Comuna Ocna Şugatag

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    • Day 10

      Up to the traditional Maramures

      October 8, 2023 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      2 day guided tour, overnight in Breb. We are next to the Ukraine border but nowhere near the war.

      My guide, Florin, is from this area now living in Cluj. Again it's just me and my guide.

      We stop for coffee in Baia Mare, this is Florin's hometown. In the coffee shop we bump into one of his friends who used to live in the same apartment block. Baia Mare is in a valley and when the communist gold mine was operating the smoke would settle and the area would be contaminated with heavy metals that are a by- product of gold mining. Consequently, people in this valley don't live much past their 60's. Florin's dad dies at 54 and he doesn't anticipate to live longer than his 60's, even though he is no longer living there. He feels the damage is already done.

      Next stop is a Wooden Church with the tallest spire in Romania (?Europe). It starts to drizzle and get colder here. True to Maramures it has a wooden welcome gate. The church is beautiful. The wood is carved and every symbol means something. The paintings inside are spectacular and of course depict Christian stories. This church has pews to sit on because it's Greek Catholic . Orthodox churches require you to stand.

      The rain increases and the foggy roads shut out the view of the monutains we are driving through. We stop for lunch at a traditional restaurant on the side of the road. This area is a ski Mecca in Winter.

      As it's raining we opt to do an indoor activity so we go to the Communist Victim museum. See separate page for this visit. And the sun comes out but is still cold.

      We then head to the village of Breb, where we check me into Veronica's Guesthouse. It is modern and warm, and I am the only guest there. I was expecting I might be in a cold wooden house so packed layers but not needed. Veronica is a young lady, happy and bubbly. She insists I have a fruit liqueur shot, or 2. They have 2 sorts of traditional spirit. The "women's" one is less proof and fruit flavoured, very nice. The "men's " one is the clear super-proof aviation fuel, typical of many countries. Florin explained the he/she is traditional but doesn't need apply these days.
      We also are served a traditional round donut hit from the pan , dusted with icing sugar her mother made. Delicious.

      Florin checks into his cheaper accommodation ("otherwise how we would make money?") then an hour later we drive through the village to the next village to a bed and breakfast place for a traditional dinner. Sour soup, chicken offal, mashed spud with dill, pork. Then a lovely blueberry muffin for dessert. It's here I try the rocket-fuel shot 😂.
      The host is Maria and she serves way too much. There is a saying in the Maramures that you will never leave Maramures hungry. So true!!
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    • Day 57

      Rundgang durch das Dorf Breb

      June 25, 2024 in Romania ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Ein Rundgang durch das Breb, eine verstreute Siedlung mit vielen alten Holzhäusern. Doch es wird viel gebaut, alte Häuser werden restauriert und dazu kommen neue Häuser, in denen viele Fremdenzimmer zu mieten sind. Viele der neueren Häuser sind gemauert, werden dann mit den traditionellen Holzschnitzereien verziert. Auch sind die Eingangstore recht imposant. Entlang der Wege sind Zäune aus Holz in ganz verschiedenen Macharten.Read more

    • Day 1

      Prvé drevené kostolíky a dedinka Breb

      February 13, 2024 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Poobede vstupujeme do Rumunska a hneď ako prejdeme cez horský priesmyk Gutai plný zákrut (už mi to po Thajsku chýbalo) začínajú karpatské dedinky plné dreveničiek, drevených kostolov a hlavne obrovských krásne vyrezávaných vstupných brán.
      Poobdivujeme jeden z ôsmich drevených kostolov v Maramureș, ktoré UNESCO zapísalo do zoznamu svetového dedičstva v dedinke Budesti. Tento kostol nie je ani zďaleka najstarším dreveným kostolom v Rumunsku, pričom minulý rok oslavoval "len" 400 rokov.
      V interiéri kostola sa okrem iného nachádza aj reťazová zbraň Pintea Odvážneho, čo je rumunská verzia slovenského Jánošíka. O našej hodine je však kostol už zavretý.
      Na to, že je drevený je ukrutne vysoký. Nevieme ho však odfotiť (už sa aj stmieva) proste to treba vidieť.

