São Mamede

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    • Day 5


      June 23, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      On our way to board our riverboat, we spent 3 hours at Fatima- there was a mass going on so we couldn't go into basilica where the three shepherds are buried - disappointing- but we had a lovely lunch
      on board our riverboat and loving it - rooms are great , food and drinks great- people so friendly
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    • Day 38


      April 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Erster Blick aus dem Fenster - es ist stark bewölkt. Peter führt einen Freudentanz aus. Sonnenschutz, Handschuhe, Schal und Hut werden heute nicht benötigt 👍😅
      In Mafra besuchen wir den "Palácio Nacional de Mafra", gebaut im 18. Jahrhundert. Dies ist die größte Schloss- und Klosteranlage Portugals. Großartig. Es verschlägt uns die Sprache🤭🤔👍😊
      Mit unserer Smartphonekamera war es uns nicht möglich, den Bau in seiner Gesamtheit aufzunehmen.

      Vom Aussichtspunkt "Miradouro do Almourol" genießen wir eine schöne Aussicht auf die "Burg Almourol". Sie befindet sich auf einer Felseninsel im Tejo. Diese Templerburg aus dem 12. Jahrhundert ist nur mit einem Boot zu erreichen. Wunderschön👍👍 Alle weiteren Ziele für heute fielen buchstäblich ins Wasser. Aber der Regen war eine Wohltat.
      Wir checkten also etwas früher in unser Hotel ein und erholten uns ein wenig 😊🥧🍨🍷🍟🍔🥂🍺😀
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    • Day 30

      Fisterra and Fatima

      September 4, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Finished off my adventure in a fantastic way. First I traveled to Muxía and Finisterre with Lisa, Dyna, Alessio and Davide. We explored the coast and had a lovely hippie bonfire on the beach with many other pilgrims. The night ended with karaoke and I found another beautiful friend in Francesca 🇮🇹. Wish I could have met her earlier in the Camino 💕. The next day, I drove down to Fatima Portugal to end my pilgrimage. It was such a beautiful way to complete this epic journey. I cried most of the day as I walked around Lucia, Jacinta, and Fransisco’s homes, attended English and Portuguese mass, and joined in a candlelit rosary procession. My heart if so full and my love of God is only increasing. I am excited to bring this heart home. But first, off to Mariefred Sweden to celebrate Lovisa and Nathan’s marriage! 🇸🇪 farewell friends! Buen Camino! ❤️Read more

    • Day 3

      Santuário de Nuestra Señora de Fátima

      May 13, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      En 1917, Lucía dos Santos, Francisco Marto y Jacinta Marto (conocidos como "los tres pastorcitos de Fátima"), afirmaron haber presenciado varias apariciones de la Bienaventurada Virgen María en el lugar de la Cova da Iria, en Fátima. En una de esas apariciones les habría dicho que construyeran una capilla en aquel lugar, que actualmente es la parte central del Santuario.​ Con el paso del tiempo el Santuario se extendió, aumentado así la capacidad del acogimiento de los peregrinos en el recinto abierto. Es uno de los más importantes santuarios marianos del mundo, visitado por 6-9 millones de peregrinos cada año, según las estimaciones oficiales.Read more

    • Day 5

      Tour: Fatima, Batalha,Nazare& Obidos

      May 10, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We walked to meet our tour guide, Jose. We were the only 4 on this tour and we travelled in a newer electric van. Jose was a very nice man and his English was excellent. We drove just under 2 hours to Fatima so had time to chat with him and ask questions. This post will focus on Fatima, the location of the older Basilica de Nossa Senhora do Rossario de Fatima and the newer Basilica da Santisimma Trinidade. This is the site where thousands of people flock to each year to celebrate the dates of the apparition of the Lady of the Rosary on the 13th of each month from May to October. This is based on the the 3 children who were witness to her apparition and she told the children to be devout to God and to return each month on the 13th for 6 months. Now people will make the pilgrimage to visit the site. Many will light a candle for loved ones, others walk or crawl down a specific white strip on the concrete praying or setting/thinking of a specific intention. The old and new Basilicas were each impressive in their own way. They were preparing for the night procession on the 12th and the Celebration of the Apparition of the Lady of the Rosary on the 13th. The brother and sister who saw the apparition were buried in the Basilica on one side and the 3rd child, who lived to an adult and became a nun is also buried in the Basilica on the other side.Read more

