Jardim do Castelo de São Jorge

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    • Day 4

      Castelo de São Jorge

      April 7 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Today we thought we would do what we always try to do in any major city, a Hop On Hop Off bus tour. But at the last second said, let’s just go to the castle. We got an early start and grabbed a Bolt (Portugal Uber) to drive the steep winding streets (barely large enough for a vehicle) to the top of the hill. The driver finally stopped a couple of blocks from the top and said, “you’re on foot from here”.

      An early start turned out to be a great decision as we walked right up to the ticket window, got our senior discount and were some of the first people in.

      We both agreed this was the best castle we had ever been to. It was surrounded by huge trees and wide walks of beautiful verandas and great views of the city. The castle grounds are beautiful and home to colorful (loud) peacocks that are not intimidated by the crowds. Once we wandered inside the walls we were treated to full access to walk through the interior courtyards and around the perimeter fortifications. The shear amount of stonework was amazing and beautiful.

      After our tour we exited the castle grounds and headed down the ancient streets of Lisbon and walked the path of the Camino for a few blocks. What a great start to the day!
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    • Day 21

      Magnifique Lisbonne

      September 30, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Après une nuit difficile avec notre petit Félix fiévreux, nous prenons ça relaxe. En fait Félix dort plus tard, il se réveille à 11h30! Il en avait bien besoin faut croire! Sam et Nic écoutent le Roi Lion sur son cell et on fait un brin de ménage plus tard en attendant le réveil du petit malade. À son réveil, il était tout sourire et sans fièvre! On se fait à dîner et plus tard on part pour explorer le quartier historique de Lisbonne.

      Un gros 30-40 minutes de taxi plus tard, on débarque à 2 coins de rue du château de São Jorge. C'est un château fortifié bâti au XI siècle, qui surplombe la ville du haut de sa colline. Le château en soi est bien préservé et impressionnant, mais c'est surtout la vue qu'on a de la terrasse qui nous en met plein la vue. De ces hauteurs, on a une vue panoramique incroyable de toute la ville. Vraiment chouette!

      Ensuite on se perd un peu dans les rues du quartier Alfama, en mangeant une pasteles de Bacalao, la fameuse latte de poisson frite et farcie au fromage. On y avait déjà goûté, mais c'est toujours bon comme attrape-touristes! On poursuit notre chemin vers le port en passant par l'imposante cathédrale de Sé. La ville nous rappelle San Francisco vu que tout est en pente et qu'il y a des tramways, mais en plus ancien bien entendu! On prend un verre dans le port où il y a de l'ambiance et une vibe plutôt festives, ça crinque un peu avant d'aller se chercher quelque chose pour souper.

      On n'a pas vu l'après-midi passer, faut dire que notre journée a débuté plus tard que prévu. C'était vraiment une belle journée sous le soleil de Lisbonne. On ne prévoit pas rester plus longtemps dans cette ville, mais définitivement, on pourrait y passer 4-5 jours sans s'ennuyer!
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    • Day 4

      Food-Tour durch Lissabon

      March 25 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Uf Empfehlig hämmer eus ä Food-Tour gönnt, nöd schwer eus vo so öppisem müässe z überzüüge. 🤭🙈
      Ässe wie d Locals das tüänd, mit villnä spannende Gschichtä und humorvolle Anekdotä däzue.
      Mir händ Glück gha und sind nöd ganz so fest verrägnet wordä.
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    • Day 2

      Wunderschöner Ausblick!

      October 1, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Bevor wir in die Burg, bzw. besser gesagt auf die Burgmauern sind, haben wir einen Rundgang entlang der Burg gemacht. Da die Burg so deutlich oberhalb der Stadt liegt, hat man hier einen grandiosen Blick! Hier sind wir dann nochmal eine Zeit lang verweilt, nicht um auszuruhen, sondern einfach nur zum genießen.Read more

    • Day 1

      ‘Your mother was a hamster..’

      April 30, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      I toured a medieval fort and castle. I mean…like in Monty Python and Camelot, and Princess Bride, and The Court Jester. Only flippin’ real. I’m not gonna lie, I gasped when I saw it. It was astounding.

      Castelo de S. Jorge was founded by the Arabs in 11th century. Phoenicians and Romans lived there early on. The original building was an Islamic fort high on a hill. Strategic advantage? Check! Until those dang Crusaders showed up, conquered it, and then topped it with their own defensive gewgaws. It housed kings and governors, and is now a national monument.

      The striations of each civilization are visible in the architecture. Low down, construction is of rough-hewn stone cobbled together in thick globs of friable mortar. The next layer features bricks fitted closely with thin lines of a sturdier paste. And then more modern touches - plaster, and from modern times, protective plastic covering over ages old iron in windows. There are red bricks all about, looking like a decades long patch project. Got a hole there, Bob? Stick a brick in it!

      Walking here is a reflection on human ingenuity. The battlements you see in the movies make so much sense in reality. Everywhere, on every level, are high places from which to hide and shoot, or throw, or pour stuff that kills unwanted guests. It’s clear that the inhabitants climbed higher ( and for that matter built higher) to escape danger. The fortress even features a kill alley as the last, literal avenue of defense. The only way marauders were getting to those within and above was down a corridor lined with fortified, higher ground positions. Brilliant.

