Ponta da Calheta

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    • Day 37

      Praia da Luz

      June 13, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      I had a leisurely ride from Seville to here in perfect weather.
      This is as far south as I go and from here on I'm heading back to the UK albeit slowly.
      I'm staying with my classic bike owning friend Verner for a few days. I've had a couple of walks and taken photos and there are plenty of good restaurants to choose from. I'm sure I won't get bored.Read more

    • Day 52

      Sagres - Luz

      November 6, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      30 km von Sagres entfernt liegt der Campingplatz Valverde zwischen Lagos und Luz. Dorthin zieht es uns jedes Mal.
      Bei strahlendem Sonnenschein schmeckt die Flasche Alvarinho an der Promenade von Luz gleich noch viel besser 🌞🏝️🥂Read more

    • Day 9


      December 21, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Luz ist eine Gemeinde und Kleinstadt an der Algarve im Süden Portugals, die international besonders als Badeort bekannt ist.

      Wir tranken Galão und aßen Pastel de Natas am Stand Praia da Luz. Dies ist ein beliebter Badestrand an der Algarve, der südlichsten Region Kontinentalportugals. Er befindet sich ca. 4 km westlich von Lagos unterhalb des Städtchens Luz. An der Strandpromenade befinden sich zahlreiche Souvenir-Läden und Restaurants. Am östlichen Strandende befindet sich ein hoher Felsen, der aufgrund seiner schwarzen Färbung Rocha Negra genannt wird.

      Caju spielte noch bis zum Sonnenuntergang mit anderen Hunden am Strand und wir genossen die Urlaubsstimmung.
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    • Day 5

      Fossiliensuche in Luz

      October 11, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Zu unserer Überraschung hat es am heutigen Vormittag nicht, wie gestern noch angesagt, geregnet. Deshalb haben wir uns entschieden nach Luz zu fahren. Dort sind wir über Felsen geklettert, am Strand entlang gelaufen und haben Fossilien gesucht und auch einige gefunden. Johann war mit voller Hingabe und Begeisterung dabei.
      Am Nachmittag sind wir zum Praia dona Ana gefahren in Lagos gefahren. Auch hier gibt es beeindruckende Felsformationen und einzeln im Wasser stehende Felsen. Leider war es zu windig zum Baden.
      Am Abend war wir noch in einem Rooftop Restaurant essen und hatten einen schönen Blick über den Hafen.
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    • Day 133


      March 5, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heute in Lagos für 1 Woche einen Pkw gemietet.
      Fiat 500, weiß, für 96 💶, incl. aller km und Versicherung.
      Und anschließend gleich eine Tour von Küstenort zu Küstenort und diversen Stränden gemacht.

    • Day 67

      Ankunft in Luz

      December 7, 2017 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Der Weg von Lissabon zur unseren nächsten Unterkunft war nicht mehr weit. Gegen 16.00 Uhr kamen wir in Luz an und konnten auch gleich in unser schnuckeliges Apartment. Dieses Mal haben wir „nur“ ein Wohnzimmer mit Essbereich, Küche, Bad und ein kleines Schlafzimmer. Nicht zu vergessen der Balkon, von dem wir einen wunderschönen Blick auf den Strand und das Meer haben. Bis zum Atlantik sind es ca. 250 Meter von unserem Apartment, sodass wir im Bett liegen und den Wellen lauschen können 😊 Wir sind gespannt, was wir alles in in der Algarve entdecken werden.Read more

    • Day 11

      Hello from Praia da Luz, still smiling

      April 4, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Hi folks,
      It’s Wednesday afternoon and we are safely ensconced in a lovely hotel in Praia Da Luz called the Belavista. Yes, lovely vistas as the name implies ( see enclosed photo) but we had to climb up to get them! We’ve had 5 days of varied cycling. Our first 2 days were not too long and relatively flat. On day 2 we actually biked back through Faro where we started our trip. We were able to check out the Igreja(church) do Carmo) an 18th century Catholic church known for its small chapel built out of the bones and skulls of over 1200 monks. The ossuary called the Capela de Ossos or chapel of bones has an inscription above the door « stop here and think of the fate that will befall you ».

