Erster Blick aus dem Fenster - es ist stark bewölkt. Peter führt einen Freudentanz aus. Sonnenschutz, Handschuhe, Schal und Hut werden heute nicht benötigt 👍😅
In Mafra besuchen wir denRead more
Finished off my adventure in a fantastic way. First I traveled to Muxía and Finisterre with Lisa, Dyna, Alessio and Davide. We explored the coast and had a lovely hippie bonfire on the beach withRead more
En 1917, Lucía dos Santos, Francisco Marto y Jacinta Marto (conocidos como "los tres pastorcitos de Fátima"), afirmaron haber presenciado varias apariciones de la Bienaventurada Virgen María en elRead more
We walked to meet our tour guide, Jose. We were the only 4 on this tour and we travelled in a newer electric van. Jose was a very nice man and his English was excellent. We drove just under 2 hours toRead more
All in all this was quite an experience. It was initially very overwhelming. The Basilica again looks like something from Disney. The interior Sanctuary is very peaceful amidst the throngs ofRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
São Mamede, Sao Mamede
This is a captivating painting of Christ on the way to Golgotha. You can see the grief in everyone's faces.
What is this?
Where the Virgin Mary appeared to 3 shepherd children indicating 3 apparitions in the world - 2 world wars and something about Russia