
Forgot to post pictures from our 17th floor balcony yesterday. However, there are night views and sunrise this morning. We can see the suspension bridge right in front of us and if you look to theRead more
Forgot to post pictures from our 17th floor balcony yesterday. However, there are night views and sunrise this morning. We can see the suspension bridge right in front of us and if you look to the right, you can see part of the marina. We went back to the Georgian restaurant last night, which was lovely. Not quite sure what we have planned for today, but we'll make a move soon.Read more
Off the train at Vladivostok. Finn and James will be flying home from here. Jonas is spending a couple of days in a proper bed before heading all the way back to Moscow in 3rd class.
We will be taking to the water. Our ferry for tomorrow is already waiting. No paddling though - the ferry channel is open but a lot of the sea is still rather solid.
The hotel cat has given us a cautious welcome. The museum cat's duties do not include greeting visitors.Read more
Well, we arrived in Vladivostok on time this morning. George and Victoria were on the platform waiting for us and we then got a taxi to the hotel. It's a Time hotel, a little like the Tune hotels in Asia. It's so nice to have a bed that isn't moving! The view from our window isn't as good, but we'll be heading out soon to sample the delights that Vladivostok has to offer.Read more
We made it! We are in Russia, in particular in Wladiwostok, all the way on the East Coast.
Russia is a country neither of us has been to yet and seems a bit daunting, to be honest.
We had already been super excited about our granted visa (the process is not the easiest but actually fairly straight forward if you got all the information), but I think we were even happier once we passed immigration (Tom: I almost peed my pants when they triple checked my passport!!).
Russia is such a vast country, I still can't quite believe we'll be driving through it in a few days!
We can't start yet, as we're waiting for Hans to arrive.
Hence, we're staying in a cute hostel, high up in the hills (Wladiwostok is also called San Francisco of the East) and prepare for our adventures.
Firstly, we learned a few phrases Russian and read about food&culture. Then it was time to go out and explore.
The city feels quite welcoming and nice to stroll through once you have overcome your initial culture shock. Tom is even already able to read the Cyrillic alphabet (and I try, too), hence street and shop names as well as the signage can be deciphered and suddenly everything doesn't seem so strange and foreign anymore.
We also discover beautiful neighbourhoods, great street art and nice coffee places and we manage to get a few smiles from people we try our Russian on. I firmly believe this will be a great adventure.Read more
After 67 hours in the train (a journey not to be missed) we arrive in Vladivostok and are met by Svetlana our guide and a driver who immediately take us for a late lunch in ine if Vladivostok's finest seafood restaurants (on tbe company of course). They p ride themselves on quality seafood, our chef prepares seacucumber for us and though we know we shouldn't we do and its really nice. A softer texture than abalone with a light oyster flavour.
I do intend to leave all other seacucumber when th hey belong cleaning up the ocean floor.
Its our duty then to be driven around the city with an expert guide (but after 67 hours in the train its a bit tiring)
Fortunately I secombe to a crook tummy and leave them to it and check into the motel.
I am sure vodka is the cure. I will let you know.Read more
And other Vladivostock miscellanea.
Most of the attractions here tend to the military, and we've certainly seen a good number of monuments, war memorials and battleships. Didn't really feel the need for a military history museum as well. So once we'd tracked down the ferry ticket offfice and paid for those, we headed to the local history museum. Very interesting - concentrates on neolithic up to about 10th century, then has a special display on a local late 19thC naturalist/mapper/explorer, and 2 Lenin rooms. And a very smart museum cat (see previous post for pic). Sadly he had important business elsewhere so couldn't stop to chat.
After lunch at Coffee Company (no real veggie optiond, but splendid hot chocolates with a choice pf non-fairy milks) we walked along the non-frozen harbour for a bit then up to the furnicular railway. Excellent value at 14 roubles a trip, with a walk at the top to an observation platform. We were just trying to work put the way back down wjen we realised we were in the middle of the very small) road, with a car coming. Lept to tje sides to let it pass, only to discover it contained the only other person we know currently in the city. Quick chat with Jonas, then worked our way down to the local Arbat equivalent in search of promising places for dinner.
The guidebook promised an Italian restaurant that does 'probably the best pizza east of the Urals'. Not having tried any others this side of the Urals we weren't in a position to verify this claim, but thought it a promising recommendation. Except it wasn't there. Nor was our backup option, another branch of Shashlikoff, which we'd found good in Ulan Ude. Eventually located the latter up a rickety set of stairs. Passed a Moomintroll place that didn't look very Moomintrolly at all (turns out it is named after a local rock band, which is named after the Moomintrolls).
