Senhora do Porto

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    • Day 7

      Day 7: Porto to Foz to Matosinho

      September 28, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      25.1k👣 25Z🧡

      Tchaubrigada = Tchau + Obrigada = Goodbye, and thank you

      Packed bags ready for pick-up by 7:15am
      Took Ibuprofen
      Breakfast at café down the street: carrot tart
      Returned to AirBnB for final washing up & cleaning
      Subway & walk to Cathedral from Francos to Trinidad; change to yellow line to São Bento (St. Benedict, but we prefer to think of him as the patron saint of lunchboxes)
      Got credentials at Cathedral
      Caught the 11am Mass! Eric & I walked through the doors, and they closed them behind us
      Down down down the stairs to the river
      Walked along the Douro River towards the ocean
      10.4k👣 by lunch at 13:15: smoked salmon & egg tosta for me, pork tosta for Joe. Shandies (beer & lemonade) for all.
      Strolled along the river to Foz do Douro, where the river meets the ocean. Lighthouse; HUGE waves
      Coffee break at 15:45 @ tavi. Espresso with a splash of milk (aka pingo), served with ONE ice cube, which I then drowned with the espresso & the milk that was brought to Joe & Abby's tea). Iced coffee is NOT a thing here.
      Hips sore.
      Boardwalk along the ocean. SoCal vibes. Trees, walkways, rotunda along the roadway
      Matosinhos is a surfer's town!
      Checked in at Pensão Central
      Took Ibuprofen
      Interesting discussion of nighttime photo of bridge with concierge: Ponte do Luis I (Luis Premiero)? Or Dona Maria Pia?
      Dinner at café (in front)/charcuterie restaurant (in back)
      Caldo verde was super delish, as were starters (that we didn't ask for, but appear on the bill nonetheless, per local custom) and vinho verde (like white wine, but lighter somehow)
      Chicken plate & grilled sardines plate were generous and delicious
      Joe really confused the restaurant host when he ordered another bowl of caldo verde (potato & kale soup) for dessert
      The rest of us chose chocolate mousse or pudim frances (flan)
      Continued interesting bridge discussion with evening concierge (we were right: it WAS the Luis I!)
      Up at 7am tomorrow. Bags down by 8. Will return to tonight's café for breakfast before setting out on tomorrow's walk.
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    • Day 89–92

      Porto, du bist wunderbar 🍷🌞

      November 2, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Noch lange vor der portugiesischen Grenze war für mich klar, dass ich mir ein paar Tage Zeit nehmen möchte, um Porto zu besichtigen. An den letzten größeren Städten bin ich meist vorbei gefahren oder habe einen Tag dort verbracht, bevor es mich wieder zurück in meinen Bus und raus in die Natur zog. In Porto sollte es anders sein. Dominik, ein langjähriger und sehr enger Freund wollte sich meinem Besuch in der portugiesischen Stadt anschließen und so verbrachten wir 3 wunderbare Tage in Porto. Von Sightseeing, schmackofatzen Essen und Portwein-Verkostungen war alles dabei und ich bin mir sicher, dass es nicht mein letzter Besuch in dieser süßen Stadt war. 🍇🍶🍷🌞🇵🇹Read more

    • Day 28

      Day after Camino: Santiago - Porto

      May 23, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      It’s day after Camino. Santiago is busy, noisy and full of people 😂

      I woke up to free morning - my bus to Porto was not before 11:30am so plenty of time. Not something I tried last month.

      If Santiago was noisy - Porto is concrete/asphalt jungle. I prefer Copenhagen - or even better - Camino.

      Camino retrospective - have not found the god (haven’t really looked after him/her). Was never in doubt what I have at home - the whole Camino story was about challenge and some time on my own. And Camino delivered.

      It was hard, beautiful, wet, cold, challenging, rewarding and sometimes lonely. Exactly what I came for.

      26 days was very optimistic but I didn’t have any major issues with it. I was walking way too fast - especially over Pyrenees. That costed pain in my knees for 5-6 days. Rest of the Camino was easy - and relaxing.

      Would I do it again? Probably not - Been there, done that got the t-shirt 😂 - time to find another challenge.

