Armamar Municipality

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    • Day 19–20

      Weintasting bei der Quinta do Vilar

      October 19, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Dieses Mal beweist Lena ihre Google Maps Skills auf der Suche nach einem Ort im Douro-Tal, an dem man biologischen Wein degustieren kann.

      Wir landen bei Maria, Inhaberin der Quinta do Vilar, einem Weingut und Bauernhof.
      Wir verbringen ein gemütliches, unglaublich feines und selber zubereitetes Znacht mit Maria mit Roséwein, Rotwein und Portwein.
      Nach einer Nacht mit Bobby auf dem Hof gibt's noch eine Führung auf dem Hof und einen Kaffee, bevor es weiter geht.
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    • Day 2

      Finga genießen und Pedro besuchen

      September 4, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Heute sind wir mit einem gemütlichen Frühstück auf unserer Terrasse gestartet. Das Highlight des Tages war der Besuch auf dem Weingut Avigados. Pedro hat uns in die Welt des Douro-Weinanbaus eingeführt. Nach einer spannenden Degu wurden wir mit einem bombastischen, traditionellen Mittagessen verwöhnt.
      Den Tag ließen wir am Pool und Grill ausklingen.
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    • Day 5

      Das Duoro-Tal...

      October 24, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      könnte auch Tal der Verzauberung heißen, so groß sind Schönheit und Zauber seiner Landschaften.
      Von Porto aus, wo der Fluss mündet und wo auch die an seinen Hängen produzierten Douro-Weine (Tafelweine) und der Portwein (Likörwein) anlanden, können wir diese Kulturlandschaft, die als Weltkulturerbe klassifiziert wurde, kennenlernen.
      Auf einer Route entlang der Aussichtspunkte mit den schönsten Ausblicken müssen wir den Fluss von Norden nach Süden und umgekehrt überqueren. Aber auf dem Weg können wir herrliche Landschaften über den Fluss hinweg bewundern und Weingärten, Städtchen und Dörfer betrachten.
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    • Day 5

      Quinta do Teido

      October 24, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach einem 1. leckerem Tasting musste ein kleiner (grösserer) Einkauf mit Lieferung nach Deutschland gemacht werden. Nun muss der lecker Portwein und das Olivenöl nur noch den Weg in die Schweiz finden :-)Read more

    • Day 25

      Auf der Portwein-Route nach Porto...

      June 29, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      On the way to Porto we decided to take a route along the Douro River to see all the winerys of the famous Portwine. It was a long drive of about 6 hours return but the scenery was amazing. We had a tasting at the Quinta do Tedo winery as well. Yummy!

      When we arrived in Porto the guy from the reception told us a restaurant (Adega Figueiroa) across the street we should try... We had a great meal with soup, main course, beer and coffee for only 11 Euros (in total for both) :D. And it was great!

      Heute haben wir uns entschieden nicht den schnellsten sondern den schönsten Weg nach Porto zu wählen. Dafür sind wir der Portwein-Route entlang des Douro Flusses gefolgt. Die Route ist landschaftlich wirklich super und je weiter man fährt desto mehr Weingüter sieht man. Am Ende war es eine 6-stündige Autofahrt, aber es hat sich wirklich gelohnt. Ein paar Portweine haben wir natürlich auch noch probiert... Sehr lecker!

      In Porto hat uns unser Gastgeber dann noch ein Restaurant empfohlen (Adega Figueiroa). Dort gab es dann tatsächlich ein 3-Gänge Menü inkl. einem Bier für insgesamt 11 Euro... (nicht pro Person) :D Es war super lecker.

      Morgen schauen wir uns dann Porto näher an..
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    • Day 11

      Beira Valente to Lamego (27 kms)

      September 18, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Since I was expecting this to be about 20 km, I did find myself mentally dragging at the end. But it was a good day. The Camino has been rerouted to take us past the monastery of St. Anthony in Ferreirim. And I think I lost the camino somewhere near the hamlet of Britiande. As did the guy whose tracks I was following. By the time I realized I hadn’t seen an arrow in a while I just decided to forge ahead since I was on a main road going into Lamego. But whatever the reason, 20 km was actually 27. And 630 m is more ascent than I was expecting too. Well, I guess it’s just good warm-up for tomorrow’s stage, which is a little harder than today’s.

