Praça Dom Luís

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    • Day 1

      Unser erster Tag

      May 22, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Gestern kam wir um 8 Uhr Ortszeit in Lissabon an, wir wurden mit einem strahelnd blauem Himmel begrüßt. Vom ersten Moment, haben wir uns heimisch gefühlt, wir starteten unsere Reise, mit einem Bus, vom Flughafen.
      Da wir 4 Stunden Zeit zu unserem Check In, in unserer traumhaften Air BnB, entschieden wir uns mit Sack und Pack durch Lissabon zu unserer Wohnung zu laufen. Das war ziemlich unüberlegt.
      Bereuen tun wir es nicht, da wir sofort wundervolle Eindrücke sammeln konnten, doch es war mehr als anstrengend, Berg auf & ab mit unseren Koffern zu bewältigen. Als wir einchecken konnten, fielen wir frisch geduscht in unser Bett.
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    • Day 5

      Jardiim Botanico Tropical -Belam

      June 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The Belam Palace. there is a museum apparently in there, but it looked rather quiet.
      the official residence sin 1910, 3.3 hectares. The garden is 7 acres were were told. It was first leased from the monks in the mid 16th century. later The king used it as a holiday estate (king joa V). I believe this is where the royal family went after the 1755 earthquake.

      The tree trunk had grown into the bench. that was the outdoor patio for the cafe, perhaps it is open in the summer??? and this is not yet the summer season.

      The other building?? maybe an old aviary.

      And that tall tree is Grevilia robusta.
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    • Day 5

      Jardiim Botanico Tropical -Belam

      June 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The peacocks were crying, they do sound a bit like a baby crying.

      Colin was getting more than a little annoyed at all my picture taking of the plants and their labels. this is ficus Religiosa where he is giving me the human scale. We have one of these at Bloedel, but it is only around 15 feet tall. this one was massive.

      That agave looked a bit like Seymor - the plant in little shop of horrors.
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    • Day 5

      Jeronimos -tomb of Alexander Hurculano

      June 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      He is like the Walter Scott of Scotland. Born 1810, he helped save many of Portugal's older buildings.

      Napolianic wars France invaded from 1807-1810. the royal family fled to Brazil during this time.
      1821 King Joan iV returns to Portugal, but unrest in Portugal. .......

      The area where his tomb is is the Chapter room, there are the 6 saints in this room. It was actually never used as the chapter room as it was finished in the 19th century.

      St Augustine, has has bishop like hat
      St Paul, a sword
      St Mathew , a child
      St John, an eagle
      St Luke, a bull or ram
      St Mark, a lion
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    • Day 3

      Bario Alto Portugal

      June 8, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      We made it!
      We didn't realize you need to go to the Homing office to pick up the key. We took the metro from our hotel last night. We navigated that with success, and we found the apartment from the metro.......all up hill, and I mean up hill!!.....only to find out we have to pick up the key elsewhere. We also didn't know that you have to type in 00 to get the phone numbers to work so when we called the office it told us not in service!!! Now Colin is stating to get a little worried. luckily we have an address for the homing office but it is 24 minutes away by foot.. So off we go. Someone was smiling down on us as we started to head back down another hill a taxi cab came along and we got him to take us to the office. He told us this month is the Festival of Saint Anthony the Saint for Portugal so lots of excitement and parties in the city because of the festive. We make to the homing office where we get the key. they were a bit surprised that we found the apartment, but didn't find them! They also told us we are in the historic district so no uber drivers can come in because cars are not allowed. That is not surprising when you see how narrow these streets are. It is really very beautiful with the cobblestone, rock for paving. Walking along it pulling luggage is a bit of challenge, especially when it is very steep uphill or very narrow at the side of the street.....and they have construction blockages.....but all the same very quaint. Taxi cabs are allowed in. Our cab ride to the homing office cost 7 euros so we decided to walk back from the homing office. We got off track a couple of times, but for the most part it was ok. The tram actually goes down these same narrow streets. Amazing. We got a bus card, just like the compass card, and we can reload it. it is good for the Metro, Bus, Tram and maybe the train out to Sintra too, if we actually make it out to Sintra this trip. So much to see. We are going to get our exercise!! Lots of hillsRead more

    • Day 4

      sao Jorge Castle

      June 9, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Castle town. The narrow streets inside. Mr Peacock, The gate looking over to the crenelated castle itself. The arch way at the top has one of those instruments that allowed navigators to figure out their latitude.

      there was a section next to the castle walls that was all in ruins, no roofs and stuff growing up through it. Not sure when that was destroyed. The old street showed a house on the right that was in ruins too. Interesting to see how the walls were put together. Lots of basalts and terracotta mixed together .
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    • Day 5

      Jeronimos Monastery

      June 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Baptisimal chapel, the 1940's stained glass window with rope motif and the guilded wood ceiling in another small alcove on the opposite side of the baptismal font. You can see the areas between the wood if you look hard.

      the ancient St Anthony Chapel, the gilded wood one.

      Detail of the ceiling in the Baptisimal chapel. rope motifs again.
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    • Day 5

      Jeronimos cloister

      June 10, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      More pics. the arches are all different. 4/side, but different motifs.

