Praia da Oura

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    • Day 10

      Voyage en Cascais et Albufeira

      October 1, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Tôt ce matin nous avons récupéré notre voiture au stationnement municipal de Évora pour se rendre encore une fois à notre appartement, les cônes oranges et les rues fermés font aussi partie du quotidiens de Évora. Nous sommes finalement parti vers 9:30 pour arrivé à notre nouvel appartement. Encore une fois une aventure de retrouver notre appartement car l’adresse n’était pas tellement précise après des recherches et appels nous avons trouvé la place exacte. Vu sur la mer avec piscine et grand balcon très propre et bien installé.
      Nous avons un peu circulé dans la ville pour un peu de magasinage d’épicerie pour nos déjeuner à l’appartement. On a pris ça relaxe cette après midi pour se reposer de la route à la piscine et demain nous ferons un tour de plage. Ce soir on nous a suggéré un resto italien Alfredo dans le vieux centre du village de Albufeira un style old Orchard beach mais tout de même bien le problème est comme partout pas de stationnement et des rues minuscules.
      Le repos va faire du bien on repars d’ici vendredi alors on aura la chance d’arpenter les rues et les plages qui semblent magnifique.

      Diane et Daniel
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    • Day 13

      Visite de Albufeira et Benagil

      October 4, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Aujourd’hui était une journée un peu plus relaxe. La plage de Benagil a été notre premiere arrêt. Une petite plage qui sert à départ pour les gens qui veulent s visiter les grottes dans les falaises le long de la mer. Il est possible de faire la visites des grottes soit en kayak, planche à pagaie ou bateau moteur de toute grosseurs.
      L’arrêt suivant fut la plage de Albufeira pour terminer nos visites. J’avoue que c’est vraiment un centre de villégiature avec 1001 restaurants ou boutiques pour faire des acquisitions de souvenirs de voyage. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié passer quelques heures à flâner et prendre au moins deux cocktails pour se sentir en vacances.
      Retour à la maison pour le souper mais avant arrêter pour acheter quelques combats pour le souper et un morceau de morue que Diane a su concocté avec ses talents de cuisinière hors paire.
      Demain on se dirige vers Comporta vers le nord.

      Diane et Daniel
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    • Day 15

      Albufeira & Praia dos Aveiros

      July 5, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Albufeira gehört zu den beliebtesten Reisezielen an der Algarve. Da es der nächste Ort von unserer Ferienwohnung ist, wollten wir uns das natürlich auch mal anschauen. Die Altstadt des ehemaligen Fischerdorfes ist jedoch kaum noch zu entdecken. Alles ist auf die zahlreichen und vornehmlich englischen Urlauber ausgerichtet und ausgebaut. Hotelburgen, Souvenirshops und Restaurants wechseln sich ab. Auch der viel gepriesene Strand war nicht so unser Geschmack. Also schnell wieder raus hier und einen Ort weiter zum Praia dos Aveiros. Einem kleinen gemütlichen Strand in einer Bucht. Hier ließ es sich bestens aushalten.Read more