      Speaking of befalling, so far, knock on wood, no one has come off a bike without intent. Laura tried to tangle with a bus two days ago but it all ended amicably. Helen is a fiend in the round abouts( traffic circles) of which there are many. Her daily London cycling requires a certain....shall we say, assertiveness that is needed in cases of traffic circles. Overall, the drivers have been patient and courteous.
      Day 3 had more distance from Olhao to Vilamoura and more climbing. Vilamoura is quite a resort town although still quiet at the moment. Loads of shuttered apartments and lots of empty tables at the hotel breakfast buffets. Must be the weather which is not quite beach weather but it is perfect for cycling. Our hotel in Vilamoura was one of the large chains - Vila Gale and we were able to enjoy the spa! We also cycled through a very large and deluxe golf community that day. Reminded me of Phoenix with 4 courses, lovely manicured areas, palms, shopping centres etc. Mac, it looked like your kind of place.
      Laura has been right on the job as co-navigator with me and also restaurant researcher. At Vilamoura we took a different culinary route and enjoyed excellent Mexican with guacamole made at our table. Yuuuuuum. Only problem was the very large mains which none of us could finish even with our biking appetites,
      Yesterday, Wednesday was a tough cycling day. It was a long distance made longer by unexpected detours, tough times navigating through various towns including Albufeira and a relentless headwind that felt like someone pushing you backwards. Not surprisingly The wind is howling from west to east, opposite of our cycling direction and it picks up as the temp rises in the afternoon. If anyone is tempted to bike the Algarve, you might want to look at going the other direction, just saying. We finally, literally staggered into the beautiful seaside town of Praia ( beach) Da Rocha ( of the rocks). We stayed in a small B and B with a very chatty proprietor who tried to convince me that a 2night stay would be preferable. Agreed, but we have to keep moving. Laura guided us to a cheap and delicious pizza place last night but the highlight of Praia Da Rocha besides the beautiful views was the late afternoon drink at the beach.
      Today is Thursday and our ride was much less demanding and we literally breezed into Praia Da Luz and were having our post ride drink by 230. Wéve really enjoyed such varied scenery. Lots of trails near the ocean, often skirting large estuaries. Small villages and lots of countryside. We’ve also has to do some road cycling to get from area to area. Less scenic but efficient.
      Tomorrow is our last day cycling and God willing, we’ll make Sagres and then Cape Saint.Vincent on the very western tip by 3. We are getting picked up there and driven back to Loule which is mid-Algarve. On Friday we train to Lisbon. Our bike days have been fewer this trip to allow Helen and Laura time to see some other sites.
      To answer a couple of questions: weather has been fine. Better than Helen’s very pessimistic weather app forecast. The sun is out but the heat is not an issue, so perfect. Are we having any trouble communicating? No, this area relies on tourism and with few exceptions everyone has some English. Our little bit of Spanish is useful in understanding most signs. People are exceptionally friendly and very willing to help us. See attached picture at a garage yesterday outside of Albufeira and Mike’s tire troubles,
      We have not done too much site seeing although Helen, our tour guide and historian, has briefed us on each area as we pass through. But we’ll have to come back to take in the many castles, Roman ruins and the wax museum of Portuguese historical highlights.
      Must run and get ready as Laura has another great restaurant idea for tonight.
      Hope all is well wherever you are........thanks for your notes.
      Love Heather/ Mom
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    • Day 3

      2. Etappe Luz-Salema

      January 12, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Bom día! Heute hab ich vor Sonnenaufgang die Unterkunft verlassen und bin auf der Suche nach einem Yogaplatz zum Strand vor. Leider war ich nicht allein, viele Surfer und Hundebesitzer waren bereits hier unterwegs. Erst wollte ich mich nicht beirren lassen, dann war es aber doch fast zu kalt für meine Yogasession. Also packte ich mein Zeug, lief Richtung Dorf und fasste den Entschluss, die nächsten Tage eher erst in den Morgen reinzuwandern, um mir dann einen einsameren Platz zum Yoga machen zu suchen. Dann ist es auch nicht mehr so kalt. Es ist eben doch erst Januar, auch wenn es sich tagsüber wie Sommer anfühlt.

      Allerdings belohnte ich mich dann mit einem Frühstück ganz nach meinem Geschmack mit Pastels, Café und Diospiros (Khaki) am Fels direkt am Meer in der Morgensonne. Heute stehen 12km auf dem Plan - los gehts!
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    • A Walk Towards Luz & A Traditional Meal

      January 10, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      More walking uphill? Sure, if it means a beautiful view from the top of the cliffs between Donna’s resort and a town called Luz.

      We met around 10:30 a.m. and leisurely walked up a steep hill overlooking the ocean, to see what was on the other side of that big hill. Well, all the views of the ocean and surrounding countryside were lovely and on the other side of the hill, there were lots of white condos on a pretty beach, close to the small fishing village of Luz. Retired and vacationing Brits have moved into this area, we were told.

      We walked back down, hopped into the car and went to dine in an authentic Portuguese restaurant that Fernando had recommended that we try out, called Prato Cheio. On Thursdays, a typical Portuguese meal called Cozido a Portuguesa is served as a specialty. The meal includes a variety of meats (pork, beef, chicken), sausages ( chorizo, blood sausage), and vegetables ( collard greens, carrots, potatoes, turnips, rice, beans, cabbage) that are slow cooked for around 4 hours. Each region in Portugal has their own version of this meal. The restaurant was full of locals. After more than 1/2 hour of waiting for our food to come, we were finally served 2 giant plates of these boiled food to share. So much food. A little bit of everything. Not my favourite meal but definitely filling!

      We waddled out of the restaurant and went to the riverside promenade in Lagos where we wanted to check out a small fort on the water.
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