      The cloister was designed in 1517 and finished between 1540 and 1541.

      Many different symbols, religious showing the passion of christ, royal - the cross of the military order of christ, the armillary sphere, shields and royal emblems; and nature symbols, ropes, plants and fantastical beasts.Read more

    • Day 4

      bario alto

      June 9, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      pics out the window of our apartment this morning......we got up at 1130 as we slept in. that's what happen when you go to bed at 1400.

      During the festival the entertainment stops at 4 am on Friday and Saturday. the rest of the week it will be 2 am. During the parade day it will be 4 am, and parade day is June 12.

      considering all this noise in our neighbourhood, once the windows are shut and the shudders closed on top of them you don't hear a lot. Obviously as we slept through everything....

      The street view with all the flags is where we had our dinner last night.
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    • Day 3

      bario alto Portugal Eve stroll festival

      June 8, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Eve walk looking for dinner, after we had called the bank because we thought I had lost my wallet. Turns out luckily colin had my wallet in his back pocket. They look the same. Unfortunately they had already blocked my card so i won't be using my credit card......not too much of a problem in Colins' eyes !!

      Because of the Festival of St Anthony our neighbourhood is very very festive and busy. So we just ha to walk out of our lane to the next lane and there was this barrbequ set up with tents and you just order. We had sardines, poached bata (potato), Choirso (Sausage, very salty), bread and Salade verge (green salad). it was all very good Sangeria and Cervosa to drink and you can wander the streets with your drinks. All very civilized, but all in plastic containers with plastic cutlery.....well I guess while in rome do as the romans.

      after dinner we wandered, the lanes/streets are full of people, barbecue, food, booze, music. live music in some of the small squares. Because we are in the historical district there are squares everywhere and lanes everywhere. It goes every which way.

      The Bica elevator was closed so you can walk up the tram line. There are houses and restaurants all along the line and it is so narrow. I can't imagine having my door open out to the tram. you probably only have 2 -3 feet of clearance.

      at the top of the elevator we cam out to R loreta. Found a small grocery stores where we got breakfast supplies....except the bread as we think we will find a bakery close by. Even the cafe we had dinner at last night seemed to regularly sell bread stuffs. we got to this square Praca de cambes, where there was this large statue with at least 12 guys around it. Not sure who it was as so many people sitting around it. There was this lovely tiled mosaic around the square. Lots of portuguese boats. Caravel I think is the name for the old fashion boat. The older ones were triangular shaped sails good for going along the coastline down to Africa, and over to India when they started trading. Later the sails changed to Square shape for ocean going.

      IN the square there were street musicians, flute, clarinet, small guitars, electric guitar and singer. It was beautiful. The young women's voice was soft, but they had amplifiers. Many people listening, another couple danced so we joined them. had to put the groceries down first! All the songs were in english.

      Then we wandered down the Rue Garret. I think this is a main shopping district. The Bario Chiado metro stop was right there with a statue of a poet Ferando Pessoa out front.

      the street lamps were lovely with tree like branches enveloping the metal.

      we found a gellato shop, very busy, but the cones were cool. 4.8 euros for med. Almost like Ernest!! they did them in the shape of roses. We think we should pass that on on to Oliver and maybe he can let Ernest know.....it was all very cute. Amorino Chiado

      We kept walking to the end of the street where there is a big sign over the building. Armazens do Chiando....a shopping mall. But out front they had had a stage set up and a band playing. They were taking the stage apart by the time we got there, around midnight.

      we wandered down Rua Nova Almada, more shops and getting quieter, then turned onto Calcada Sao Francisco. It was a curvy street going uphill. Vey quite, at the end we heard mor music so we headed towards that. Ended up in the "pink street nightlife" area along Rue Nova do Carvalho.

      Then we got a bit twisted around as I thought were were above Ruo S. Paulo. the street that would take us back, but we thought Carvelho was below this, and in fact it is above it so we went a block in the wrong direction, but stumbled upon some neat buildings and another sure. The buildings looked great at night all lit up. eventually we had to pu our google maps on to figure out where we were as we actually went beyond where we should have turned up to get back to the apartment. Only 1 block so not so bad, but because there is no grid system here you really need google maps to show you which lanes you need to wander up, which steps. You could get quite lost very easily without good maps. Some of the lanes are only lit when you go into them. the hotel last night was like that, motion sensors figuor out when you get out of the elevator and only then do the lights come on. Lots of good innovations here to conserve power. we could learn!

      anyway we eventually made our way back to the apartment, probably around 1 am, Our lane was a bit smelly as I think it was the local pea hole with all those guys wandering around with their Cervosa :). Still lots of music happening!, but because it was getting late, although we were not particularly tired we headed to the apartment and to bed. all that noise was not a problem, once you shutter the window here, no light and very little sound come in. So we actually slept to 1130 this morning!

      Now we have to do some reading, have breaky and head out for more explorations today!!

      weather is sunny and warm, with a breeze, we are still under the flight path, same as the hotel last night, light music streaming through the windows its all very cool.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Praça Dom Luís, Praca Dom Luis

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