      Waiting for my wife in Porto - washing all my clothes as I don’t think all my clothes smells of roses. Looking so much forward seeing her soon ❤️❤️ I did miss that girl 🥰
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    • Day 6

      Day 6: A Day of Food & Wine & Walking

      September 27, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      16.9k👣 46Z🧡

      Joe: Anybody want some bread? This baguette is turning into a ba-rock. ... Or maybe a Rock-ette.

      Breakfast of leftover foccacia sandwich for me & sardines for Joe.
      Bolted to our first activity of the day: a port wine tour at Graham's.
      But first! Coffee... with pastries, of course
      After the tour of the caves was a tasting of 3 ports, each paired with chocolate, cheese, and pastry (pastel de nata, second of the day)
      On the way down fron Graham's, we saw an artists' cooperative . Martha got an invite to hold an installation there!
      We climbed up & down hills so we could cross the UPPER level of the Luis I Bridge.
      Made our way to the restaurant Velham Mais Cinco, recommended by Patrícia, M&T's landlady
      Had the fabled francesinha, a so-called heart attack on a plate. It was like a panini with steak and fried egg, covered in cheese and drowning in a savory sauce. Oh, and it came with fries. 🤣🤣 And we had some vinho verde (green wine). So then we had to have the "Best Chocolate Cake in the World." Needless to say, we left VERY satisfied. It fueled us for the rest of the day, as predicted by our port wine tour guide Maximilian.
      Suddenly, I realized it was almost time for our fado performance, so we hoofed it (downhill, fortunately) to a stone cavern called A Casa do Fado.
      Got there with 2 min. to spare. !!
      Carla Teles was our cantora. The two guitarists were also FABULOUS. The glass of port was nice, too.
      Had to finish off the night with passion fruit gelato.
      The Bolt driver who picked us up drove like a bat outa hell and kept up a running commentary on the other drivers on the road in Português 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
      Doing laundry was a team effort 😅😅 We start our Caminho at the Cathedral tomorrow. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️
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    • Day 5

      Porto Tag 3

      October 16, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Porto hat im Oktober durchschnittlich 16 Regentage, einer davon ist heute. Diesen nehmen wir zum Anlass am Nachmittag im Rahmen einer Führung das moderne und lokal gerühmte Konzerthaus Casa da Música zu besuchen.

      Der ausschweifende Gesellschaftsabend Tags zuvor hat unterschiedlich Spuren hinterlassen und so treffen wir uns erst am späten Mittag zunächst mit Thomas & Heike in einer Metrostation um gemeinsam zu dem etwas außerhalb gelegenen Musiktempel zu gelangen. Dort vereinigen wir uns mit dem gerade vom Spätstück aufgetauchten Chris und erstmals auch mit Stefan & Heike (jetzt wird es wegen der Namensgleichheit mit Thomas Heike ein wenig unübersichtlich), die seit heute in der Stadt am Douro sind. Meine Doppelkopfrunde ist komplett.

      Unser Guide für die Führung ist eine extrem schnell mit sympathischen Akzent Englisch sprechende portugiesische Amazone, die sichtbar engagiert versucht, die unzähligen einzig- und großartigen Vorzüge und Eigenschaften des Hauses bezüglich Dimensionen, Architektur, Akustik, Design, bla bla zu erklären und Begeisterung im Auditorium zu schaffen. Ich finde sie kennt die Elphi nicht. Und im übrigen bleiben Versuche sie in der Sprechgeschwindigkeit einzubremsen fruchtlos.

