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    • Day 2

      Start bei Lucio ;-)

      October 23, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Alles hat bestens geklappt und Lucio hat uns pünktlich mit dem Multi beim Hotel abgeholt....dann ging's zur Versicherung. Hier gibt's keine 5-Tages Kennzeichen, sondern nur 3 Monats-Versicherungen zur Ausfuhr....

      ...dann zum Supermarkt und Reiseproviant.

      ...und Abfahrt..............
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    • Day 22

      Porto to Lisbon, last day/night

      May 27, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      We had a nice leisurely morning before leaving our Airbnb at 10am. We watched the Porto version of street sweeping which was interesting! We ubered to the train station with plenty of time. We had a newer, more spacious train on the return trip to Lisbon and they even came around with a snack bar! In Lisbon we found our Airbnb, dropped our bags off so the cleaning could be completed. We were about a 25 min walk into the town center so we went to find the GinJinja we tasted on our food tour. We happened upon a very entertaining group of University women in their uniforms performing their school song. Then we did a bit more shopping, had a quick bite to eat with our mojito and beer, then ended our evening in Lisbon the way we started it back on May 7, with the traditional egg custard tart ( Pastéis de Belém is the original place that started selling Portuguese egg tarts, dating back to 1837. Pasteis de Nata means cream pastries and Pastel de Nata is Portugese and refers to just one egg tart...we couldnt have just one!!) and gelato. We have really enjoyed Portugal and will be back.Read more

    • Day 17

      Disaster averted 😱😨😅

      May 24, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Our accommodation was very close to the cathedral as we experienced from 0500 this morning 🙄🤭. So we were all up and ready for our walk to the bus station in Santiago with 2 hours to go. We'd booked our bus tickets earlier in the week as Anne had noticed buses were filling rapidly, so we thought it best not to take any chances. Thank goodness we did, as the bus was jam packed!
      Jan and I made a quick trip to the cathedral to light a few candles and visit St James' resting place (silver 'coffin') and, as I reached into my bag to find Sid, I realised he'd done a runner! Nooo... Where was he? Sid has been my camino companion since 2018 when I found him in a shop window. I'd thought I'd call him St James (Camino de Santiago) but someone thought I was calling him Sid James, so Sid it was!🙄🤭🤣. So the thought of losing him... I searched everywhere I could, recalling when I'd last photographed him (outside the cathedral) but could make no sense of his disappearance 😔. We decided he'd reached his spiritual home and was in the care of some other pilgrim in Santiago 😆. It was only when we'd arrived at our accommodation in Porto and I'd nipped out for some bread that I remembered putting him in my purse! Cue much rejoicing by me (well, us all, really😊) and a round of Pastels de Nata to celebrate his safe return to the fold 🙄 - any excuse for a Pastel de Nata!
      Anyway, breakfast was on the way to the bus station - there was no way I could endure a 3/4 hour journey without food so I doubled up on my croissants as eating on the bus was banned.
      We arrived, ate a lovely lunch and found our accommodation, an apartment with easy access to a Metro station.
      Funny, so many posts are about eating 😅😅😅
      So now we're relaxing in our apartment, we've put a wash on and we're happy😊. The simple things in life are often the best😉.
      Full day in Porto tomorrow with a port tasting tour, of course! 🍷🍷🍷
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    • Day 39

      Project Recuperate complete, we move on

      April 30, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Check out today is at 12, an area in which I feel strongly that the European approach is superior to ours - you don't need to be in your room between 2 and 4pm so it makes no difference as long as you can drop your bag. But rolling out at 12 instead of 10am is an incredible, wonderful, VIP experience. I shall stage sit-ins at all major hotel chains in Australia until I achieve this change. My legacy. #YesWeCan.

      I took a moment to reorganise my bag, riveting stuff, had another incredibly (to a frankly unsafe degree) hot shower, set about eating as much of my food as I could, and then toddled back to that brunch place from yesterday. Hallo, I chirped, grinning dumbly, and plonked myself down in the singularly most inconvenient spot I could have chosen, next to the, admittedly very disguised, storeroom door. At this point I realised I wasn´t hungry in the slightest but I´m also not a quitter, so.

      I was to regretti spaghetti this on the 1.25pm bus trip to Porto. I´ve always been Not Great when it comes to motion sickness but it turns out if you travel at a max speed of 5km/hr for five weeks, going 100km/hr on a six lane highway will actually nearly kill you. I tried looking out the windscreen but that was distractingly trisected by two enormous cracks which gave rise to decapitation paranoia which wasn´t very calming either.