Where the pizza restaurant should have been there was ... well, we're not sure what it was. The sign with the name was too stylised to read and the tableau outside (last picture) really didn't help. Answers on a postcard.
Retired to 5 o'clock - an English tea room - to consider matters. Had tea under the watchful eye of her maj, and concluded a retreat to the hotel room to pack for the ferry was in order. While doing that I had a quick Google and found the pizza place had moved a block down, so we wandered back there and had quite decent Italian food.Read more
It was nice to spend two days in Vladivostok after such a long train journey. Like Rome (and Glasgow) it is a city built on hills, and the calf muscles felt it after two long days walking about. Russia's naval base for many years, the city was closed to foreigners until 1992. It was revitalised in time for the APEC summit in 2012, with two massive new bridges spanning Golden Horn Bay and over to Russky Island. I climbed up to the viewpoint and got a great view of the bridge (which apparently is bigger than San Francisco’s - so there!).
Due to its proximity to China, the city feels much more Asian than the other Russian cities I've visited. A variety of cuisines are now available. To get me in the mood for the next phase of my journey, I had a lovely Japanese lunch. Among the more unusual sights, I did a tour of the S-56 submarine - a bit claustrophobic for my liking, having to pull myself through round metal holes to get into each compartment. Nice to see a framed picture of Stalin in the officers’ quarters!
Surprisingly, Vladivostok has a very nice walkway along the waterfront which was very busy with families the first day due to the lovely weather, enjoying ice cream, beer, paddle boats and amusements.
In order to keep an eye on my budget I decided to book into one of the city’s new hostels, rather than an expensive hotel. The IZBA Hostel was well located and clean and fresh. There was a welcoming Samovar of tea, free wifi, good showers and excellent kitchen facilities. The staff were young and friendly, and let me check into my comfy berth early in the morning - not bad for £13 per night! The guests were a mixture of families, solo travellers of all ages and students. Got chatting to s nice family from Korea.
Well it's early to bed tonight to get ready for the next section of my trip. I hope you've enjoyed Shawlands to Siberia - if so please join me for A Japanese JauntRead more
Jan Higgins Grt story telling Robert keep it up and the fab pics. Enjoy the rest of your journey.x
It was a daunting thought as I boarded the train at 07.47 on Friday morning, knowing I would be on it for the next three full days. Again it was a bit unnerving on arrival at Irkutsk station to see the departure board (only in Russian) and the station clock showing the time of departure (for what I had worked out must be the Vladivostok train) as being 02.47 (Moscow time). Even more confusingly, local trains were shown in the correct local time!
On boarding, I was disappointed that for the first time my compartment was dirty and untidy, littered with food and drink debris. Summoning up my courage, I approached Madame Provodnitsa (Slack Svetlana from Siberia) and, with the aid of Google translate, let her know I was not happy. ‘Russian pigs’ she declared as she set about clearing out the berth. My travelling companion was a heavy built Russian lad who looked like a young Sumo wrestler with the face of a film star - ah yes, I remember - King Kong! He had his foodstuffs spread all over, and looked a bit sheepish as Senga told him off for being so untidy. After my complaint, Slack Svetlana made a show of cleaning the whole carriage with much huffing and puffing. To her credit however she did bring me a pack of fresh linen and a cup of tea in one of the lovely metal tea holders.
The scenery was lovely as we left, with sweeping views of Lake Baikal as we skirted its southern edge. The train stops for 10 minutes at Slydyanka 500 metres from the lake, and some brave Trans Siberian passengers have been known to take the dare of running down to the lake for a quick dip before running back to catch the train. Apparently a few have missed it, so I decided to forego this pleasure.
This original part of the line did not follow this route due to the expense of building through this mountainous part, and passengers were ferried across the Great Lake ( I have noticed there have been barely any tunnels on the entire route so far). However in winter the ferries could not break through the ice. At one point in 1904, troops had to make the crossing, and it was decided to lay tracks across the thick ice to allow the train to cross. However the train did not get too far before the ice cracked and the locomotive sank into the icy water Oops!
At Ulan-Ude the line to Mongolia and Beijing branches off. Another passenger joined us here who reminded me of Gerry Begley from the Apollo Players (no offence Gerry if you are reading) - a friendly Russian, kind and generous with his food which he offered to share. King Kong needed no 2nd invitation, and soon was tucking into roast chicken and home made bread.