      There was more asphalt on this stage than any other, most of it concentrated in the last third. But there were still plenty of stretches through vineyards, apple orchards and pine forests. I saw my first statue of our Lady of Fatima, which is kind of surprising since she is definitely a very popular figure in Portugal. I walked over an unusual medieval fortified bridge, and I had a long rest with shoes off outside the Ferreirim convent. There was a mass going on and I could hear a lot of singing. A lot prettier than the baroque altar, IMHO.

      I got to my residencial, which is right around the corner from the cathedral and was recommended by several friends, at about 2:30. I’ve got my routine pretty much down to a science —shower and wash dirty clothes, put on clean clothes, and then head out to see the sights.

      I didn’t really like the cathedral, but at least it was close by. Next I walked up to the castle, or what’s left of it, for some good views and a visit to the medieval cistern. Then up to the sanctuary of Nossa Senhora dos Remedios, which I am told has 686 steps. Without a backpack it was a breeze! More baroque but this one seemed less drippingly over the top. And the stairs up are pretty, with tiled scenes of the Virgin’s life — the design is just like Bom Jesus outside Braga.

      Sunday night restaurant pickings are usually quite slim. But there seem to be a fair number of tourists so I should find something.
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    • Day 5

      Mida teie siis joote?

      November 26, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Sõit portveini piirkonda Duoro Valleysse algas sellega, et pidime rehvirõhku käima kontrollimas (kuskil mägede vahel), sest armatuurlaud muutus korraks vilkuvaks jõulukuuseks ning samuti oli meil täpselt 0 liitrit klaasipesuvedelikku autosse pandud 😑. Sõit kulges pidevalt Eneli kiunumise saatel, et küll me oleme liiga kõrgel, küll on tuul liiga suur ja puhub selle punni tee pealt ära, kui ka lausetega, et küll on ilusad vaated (ainult altpoolt vaadates, mitte kõrgel olles). Duoro Valley on täis veiniistandusi - veini nautlejatele ilmselt paradiis, vaated super ilusad ja nii nad räägivad, et ka vein väga hea 🤷 Külastasime ka meie mõnda veiniistandust kus saime ülevaate seal istanduses tehtavatest veinidest 🍷.
      Veetsime enamuse aja vaateid nautides ning sõidu peale läks ka omajagu aega.
      Õhtul läksime Porto linna avastama. Kas asi oli selles, et laupäev täna, aga väga palju rahvast ja sagimist.
      Homme alustame sõitu natukene allapoole tagasi ja ülehomme peaksime oleme juba Lõuna Portugalis.
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    • Day 19

      Rabelo boat

      November 7, 2016 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 46 °F

      We left the boat in the morning for a very short bus ride to bypass a lock and then we boarded a small rabelo boat of the kind that was traditionally used to bring the port wine to Porto.

      We had about an hour on the boat to take us to the winery location.Read more

    • Day 13

      Quinta do Tedo

      April 18, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today we took a drove to a family owned winery, Quinta do Tedo, in the Douro River Valley. Their speciality is port wines. The setting for this winery is idyllic and we had a perfect day for our visit.
      The reaction to the wine was mixed, as I believe Linda and I like ports a bit more than Shirley and Mike, our travel buddies.
      The winery is mostly set up for local distribution, but they will ship. They have recently signed an agreement with a US distributor, but in reviewing we saw that the distributor's prices were double the local price!
      At this winery they still stomp the grapes with their feet. Visions of "I Love Luvy"?
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    • Day 8

      Rivers and vineyards

      April 27, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Oh, wow, what a day. We made about a 75 km circle that took us up and down and around, to a neolithic hill fort in Sabrosa, to the Mateus estate (how can such a beautiful place produce such bad wine?! — maybe that’s unfair because maybe I have only had the really cheap rosé wine in the brown ceramic bottle that we used to burn candles in so they would drip all over the bottle. )

      The townspeople were making a carpet of flowers for tomorrow’s procession of the Virgen das Prazeres. They told us they had started at 7 am and would finish by 3 am. Mass at 7 sharp and then the procession to destroy their 20 hours of work.

      From there all through vineyards, down to the river and then back up again, each vista more gorgeous than the last. We ended with a trip up to the miradouro in Casal de Loivos, which I had remembered from previous trips.

      We will finish off the day with dinner in a fairly fancy place, DOC, right on the river about a 15 minute walk from our lovely Quinta da Azenha.
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    Armamar, Armamar Municipality

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