      The good thing about travelling 100km/hr is you get there bloody quickly, so after 45 minutes I tumbled off, green, and set about my challenge. I was trying to navigate from the decentralised bus station to the centralised hostel without using my phone. I got within 600m, which we´ll probably call a win, and had a beer and an OP SHOP VISIT on the way, which we definitely will.

      On my post check in walk I discovered this neighbourhood is absolutely riddled with that chain of op shops, and they aren't very good, but there are also quite a few vintage shops and I am in the market for new pants, let me tell you. My walking ones are exceptional and I would and probably will buy them again, but its time for a change.

      I´m working out that some parts of the Camino approach are more transferable than others. Sorting accommodation same day is far more stress and admin than I am willing to trade for the flexibility. But as long as I have a bed, I'm cool with winging the rest.

      As an excessive planner (in recovery), I genuinely enjoy putting itineraries together because for me it is like getting the holiday twice, same as online shopping - there are two dopamine deliveries.

      However what I found surprisingly liberating on Camino was the constraint on my time in each place. You'd get in early afternoon, and you'd need to eat and shower and do laundry and journal and go to bed early, so you'd see what you see and then bounce before the sun came up. There was no Top 10 Things in XYZ.

      I´m bringing that to Portugal. I know the city I'll be in on each day, but within those days I just walk around, pick left or right on vibe, go through a door when I'm interested, sit on steps, lean on fountains. I'm having a wonderful time with that. I felt so agile today.

      I will definitely miss things, and there's a little voice that quietly suggests I'm not doing this properly, and then throws around the 'should' word. I shush them by pointing out that I will no doubt stumble across some of it, but I'll also do and see stuff that I might not have if I was at the Top 10, getting the same pictures I can see on the first page of Google.

      After another evening walk, sat cross legged in my top bunk (nice ladder, curtain!), I had a quiet epiphany. Sometimes an idea that has been floating around as a gas just solidifies suddenly and drops into your lap. This one was a question I am now ready to ask myself, in need of an answer. I'll be working through for the next little while I reckon. Might need some more plods in the Hundred Acre Woods. Think think think.
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    • Day 318

      Porto und das lange Warten

      May 14, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      in den letzten Tagen hatten wir keine Lust was zu schreiben. Pepper musste in den OP, Verdacht auf ein Melanom, sprich Krebs. Daher hatten wir außer Sorge nichts im Kopf. erster Zwischenstand: Melanom wurde rausgeschnitten und eingeschickt, wir warten auf die Ergebnisse. aber wir sind guter Hoffnung, dass es gutartig war und nicht gestreut hat. wir werden weiter berichten.

      dennoch haben wir auch schöne Erlebnisse gehabt, uns wurde Portwein und kleine leckere Törtchen geschenkt, einfach lecker.
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    • Day 31

      Heute Abend: FC Porto vs. S. Lissabon

      April 28, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Das erste, was ich beim Einchecken in die FeWo erfahren habe: heute Abend spielt wohl der FC Porto gegen Sporting Lissabon.
      Mal schauen, ob ich davon etwas mitbekomme...
      Die FeWo ist jedenfalls neu, groß und schön.Read more

    • Day 2

      Up the workers!

      March 1, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Last nights accommodation was at the Oca Oriental (eastern goose?); which is a bit upmarket for me, but with a late flight I just wanted somewhere close to Campaña station with 24hr reception.

      Perfectly nice hotel, midway between Heroismo and Campaña metro stations. €71 B&B. Got here by 2130 from a flight which landed at 2010.

      Breakfast from 0700 which it useful - a business-oriented clientele lends itself to an early start.

      I haven’t been in Porto for 30 years, regrettably. So long ago that Mrs HtD and I then shared a tent and backpacked throughout the north and the Peneda Geres. My abiding memory is that the Portuguese are, as the late Rev. Edward Crilley would have said ‘a grand bunch of lads’; perhaps prone to melancholy, but fundamentally sound.

      Embarrassingly I speak little Portuguese. On our long ago trip we relied on a BBC cassette ‘Get by in Portuguese’; which combined about 50 phrases with some additional vocabulary and worked surprisingly well. I’ve remembered enough to check in and get a few scoops of beer without resorting to English; which is enough of a success for one evening.

      Delightful morning. Bright sunshine and lots of tiled facades.