Gerry Begley proudly showed us photos of his children and grandchildren ‘look how she can put her jacket on, all by herself - ah’. He told me in his limited English he was a fisherman - and proceeded to clear the table of all the foodstuff (much to the annoyance of King Kong), and set up a large antiquated laptop. He proceeded to show us a video of him and his mates on various fishing expeditions on the Volga and other great Russian rivers - shooting the rapids, camping, displaying their catches etc. Although it was interesting initially, I have to say my interest waned after 30 minutes or so - I mean how excited can you get at seeing yet another poor Omul dangling from a line! In his favour however the next home video about boring a 5 foot deep hole in the ice of Lake Baikal to fish was pretty amazing. I congratulated him on the videos and he proudly announced he was the Director. He laughed when I referred to him thereafter as Sergei Spielberg!
The scenery on this part of the journey is beautiful. Rather than just miles of forest, there are rolling hills and gleaming rivers - very like Scotland in many ways. The sun shone again all day and you never tired looking out the window. The railway line is very well used, not only by passenger trains but by freight ones too, with 100 wagons or more carrying a variety of materials such as timber, granite chips and gas. Sod's law, as soon as you see an interesting photo opportunity a lengthy train passes. Although the countryside is beautiful, it is marred at times by ugly towns with their decaying industrial buildings. However we can go for hours without seeing one and the vast majority of the landscape is completely unspoiled.
Another passenger joined us during the night - a keep fit fanatic on the wrong side of 40 but with the body of a guy half his age, a Vladimir Putin type. He spent much of the time exercising in the corridor and didn't speak a word. After a reasonable night’s sleep, we all got up and washed around 7.30 - except for King Kong who did not stir until 2pm - taking up the whole of one side of the seating area. I decided to give the restaurant car a miss today and had just finished my breakfast of banana, black bread with pate and cheese portions and coffee, when Sergei Spielberg sat beside me smiling with his laptop open, and showed me a huge collection of still photos of the mountains, wildlife, flora and fauna of the Volga region. Don't get me wrong, they were stunning photos, but there's only so many times you can ooh and aah at a snow-capped peak or a piece of lichen.
In between video shows, I caught up with my reading, and managed to finish the Robert Harris novel Archangel - set in Moscow and other parts of Russia, with a Stalinesque theme - very entertaining. I moved on to read a new book about Nicholas ll- the Last Tsar and the Russian Revolution of 1917. I found it fascinating to read about some of the places I had been on this trip. There seem to be a lot of new books out commemorating the centenary of these momentous events.
By Sunday morning, King King had cleared every scrap of food he could find and got off the train, disappearing into the trees. This gave Sergei more space to show off his cinematic achievements. He was very generous and continuously offered to share his food. After two days now on the train I felt the need for a shower and, with the help of Google Translate, the Provodnitsa arranged this, after allowing 10 minutes for the water to heat (you'll need tae wait till ah put the immersor oan!). Thankfully I had brought a towel, soap and shampoo, as it was just a bare cubicle with a seat, but it did the trick and I felt suitably refreshed.
On Sunday afternoon we crossed the 2.6km bridge over the River Amur - the longest bridge on the Trans Siberian Railway. This area is the home of the Amur or Siberian tiger, the largest member of the cat family. My guide book told me that in 1987 a tiger had strayed on to the tracks and held up the train. I asked Sergei if there was a chance we might see one of these great beasts and he replied ‘yes, of course - in the Zoo!’.
Sadly Sergei Spielberg had to get off at Khabavorsk at Sunday tea time. I was sorry to see him go as he was good fun and we had many laughs. It's amazing how you can communicate with someone with odd words, gestures and mime. As he struggled to find the words about leaving, he shrugged his shoulders and said ‘Me - Brexit!’ and off he went.
More passengers get on here to take up the berths vacated by King Kong and Sergei. The train is not a tourist attraction but a real working train used heavily by locals. Slack Svetlana is busy handing out fresh linen to the newcomers as we face our last night on board. As my granny used to say: ‘that's how the rents are cheap!’