    • Day 29

      Back on the Algarve for a few more days

      April 22, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Hi folks,
      Last Wednesday, Mike and I left the Douro Valley on a postcard perfect day. Bright blue skies, sunshine on the vineyards and the sound of the village’s old men arguing at the local cafe- likely over a strong coffee with a side of muscatel, as is their custom. We pointed the Peugeot south to find more sun and ended up in the town of Evora located in the south Alentejo region. Mike wanted to get some miles in so we wouldn’t have a huge drive on Friday. Our drive took us up, up out of the Douro onto an expansive plain. Earlier on this trip I was wondering about the source of all the cheese and milk, and beef. We found it on this huge plain. Hundreds of kms of cattle and grazing lands.
      Evora was a nice surprise considering neither of us had even heard of the place. Lots of historic sites including the ruins of an old Roman temple, an impressive ancient aqueduct and the second oldest University in Portugal. In fact there were so many ancient/historic sites in Evora that we came across a castle that wasn’t even on the tourist map- ho hum, another castle.
      We lucked out and got a room in a small funky hotel with a roof bar. Nice place to sip some local wines. And we caught some great weather. Wandered in the countryside to see the area’s cork groves. This area of Portugal produces over 50% of the world’s cork. It comes from a specific oak tree which has actually adapted to produce a thick bark to survive forest fires. The bark of the lower trunk areas of these trees are harvested every 7 years or so. Much of the cork goes to wine stoppers although you wonder if that’s a good future source of income given the move to other products and screw tops.
      Another interesting thing about the Evora area is the number of neolithic or prehistoric standing stones or (new word...... cromlechs). Mike is excited that he has a new crossword word and one with which he can baffle his friend Burns. We hiked up to a couple of these cromlech areas and wondered at the ingenuity it must have taken to create something so precise in 6000 BC. Mike said it was the structure he’s been most impressed with so far in Portugal because it was all built without EU funding ( zzzzing)
      On Friday we blasted the last 200km back to the coast to the town of Albufeira on the Algarve. We were met by our Air Band B host and some wet, rainy weather. We are reminded often that this country needs the rain as they suffered terribly from forest fires only 2 years ago and this will give them some protection. Can’t argue with that since we have experienced the same on the west coast. Anyway, the forecast is looking up!
      For the next few days we are staying in a condo within walking distance of the old town of Albufeira. Unfortunately, our first impressions of Albufeira when we biked through a few weeks ago have turned out to be pretty accurate. Lots of stag and hen parties, loud bars and sunburnt Brits. On Friday night the town felt like a bad all- inclusive resort. Lots of signs for full English breakfasts and Sunday roast beef dinners. Mike said, why don’t they just stay home? I replied, the weather of course. But the weather has actually been warmer in the UK this week. Enjoy it up there, Al and Helen. In fairness, the beaches here are beautiful and we have easy access to lots of lovely small villages which we will visit over the next few days. We have a number of recommendations for restaurants and places to see so we’ll stay out of trouble.
      Yesterday we “headed for the hills” and spent some time visiting the super well preserved castle at Silves that is the best example of moorish, military architecture in Portugal. If Helen were here she would describe it much more eloquently no doubt. We then drove up, up to the hills and had a lovely meal in the village of Monchique. Wildboar stew for me and a huge“mature bull”steak for Mike. We had lots of leftovers tonight. Away from abundant seafood on the coast, Portuguese cuisine is very heavy on meat, loads of carbs with hardly a vegetable in sight. Yesterday, the waitress asked me THREE times if I really wanted a salad with my meal as the portion was so large.
      . We head back to Lisbon on Friday to drop off our trusty Peugeot and then we take the milk-run flight route home Saturday via London and Toronto. We hope to see the girls and Malcolm enroute.
      Well that’s about it for Portugal. I don’t expect much more excitement or news over the next few days.
      We’re looking forward to getting home as much as we’ve enjoyed this latest adventure.
      Thanks for traveling with us,
      We look forward to seeing most of you soon. Until then........
      Signing off from Albufeira, Portugal.
      Love Heather/ Mom.
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    • Day 9


      July 14, 2018 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Nach dem Snack am Strand ging es in die Party Hochburg Albufeira. Entlang des "strips" tummeln sich etliche Bars und Clubs. Die ganze Straße ist eine einzige Party. Natürlich alles Touristen. Trotzdem sehr lustig. 3 L Sangria in 2 h haben vielleicht dazu beigetragen. Und wenn du in deinem gewagtesten Outfit der Spießer des Ortes bist, feiert es sich ungeniert. Geschlafen haben wir in einem Apartments Hotel von dem wir positiv überrascht waren. Um 11 Uhr Früh hieß es Checkout und wir fuhren weiter nach Silves.Read more

    • Day 9

      Kui ei lubata, siis ei lähe

      November 30, 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Päeva esimene pool möödus vaadates ja jalutades koobastes, väikestes külakestes ja suveniiripoodides. Plaanis oli ikkagi ka minna surfama , aga kui läksime surfilaua ja kalipsode laenutusse, siis meile neid ei antud, kuna lained algatajetele ei olnud täna sobilikud-liiga kiired ja suured. Vaatasime siis kuidas profid sõidavad , aga siis nägime rannas rannatennisevõrgu kõrgusel olevat võrku ja tekkis idee, et läheme ostame Decathlonist rannatennise reketid (mida juba Lissabonis plaanisime osta, aga jäid sinnapaika). Läksime Decathloni aga siin poes neid polnud ja rannatennist me täna siis ka ei saanud mängida 😟, panustame need tegevused siis Hispaanias ära teha.
      Õhtul on plaanis sporti vaadata ja lebotada (jalgpall, võrkpall) ning siis pakime asjad kokku, et oleksime homme valmis Hispaaniasse sõitmaks.
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