    • Day 55

      A few more Fatima thoughts

      May 2, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      All in all this was quite an experience. It was initially very overwhelming. The Basilica again looks like something from Disney. The interior Sanctuary is very peaceful amidst the throngs of people.

      It was interesting observing all of the different types of people. Some were actually crawling to the Basilica on their hands and knees. Others would lie flat on there tummies in front of the alter. Others would only take pictures. I saw the selfie stick a lot. Still others would just walk by....Young, old, in wheelchairs, walking with canes or with a guide dog.....

      There was also a candle section Some people had candles 5 feet in length!!!!

      Tomorrow is a very long day. Fatima to Salamanca 9 hours on the bus, and then an hour train to Avila
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    • Day 6–7


      April 6, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      As we continued on our journey, we opted to tread the road less traveled, forging our own "way". So far, this has rewarded us with some unforgettable experiences, and our ride from charming Óbidos to the holy city of Fatima was undoubtedly one of the highlights. I can only speak for myself, but while the rugged Atlantic coast is undeniably breathtaking and fun watching surfers dotting the shoreline in every town, my soul finds solace in the quiet simplicity of the bucolic countryside. Cycling immersed us in the natural beauty of each region, tantalizing our senses as we pedaled through the crisp breeze that carried scents of minty eucalyptus forests, tangy citrus trees, earthy olive orchards, and sweet spring flowers. It allows for a snapshot in time of farm animals grazing in the lush verdant valleys, vibrant purple wisteria in full bloom adorning a stone fence, or a worn stray cat lying on the warm cobblestone path without a care in the world. I was grateful to the Portuguese dog owners in just about every other residence we passed for containing their overly protective furry family members, making for a much safer journey. Those we did see wandering were estranged and seemingly on their own Camino. Much to John's chagrin, I picked up some animal treats. I reminded him of one of my life mottos, "I stop for animals," and the Camino is no different 😊
      As we continue on our way, I am filled with serenity and gratitude for the opportunity to experience God's hand in it all.
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    • Day 21


      June 26, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Our Lady of Fátima appeared to three shepherd children. Lucia dos Santos (age nine) and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto (ages eight and six, respectively) were tending sheep in central Portugal when they had a vision of a woman surrounded by light who identified herself as the Lady of the Rosary.
      We visited Fatima today about one hour from Lisbon it’s a shine to our Lady of Fatima, I collected holy water from where she appeared to the three young shepherd children and I prayed for good health
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    • Day 20


      August 8, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      We spent two nights here to wind down from the excitement of WYD. On the first day, we visited Arneiro's well, where one of the apparitions of the Angel happened and Lucia's House. The line was sadly too long for us to see Franciso and Jacinta's house before Holy Mass at the Chapel of the Apparitions. On the second day, we toured the Sanctuary and museum and joined in Holy Mass at the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity.Read more

    • Day 2


      October 23, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      A day of taking Fatima in and engaging in my own internal narratives of what do I believe about the testimonies of other people in their own journeys of faith? I want to be both respectful and have a sense of curiosity and openness, recognizing that each person’s faith journey is deeply personal and unique. I want to honor their experiences without imposing my own beliefs, while also remaining curious enough to ask meaningful questions that foster understanding. In doing so, I hope to balance empathy with inquiry, allowing space for both reverence and dialogue as we all seek truth in our own ways. A day of contemplation.Read more

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    São Mamede, Sao Mamede

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