      Draußen pladdert es weiter und es bleibt uns nichts anderes als erstmal einzukehren und früh zum Abendessen zu gehen. Irgendwie ist heute kein richtiger Schwung in der Mannschaft … mir ein Rätsel.
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    • Day 36


      May 7, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Ausflug von Aveiro aus.
      Schöne Großstadt, aber Menschen ohne Ende.
      Nicht nur, das alle die Orte, die Anregungen zu Harry Potter gegeben haben, sondern, wir trafen oft auf das "Studentenfest Queima das Fitas"
      und auch sind wir oft in die "Praxe" geraten. Ein Ritual zur Aufnahme der neuen Studenten.
      Sehr viele schöne Ecken.
      Parken diesmal in der Hochgarage 9. Etage
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    • Day 18

      13.793 erste Schritte in Porto

      September 16, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      Rückfahrt nach Porto, um die schöne Stadt noch etwas zu genießen.
      Über der Stadt hängt ein Wolke mit Staub, der alles in gelbes Licht taucht und der die Sonne rot färbt. Wie sich herausstellt, gibt es in der Nähe von Porto Waldbrände und das sind die Auswirkungen davon.
      Noch ein kurzer Abendspaziergang durch den Botanischen Garten und über den Platz mit einem riesigen Kriegerdenkmal, spanisch-französischer Krieg zu Zeiten Napoleons.
      Am Haus der Musik zurück zu unserer Unterkunft.
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    • Day 22

      Vila Nova de cerveira - Porto

      September 28, 2020 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Un point sur les kilomètres parcourus et de la forme physique avant de commencer car on me pose pas mal de questions à ce sujet. J'en suis actuellement à 2670 km depuis le début. Ce qui nous donne une coquette moyenne de 120 kilomètres par jour.
      Mon "objectif" étant de faire environ 110 km par jour c'est tip-top. 💪
      Et pour ce qui est de la forme physique. C'est tranquille comme au premier jour. 😁

      Assez de blabla maintenant passons à cette magnifique journée. 😊
      Les églises des divers petits villages Portugais mon frappé sur la route. De par leurs styles et leurs belles fresques peinte en façade. (Image 2)

      Quelques centaines de kilomètres avec certaines portions pavées à l'arrivée et voilà Porto ! 😍😍 Je visite rapidement et je m'arrête sous le Pont Dom-Luis (image 4). Guillaume un Breton vient me parler et il va jusqu'à Barcelone en bikepacking. 🥳

      Demain journée off avec visite de la ville puis on reprend la route ensemble. 😜
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    • Day 33


      September 21, 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Although I had all the intentions to wake up early and see some more of Lisbon before I left, it didn't materialise. I had given up on seeing any of Porto, given I had one afternoon at best. As such, I swapped that afternoon for a morning in Lisbon. I was supposed to be productive, but a bit of a hangover, being very tired and being unable to decide what to do, left me stuck to the couch most of the day. I went and found some peri peri chicken, which was quite average, and ended up back at the hostel chilling with Nina and Matt until it was time to make my way to the bus station. Which is enourmas and quite cool by the way, shame its in the middle of no where and takes ages to get to. After a reasonably long bus trip, I eventually arrived at the Lisbon station, jumped on my bus, and began the much longer journey to Porto. Nothing exciting happened during the journey, and not much exciting happened after. A part from spending a good bit of time trying to figure out the Portugese train system with some other travellers, I went to the hostel and went to bed. It's a shame. It looked very social, and the people seemed really cool. I met some Canadians as I was checking out, and they seemed fun. Had I not been fucked around by the train, I may have made it in time for the pub crawl, and enjoyed at least one night in Porto. But I have had plenty of partying in Portugal. Instead, I simply got a feed, ate at the hostel, and went to bed. The hostel was situated in the perfect position, so even the walk to the burger joint provided some great photos of the cathedral and the viewpoint over part of the city.Read more

    • 1.5 Days in Porto

      September 13, 2024 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Obviously, 1.5 days in Porto is not neeeeeearly enough, and almost a little heartbreaking for me. Tried to make the best of it nonetheless.

      Went to a city wine and food tasting Fri night, came home and slept half the day away. Today (Sat) strolled through a beautiful, centuries (probably thousands) year old cemetery, then went back out to the area we had toured the previous night to do a little shopping, eating and drinking.

      Neither of us were big fans of port wine, but both agreed that the vino verde is delicious, and we found some great craft beer as well. Liked the local pork sandwiches, called bifanas, and also enjoyed some thin crust pizza with vino verde on night two.

      Need to do some re-packing now to get things squared away for our first official day on the Camino!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Senhora do Porto

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