From here, the line runs south all the way to Vladivostok and there are good views over the plains to China. On Monday morning, 72 hours after I left Irkutsk on Friday morning, the train finally pulls into its eastern terminus. It's been 5630 miles since we left Moscow, and I am thrilled to have experienced the world's longest rail journey, and one I will never forget - the Trans Siberian!Read more
Bobby Hughes Great post Robert! Looks like you have met some funny characters on your journey. King Kong and Sergei Spielberg lol brilliant! 😂
Margaret Morris Brilliant blog..very entertaining. Loved the descriptions of your fellow travellers. Well done. ❤️
Aine Mcdonough Really enjoyed this journey. Don't think I would have the patience for that length of train travel so it was great to enjoy it vicariously
Stu and I went for a walk this afternoon. The weather was quite windy and dull, but no rain. However, it did rain later. We wandered and got some of our souvenirs from one of the traffic free roads, but no medved (bear!). We're getting to know central Vladivostok quite well now! We went to the station first to see the tall ship, the masts of which we can see from our balcony. Then the back of the station, with our apartment block in the distance. The roof of the church looked much better in real life with the strands of the suspension bridge behind it!Read more
Als ich langsam mit dem Zug nach Vladivostok einfuhr wusste ich dass diese lange Zugreise ein Ende nimmt. Keine tagelangen Zugfahrten mehr, kein leben im Zug und auch bald kein Russland mehr. Erstmals musste ich jedoch den Weg zu meinem Couchsurfing-Host finden welcher mir für die restlichen Tage seine Couch zum schlafen angeboten hat. In einem typischen UDSSR Reihen-Block befand sich seine Wohnung welche noch immer im UDSSR Stil eingerichtet ist. Interessant und auch ein Grund wieso ich Couchsurfing liebe, normalerweise würde ich diese Blöcke nur von aussen sehen aber so konnte ich diesen nicht nur ansehn sondern auch darin leben. Ich wurde freundlich von Gabriel empfangen und freute mich erst auf eine Dusche, nach drei Tagen im Zug hatte ich diese dringend nötig. Am nächsten Tag erkundete ich Vladivostok zu Fuss, die Stadt welche auch oft als San Francisco des Osten bezeichnet wird. Diese Bezeichnung ist meiner Meinung nach nicht zu weit hergeholt, die terrassenartige Form direkt am Meer und die anders denkende Mentalität erinnern doch stark an San Francisco. Gabriel unterrichtet Englisch und einer seiner Schüler hatte zu viele Krabben gefangen weshalb er ihm ein halbes Dutzend gab. Diese verspiessen wir am Nachmittag zusammen mit einem guten Glas Scotch bevor es Abends in ein Nordkoreanisches Restaurant ging. Dieses Restaurant ist eines von wenigen welche vom Nordkoreanischen Staat geführt werden und alle Arbeiter eine Spezialbewilligung bekommen um das Land zu verlassen. Für mich war das wohl die einzige Möglichkeit in der nahen Zukunft eine "reale" Begegnung mit Nordkorea zu haben, Weltpolitisch wird sich das in den nächsten Jahren sicher nicht klären. Das Essen war köstlich, die Stimmung im Lokal ausgelassen und unsere Kellnerin liess sich sogar zu einem kleinen Schwatz hinreissen. Ich erreichte das Ende meines Visas und musste deshalb um 00:20 einen Flug nach Peking nehmen. Damit ich kein teures Taxi nehmen muss nahm ich den letzten Zug zum Flughafen welcher bereits um 18 Uhr abfuhr. Der Flughafen in Vladivostok ist alles andere als gross und die meisten Geschäfte sind um diese Uhrzeit bereits geschlossen, ich trank deshalb einige Kaffees und schaute einen Film auf meinem Laptop. Ich freute mich schon sehr über das Essen in China, werde Russland aber sicher auch vermissen und hoffentlich eines Tages wieder zurückkehren. Die Leute hier strahlen eine solche wärme aus, sind hilfsbereit, viele Gebäude sind Rollstuhlgängig und man bekommt einfach alles was man nicht erwartet.Read more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Vladivostok, Wladiwostok, فلاديفوستوك, Владивосток, Горад Уладзівасток, Βλαδιβοστόκ, ولادیوستوک, ולדיווסטוק, व्लादिवोस्तोक, Vlagyivosztok, Վլադիվոստոկ, VVO, ウラジオストク, ვლადივოსტოკი, ವ್ಲಾಡಿವಾಸ್ಟಾಕ್, 블라디보스토크, Vladivostokium, Vladivostokas, Vladivostoka, 海參崴, व्लादिवोस्तॉक, ولادیوؤستؤک, Władywostok, ولاڈیووسٹوک, விலாடிவொஸ்டொக், วลาดีวอสตอค, ولادیوستوک, וולאדיוואסטאק, 海参崴
Stunning photographs. Your weather seems to be catching up with us. Des is scraping frost off the car before going to play golf. The mist is clearing off the fields & the sky is clear. How many days do you have left? It feels like you've been away forever. xx
We are home on Wednesday night. It does seem ages since we were at home! Xx
That will soon be here. Enjoy your last days of adventure. xx