganz viel Geschichte.
      Wir sind viel gelaufen. Jetzt außerhalb der Stadt in Chriściechów auf einem privaten Grundbesitz mit Strom, Wasser, V+E. Und das Beste: Kostet nix. Der Besitzer hat uns sehr nett empfangen und will kein Geld. Das ist total ungewöhnlich und super nett.
      Jetzt habe ich zwei Stunden meinen Rücken wieder in Form gebracht und bin ein neuer Mensch 😅
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    • Day 18

      Warsaw, Poland

      September 19, 2019 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      First day in Warsaw. I went at the hostel to let my bag pack and rest a little. I then wanted to start visiting the city. When I got out, it started to rain but when I saw the colors in the sky combined to the discovery of the old center, the rain didn't matter.Read more

    • Day 2

      De turismo por el centro de Varsovia

      September 6, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Primer día en Polonia!

      Unas cuantas compras, un poco de orden con el equipaje y a explorar la ciudad.

      Con mi nueva aplicación para comprar billetes de bus, me dirijo al casco antiguo de Varsovia. Allí encuentro calles sacadas de cuentos, edificios de colores y algún monumento.

      Una vez vista esta parte de la ciudad y con los souvenirs en el bolsillo toca volver a casa a comer.
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    • Day 5

      Day 143: Warsaw Old Town Hangs

      June 1 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Following a great night out, we consumed many perogis and ramen packs for breakfast to start our post-hangover healing. Christian and Lucas reached out and asked to meet us in Old Town.

      Similar to other European Old Towns, the square looked like a perfect little Christmas market with colorful houses and cobblestone streets. We met in the garden and watched a parade of furries march down the street. Christian and Lucas were also nursing hangovers and didn’t really remember getting home or saying goodbye.

      It started pouring rain so we ran to a craft brewery. Lucas was struggling with his single beer so he headed to the hostel for a nap. Christian continued walking with us through the Karolina Park gardens and Barbican Castle until it downpoured again! We ran into a beer garden and had some mulled wine/shot. Lucas re-emerged anew, met us at the beer garden, and we got a text from Jonas and Wilheim for a dinner meet up 😃

      The original squad reformed and we enjoyed a lovely 3 hour dinner and more liters of beer. We learned that every person at the table actually worked in software, whether they were true developers, product managers, or technical leads; we all agreed to open an international business together should our jobs not work out 🤣 We closed out the restaurant and talked in the square a bit more before returning home.

      The final agreement was to meet up in Belgium or Netherlands for another bar crawl the next weekend.

      Bazyliszek Restaurant
      Same Krafty Vis-a-Vis
      Kuchnia Warszawska Rynek

      Chicken Liver
      Tomato Salad

      Warsaw Old Town
      Karolina Lanckorońska Park
      Warsaw Barbican
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    • Day 42

      Warsaw WWII City Walk

      July 7, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      This morning we took a train from Krakow to Warsaw and did a VoiceMap World War II walk. Warsaw’s story is fascinating and unique - the city was occupied by Nazi, but put up significant resistance in multiple uprisings, starting with Jewish ghetto uprising. After squashing the resistance, Nazi punished Warsaw by destroying 90% of the city. As a result, the entire city for laying in ruins and rubble after the WWII. And yet, it has been completely rebuilt, often using the same bricks and almost always, using the same designs. So, today it’s a beautiful city, with rebuilt old town, and an interesting mix of architectural styles.Read more

    • Day 79


      August 14, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      On arrive vers midi à Varsovie. On part arpenter les rues de la vieille ville sous un soleil de plomb. La ville se prépare pour le 15 août qui est la fête des forces armées. Il y a des drapeaux partout. C'est une visite express mais qui donne déjà un bel aperçu.
      On se fait une petite pause déjeuner avec des pierogis. Un délice...
      On reprend la route vers le sud. Pas le temps de s'attarder. On vise d'être en Roumanie dans 2 jours. On reviendra visiter la Pologne l'année prochaine 😊
      On s'arrête après 1h30 de route dans une prairie au bord d'une rivière. Il fait encore bien lourd mais la fraîcheur arrive avec le coucher de soleil.
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    • Day 23

      Warsaw - Day 1

      August 3, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Met up with the germans and americans from the prior night to watch a women's world cup game just after lunch. Had to bring my backpack with me because i was now homeless. Still wasn't sure if i should stay one more day in gdansk or make my way to warsaw.

      Ultimately figured its probably best to get moving again and caught a bullet train to warsaw. I cant believe it got me there in 2 hours. All the other trains were 3.5 to 4 hours from what i saw online.

      Checked into my hotel in really pretty castle plaza and walked around taking in the city. Everything here is much bigger in size than gdansk. Was pretty tired so i found a quiet craft beer place to relax. But matt the bartender was incredibly colorful and engaging. Met antoine from france too. We chatted for a few hours but he had an overnight bus to lithuania and had to go

      Then met lovely maria and jakim from norway. Chatted a long time and then they wanted to show me some other nearby places. Maria went to university in warsaw, so she knew some great hidden spots that i never would have found. I usually have a pretty strict rule of no shots but they were so hospitable and kind that i felt saying no wasn't really an option. Another late finish but the trip is so close to over, and I'm fortunate to meet so many nice people every day. Trying to enjoy every minute and maximize my opportunities
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