      Porto has changed, with a fair bit of development. The Cathedral (Sé) is a constant; the cloisters are much like those of cathedrals throughout Europe, but being Porto every vertical surface is beautifully tiled. There’s a statue of Santiago Peregrino up on the first floor also.

      I thought to go and have a look at the Sao Bento station’s tiles whilst I’m here and have a coffee in the venerable Café Brazil. Something struck me as strange (and I’m not the most observant chap in the world); a complete absence of trains.

      They’re on strike.

      That rather scuppers the plan to go to Barcelos today and Valença tomorrow. Ah, well - nothing that ‘throw money at the problem until it goes away’ can’t solve.
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    • Day 5

      Porto auf eigene Faust 🇵🇹

      October 22, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Der heutige Tag führt uns in die ca. 25 Kilometer entfernte Stadt Porto. Da die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel sicherlich sehr überlaufen sein werden, entscheide ich mich, ein Taxi über die Uber-App direkt zum Hafen zu bestellen.
      Auf dem Hinweg fährt uns Emerson. Nun ja, wir müssen feststellen, dass die wildesten Autofahrer wohl nicht in Heraklion fahren, sondern hier in Portugal. Nachdem wir kurz im Stau standen, weil ein Bus voller Touristen auf der Straße feststeckte, versuchte Emerson mit Tempo 70 in der Tempo 40 Zone alles wieder rauszuholen. An jeder Ampel wurde schnell auf die Gegenspur ausgewichen, um nach ganz vorne zu kommen und zu „langsam“ fahrende Autos wurden flott überholt. Dabei immer das Fenster runter und ein lautes „JESUS CHRISTUS“ erklang.
      Wir fanden die Fahrt eher amüsant, insbesondere auf der Rücksitzbank hatte ich meinen Spaß, als der Fahrer Sophie in jeglicher Sprache zusülzte und Sophie jedes Mal in der selben Tonlage ein „Oh wooow“ entgeisterte 😂

      Unsere Stadtbesichtigung war allerdings bei dem hervorragenden Wetter wirklich sehr schön.
      Es folgt eine kurze Auflistung unserer Spots:
      📍Dom Luis Brücke
      📍Viertel Ribeira
      📍Torre dos Clérigos
      📍Kathedrale von Porto
      📍Palacio da Bolsa
      📍 Fahrt der Seilbahn
      📍 Besuch sämtlicher Aussichtspunkte

      Die Uber-Fahrt zurück führte Beatriz durch. Die Fahrt war im Gegensatz zum Hinweg total ruhig. Mit „ruhig“ meinen wir den Fahrstil, was sich allerdings im Innern abspielte war alles andere.
      Beatriz war der festen Überzeugung, dass sie kein Englisch spricht und wir gefälligst portugiesisch mit ihr zu sprechen haben.
      Und da standen wir - Sophie und ich verstehen vielleicht ein wenig spanisch, aber mehr auch nicht. Gott sei dank, kann man vorher angeben, wo man hinfahren möchte und es gab in der Hinsicht keine Verständnisprobleme.
      Auf jeden Fall wurde die ganze Fahrt lang auf portugiesisch telefoniert. Ich hab die Fahrt über den Reiseblog geschrieben und Sophie war regelmäßig am Checken, ob wir richtig fahren 😂
      Aber da ihr den heutigen Footprint lesen könnt, wisst ihr: Auch hier sind wir sicher zurück am Hafen angekommen 👍🏻
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    • Day 3

      auf dem Weg nach Leiria

      September 14, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Heute hängt ordentlich Smog über Porto (Schuld war wohl ein Waldbrand direkt vor den Toren der Stadt) - da werden weitere Erinnerungen an Istanbul wach. Verkehrschaos, Fluss, Brücken, viele kreative technische Lösungen an den Häusern und oft auch Verfall und viele Menschen. Da gibt es schon einige Parallelen (auch wenn Istanbul viel größer ist)… wir sind ganz froh, dass wir gleich in den Bus nach Leiria steigen.Read more

    • Day 5

      Vieux Porto et la cathédrale

      June 5, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Nous avons déambulé dans le vieux Porto : beaucoup de kms au compteur ☺️ ce jour là dans les jambes. Spritz bien mérité pour certain(e)s et parties de billard acharnées 😉 . Mais Domi n'est pas dans l'axe et Ofelia ne stabilise pas sa queue 😂Read more

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    Campanhã, Campanha

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