      Dedinka Breb, kde sme ubytovaní je symbolickým miestom pre všetko, čo predstavuje rumunský región Maramureš. Niečo ako náš Vlkolínec.
      Je plná drevených domčekov, s dreveným kostolom, s úzkymi offroad cestičkami bez asfaltu, kde Danka plače, keď to prechádzame na jej Maserati. Väčšinu prehliadky robíme už takmer po tme, takže my sme sa pokochali nad zručnosťou rezbárov, ale fotky veľmi nie sú. Cieľom v podstate bolo nájsť reštauráciu, lebo tu všade propagujú tradičné jedlá, ale aj keď sú tu tri, sme tak mimo sezóny, že nič nie je otvorené a prístupové cesty sú trošku adrenalínové.

      Celkovo na nás najvychýrenejšia dedinka rumunského Maramureša pôsobí dosť rozpoluplne, lebo je zjavne počtom ubytovaní, atrakciami (rôzne minimúzea vo dvoroch) nastavená na hordy turistov, avšak aktuálne sme v nej turisti asi jediní...

      Bonusom je tiež tetuška, u ktorej sme ubytovaní. Hučí na nás bez prestávky v dobrej a pohostinnej nálade po rumunsky a my nerozumieme ani slovo aj keď používa ruky/nohy. Prekladač nefunguje, internet tu nie je... Po tom ako nás núka miestnym chutným alkoholom už aj vyťahuje nejaké kuracie stehná, ktoré sú vraj family večerou, ale dá ich nám. Slušne odmietame, čo ju však neodrádza v ďalšom hučaní v rumunštine. Čo všetko chcela netušíme, ale je jasné, žeby sa kvôli nám aj rozkrájala.

      Sme inak už dosť vysoko, ale našťastie tu nie je sneh. Všade sú značky so snehovými reťazami a poniektoré cesty, čo sme šli by nedal ani Pathfinder. Nie kvôli terénu, ale kvôli šírke... Okolité vrcholky sú však pod snehom a v lete, alebo na jeseň to tu musí vyzerať farebne úchvatne. Snáď nám vysokohorský vzduch prospeje. A keby nie, zajtra to liečenie vygradujeme.
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    • Day 11

      Vasile, the village chronicler

      October 9, 2023 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      As we do our village walk Florin tells me about an elderly man who is the village chronicler, he collects all sorts of information, documents and takes photos. Next thing I know we're outside a house and Florin says "Let's go see if he's home".

      So we knock on his door, it's still a bit early and catch him with his teeth out😂.
      Once we let him put his teeth in all is good.

      His small house is cluttered and looks a mess but it it's clean and he knows where everything is.
      His walls are lined with photos he's taken.

      He is having trouble with his phone, apparently he needs to put in a new SIM card but has no idea how to do it. He asks Florin to do it. They need a pin thing that inserts in the hole to pop the simcard holder out. As chance would have it, I carry one in my phone case, so hey presto, his phone gets fixed!

      He loves receiving guests and taking photos of them. He asks me, via Florin, if he could take my photo and put on his Facebook page that a beautiful Australian came to visit 😂. Of course, I said yes. Within minutes, the post was up. Not bad for 74!

      He also writes poetry and obviously loves to promote the Maramures way if his Facebook page is anything to go by.
      He says he thought he saw me in the village the other day but it must have been someone who looks like me 😉

      We say goodbye with one of his lovely fresh apples off his tree.
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    • Day 11

      A visit to Maria the weaver

      October 9, 2023 in Romania ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      We visited Maria on our village ramble.
      She has been weaving since around age 13 and is now in her 70's.
      She was very pleased to show me how she weaves. She also insisted she show me her house - guest room, passage and main room. It was very colourful and full of traditional Romanian decoration and articles.

      She wanted to dress me in traditional Maramures dress so I let her, she had such joy doing it. I wore a blouse, skirt and head scarf. Apparently it's a wedding outfit. She tut-tutted I was so tall I had to bend in half so she could put my scarf on.
      She couldn't speak English, I couldn't speak Romanian so of course Florin interpreted.
      Maria also said she thought she saw me in the village the other day 😮

      We then went across the yard to a small hut that I guess is her bedroom and bathroom. Her stove heats this small room well. She takes us there to show me how she spins her wool on a spindle. It was similar to how the Moroccan women did it. Her thread is very strong. When I tried it broke and she said I was not ready to marry!!