      I imagined following someone through the many cobbled avenues from level to level. There is a sense of how the community worked, if you let your mind see it. Water and sewer and lovely courtyards and market stalls - its all clear. They even carved rivulets in roof tiles to aid water runoff. As I meandered, I could sense where people lived and how they went about their days.. I imagined some child delivering goods from the lower courtyards, getting away from the ‘burbs’ and hoping for a glimpse of a fine lady. And the soldiers must have been fleet footed to zip up the slim stairs to the ramparts and along the walls.

      It was an unforgettable morning. I’ll never watch a medieval movie again without an eye toward whether they got the sets right. I have a newfound respect for the centuries of ingenuity that went into our civilizations.
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    • Day 2

      Durch den Torbogen zur Burg!

      October 1, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Unser nächstes großes Ziel für heute war das Castelo de São Jorge. Hierfür ging es durch den Torbogen, Arco do Castelo und anschließend einen Hügel hoch. Oben angekommen haben wir uns angestellt um Tickets zu kaufen, um in das Castelo zu kommen. Online hatte ich einen Preis um die 25€ pro Person gefunden, gezahlt haben wir dann tatsächlich 5€ pro Person, da wir unter 25 einen Nachlass erhalten haben und zudem auf eine Führung verzichtet haben. 5€ ist dann doch ein sehr fairer Preis! Zuerst sind wir in den Innenhof der Burganlage und haben den Ausblick auf Lissabon und den Teja genossen. Mit dem Ausblick haben wir dann eine Pause eingelegt.Read more

    • Day 8

      Cristo Rei und Fregatte Dom Fernando

      March 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Am zweite und letzte Tag in Lissabon stand noch mal einiges an. Das Castelo de São Jorge wollte ich gleich zu Beginn der Öffnungszeit besuchen, aber nach dem ich die Schlange am Ticketschalter sah, überlegte ich es mir anders. Zu Fuß ging es von der Festung zum Fährhafen. Mit Fähre ging es dann über den Fluss Tejo nach Almada. Dort angekommen besuchte ich die Cristo Rei Statue. Sie ist angelehnt an die Christusstatue in Rio de Janeiro. Bevor es wieder zurück nach Lissabon ging, machte ich einen Abstecher zur Frigate Dom Fernando II e Glória. Dieses Schiff wurde 1845 in Dienst gestellt und war das letzte Segelschiff der portugiesischen Marine.Read more

    • Day 9

      Alfama - Lissabons Altstadt

      October 16, 2021 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Heute waren wir in der Alfama, der Altstadt Lissabons unterwegs. Mit uns waren heute sehr viele Touristen in den engen Gassen auf Entdeckungtour. Vor allem Deutsche und Franzosen. Steile Treppen, schöne Aussichtspunkte, Fado Lokale und der Duft von gegrillten Sardinen. War ganz schön anstrengend, aber der Mühe wert.Read more

    • Day 2

      Castelo de são jorge

      July 25, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Today our journey's first stop took us to the castle of Lisbon. The view is fantastic, the weather is mild (26° C). We like it here alot ;).

      There was an escalator on the way up here ☺️. We're getting old 😆Read more

    • Day 21

      Lisboa - dia 2

      August 23, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Tomamos cafe no mercado minipreço, com direito a bolo de bacalhau e suco de laranja feito na hora.
      Passamos no metro para carregar nossos bilhetes e descobrimos que os valores de carregamento sao pré estabelecidos, e nao foi possivel carregar a quantia exata para o que precisavamos. Mesmo assim ainda vale a pena, pois a passagem com o cartão é bem mais barata do que pagar na hora, mas achei sacanagem pois sempre vai sobrar dinheiro no cartao.
      Pegamos dois onibus e fomos para o Castelo de São Jorge (o gogle encanou a gente, entao avalie bem o caminho!).
      O castelo é grande, mas depois de ter visitado o Alhambra e o Real Alcazar esse castelo nao chamou tanto nossa atenção, mas a vista da cidade é realmente incrível!
      Depois de 3hs visitando o castelo descemos para as margens do Tejo após finalmente comprarmos o galinho do tempo que a Lessa queria e almocamos, no jardim ao lado da praca do comercio, o que compramos no mercado pouco antes. Estava muito quente entao a sombra das arvores foi uma excelente pedida.
      Apos o almoco seguimos para conhecer a praca do comercio e voltamos ao mercado da ribeira para comer mais um pastel de nata da manteigaria. Aproveitamos o mercado e experimentamos um sorvete muito bom (e caro).
      Voltamos para a regiao do hotel de metro e jantamos um hamburguer no American Music Burguer antes de capotarmos no hotel.

      Café 7,12
      Onibus 6,00
      Agua 0,20
      Castelo 20,00
      Salada de fruta 2,50
      Almoco 8,00
      Pastel de Nata 2,00
      Sorvete 4,70
      Jantar 28,00
      Galinho do tempo 22,00
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Jardim do Castelo de São Jorge, Jardim do Castelo de Sao Jorge

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