Quest for port

Did our first, and probably only, port tasting, after a quest for breakfast. View from Gaia of Porto and the River Douro. Went the the Se Cathedral and crashed a wedding with the other tourists. FoundRead more
Did our first, and probably only, port tasting, after a quest for breakfast. View from Gaia of Porto and the River Douro. Went the the Se Cathedral and crashed a wedding with the other tourists. FoundRead more
Today was a walking day, the most efficient way to get around the busy and narrow streets of Porto.
We began by visiting Lello Bookstore, often referred to as the most beautiful bookstore in theRead more
Und gesungen hat er auch der Goliath, an Heilig Drei König und Geschenke mitgebracht 🎁 🤴 💝
Hier in Portugal haben die Läden geöffnet, daher schlendern wir nach einem Bummel durch dieRead more
We met up with Bill, whom I haven’t seen since the Camino in 2022, and had lunch followed by wine and port tasting at Ramos Pinto. They had 4 glasses in their flight, and I had 5, but because mineRead more
I slept hours last night and didn’t leave the hotel until about noon. Hotel Se Cathedral. Beautiful day in Porto. Very nice atmosphere- people singing here and there. Walked up to the cathedral andRead more
Bevor das Wandern los geht, habe ich mir einen vollen Tag Zeit eingeräumt, um mir Porto anzuschauen. Wie ich neu gelernt habe ist auf der anderen Seite des Flusses schon Gaia und nicht mehr Porto.Read more
Von Sandeman aus, leicht angetüdelt 😅, geht es kurz zurück ins Hotel. Dabei überqueren wir die berühmte Brücke Praca Dom Joao I im unteren Bereich. Ein schöner Blick auf die Altstadt und denRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Ponte de D. Luís, Ponte de D. Luis
Traveler ❤
did you buy a broom?
Traveler No,.my suitcase isn't that big
Traveler you could have shipped it