      She was a delightful lady and I feel privileged she wanted to share her way of life with me.
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    • Day 11

      Breb Village walk

      October 9, 2023 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      With a frosty start we have a 2 hour walk around the small village. We walk along the pebbly roads, up people's garden paths, through the fields. We have 2 dogs follow us for a while, chat to a couple of cats and throw some grapes🍇 to some chooks.

      This village is typical of the Maramures area with their wooden houses and carved wooden gates, farm plots and vege gardens. There is the odd European house but since Prince Charles, now King, bought an old wooden house, people decided that their traditions might actually be worth keeping.
      There is an Australian couple living here, there used to be two couples named Long and Short!
      We visit 2 locals in their houses, see following pages for Vasile and Maria.
      We bump into another Vasile who was the village stonemason until fairly recently. He was picking his purple grapes for wine. He gave us some bunches to eat, very tasty. There was also a lady with a basket collecting fallen walnuts. She also brought Vasile something to eat I think.

      Tourism has come to Breb, thanks to local guides and some houses had stalls selling goods. There was a saucepan man following us for a bit.
      A young girl wanted to sell me a bracelet. Turns out Veronica's mother made me one and had it on the breakfast table for me.

      This village walk talking to the locals was a major highlight.
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    • Day 3

      Erkundung im Skigebiet

      June 5, 2021 in Romania ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Heute ging es das erste Mal auf Erkundung in Rumänien.
      Die Wanderung führte durch ein Skigebiet zu einem See.

      Das Grün ist überwältigend hier.
      Die Lifte würden so in Deutschland oder Österreich wohl eher nicht mehr laufen (dürfen).

      Danach hieß es erstmal einkaufen gehen.
      Ein bisschen Essen und lokales Kaltgetränk sollte Einzug in den Wagen halten.
      Bei Dauerregen und sehr abenteuerlichen Straßen fuhren wir einen Campingplatz an, welcher uns mehrmals empfohlen wurde.
      Edith: heute Abend haben wir uns richtig gegönnt 2 Weine 2 Bier 2 Hauptgerichte 2 Kuchen für umgerechnet 13€ pro Person 😂
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    • Day 4

      Rund um Breb

      June 6, 2021 in Romania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Nachdem es gestern Abend noch aufgehört hat zu regnen, wachten wir bei blauem Himmel auf.
      Schnell war klar daß der Tag schön werden würde.
      In etwa 8km Entfernung soll in einem anderen Dorf ein Geldautomat stehen.
      Den bräuchten wir, denn im Gegensatz zu Skandinavien kann man hier zwar auch viel mit Karte bezahlen aber auch vielen es nicht.
      Vorallem nicht wenn man am Straßenrand bei den Einheimischen Obst und selbergemachte Lebensmittel kaufen möchte.
      Auf dem Weg dorthin konnten wir die Landschaft bestaunen und auch einen Storch beobachten der in einer Wiese umher stolzierte.
      Nachdem der Bankautomat gefunden und Bargeld abgehoben war gab es im Supermarkt daneben für umgerechnet 1€ für jeden noch ein Eis und dann ging es wieder zurück.
      Es war mittlerweile deutlich heiß geworden.
      Wir entdeckten noch einen Einheimischen welcher uns gerne Erdbeeren verkaufte.
      Mindestabnahmemenge 1KG. Bei 2€ aber auch kein Problem.
      So waren wir direkt froh um das Bargeld.

      Zurück am Womo also aufgrund der Temperaturen erstmal Bedienungsanleitung lesen und dann Mal unsere Markise ausfahren.
      Eine Premiere jagt hier also die Nächste.
      Der Stoff ist übrigens ganz schön 😂

      So liegen wir jetzt unter der Markise und essen Erdbeeren 🍓
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    • Day 5

      Ab ins kalte Wasser

      September 19, 2018 in Romania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Der erste Tag Off Road war schon bisschen heftig, so mit "langsam angehen" hatte das nix zu tun. Nach neun km, 900 Höhen Meter, 2 1/2 stunden und 3 Stürzen hatten wir den Höhenzug erklommen, der Rest war dann Spaziergang durch durch unberührte Hochebene.
      Toller kleiner Zeltplatz, alle happy und müde.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Comuna Ocna Şugatag, Comuna Ocna Sugatag

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