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  • Day 1

    Kigali Week 1

    September 13, 2019 in Rwanda ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    De eerste dag zat direct vol met verrassingen, op z'n "Afrikaans" zoals we zouden zeggen. Onverwacht opgepikt tijdens mijn ontbijt door een 'driver' van de VVOB en vervolgens heel het kantoor ontmoet. Daarna een rwandees nummer kunnen regelen na een paar uur rond te keuvelen omdat het "systeem" plat lag (haha).
    Momenteel is het een ware verwennerij in het gezin waar ik verblijf. Elke dag ontbijt voor een leger en heel vriendelijke mensen. Voor deze vetzak in wording wordt dus momenteel zeer goed gezorgd. Het enige waar ik nog aan moet wennen is het koude water dat uit de douchekop komt.
    Ik heb twee nieuwe broeders en een zusje. Met Christi, één van de broers, ben ik een Memorial van de Genocide gaan bezoeken. Zeer aangrijpend en hartverscheurend...

    Het weer in Kigali is echt aangenaam, niet te warm en niet te koud. Overdag max 30° en dan meestal regen in de namiddag, afkoeling en rond de 16° 's nachts.
    De stad zelf bestaat uit verschillende heuvels, met op elke heuvel een andere district, prachtig. Een grote stad met toch wel wat Westerse invloeden te bespeuren.

    De school waar ik nu stage loop is een opmerkelijk welvarendere school dan de meeste scholen in Rwanda; pc's, engelse boeken, bijna al de lessen in het engels en wederom toffe collega's. Om er te geraken, pak ik de motorbike 😎 (de taxi van Kigali, +-50 cent per rit, JAJA IS VEILIG (genoeg)).
    Volgende maand ga ik de rest van de scholen in 'den boerenbuiten' van Rwanda bezoeken.

    Ik ga het hier bij houden. Ik ben sowieso dingen vergeten te vertellen en wil hier ook niet alle details in zwieren omdat dat te lang duurt en saai wordt voor jullie hahaha.

    Groetjes van jullie Muzungu (blanke)

    PS: indien levensbelangrijke vragen: Facebook of rwandees nummer raadplegen (+250788951427).
    Ik kan op deze app maar 6 foto's plaatsen dus als je meer foto's wil, stuur me maar.
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  • Day 36

    Library coffee shop and super heavy rain

    March 2, 2023 in Rwanda ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    Today we decided to spice things up and work from another place that was recommended to us. A coffee shop on the top floor of the Kigali Public Library. They had good drinks and snacks there, which we gladly ordered while we were working there. For lunch, Anne would head back to IH for a lunch meeting, while I decided to stay at the library place, as it mattered less to me where specifically I'd be working from.

    A bit before lunch the blue sky suddenly turned gray, and there were super strong gusts of wind. I recommended Anne to consider leaving immediately so she would make it to her lunch meeting at IH in the dry, following which she immediately packed up and left. Well... Less than five minutes after she had left for her 8min journey the flood gates opened up with a gigantic downpour. The coffee shop on the top floor where I was got flooded, as the rain was pushing in through the windows, and a rainwater pipe burst in a wall and suddenly the wall became a fountain and flooded our spot from the inside.

    Regarding Anne, it turned out that the 8min trip turned into 45min, she got drenched, the moto ran out of gas, she ran out of battery on her phone, they got lost more than once without GPS because her driver didn't know the way, and she arrived way too late for her lunch meeting. But it all turned out alright 😊
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  • Day 38

    Start of the road trip in an art gallery

    March 4, 2023 in Rwanda ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    For the next eight days we would be doing something we had been looking forward to do for several weeks already. We rented a car (not a camper) to explore more of Rwanda. We had also both shifted our work schedules around, which meant that we'd have one and a half weekdays free for explorations as well, with no work scheduled then.

    I had done a bit of research into reputable rental car agencies and ended up with the best one, at least judging from the reviews. I had agreed with the agency to deliver the car to our Airbnb at 8am, as we wanted to go and visit an urban art gallery in the morning before heading on a 5h drive with heading southwest to visit a large rainforest National Park.

    Eventually, with more than an hour of delay, the car was delivered, and we were already super impatient. The delivery driver had apparently not been briefed, as he expected cash payment in USD. I had to call the agency again and tell them that I don't have cash, and that we had agreed on a payment by card. We were running late, so I rejected the owner Frank's invitation to come to the head office and pay by card there. Instead, I told him he had 15min to send someone with a card terminal to the art gallery, and from there we would depart at once.

    We went to the gallery and marveled at the displayed art, several of the pieces really spoke to me. Unfortunately they were usually very large and cost 10 000 - 15 000 USD, haha. It did give us a good opportunity to do an intense dive into the Kigali art scene, which is quite developed.

    While we were there an agency guy showed up with the payment terminal, and I was able to pay as planned. I pointed out to the guy that several check engine lights in the car were on and that I didn't appreciate that the car seemed stuck in 4WD, but I was reassured that this is normal on these imported cars and that they were no reason to worry. A bit of a red flag there, but I decided to roll with it, seeing how we were almost 2h behind our intended schedule.
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  • Day 3

    Auszeit in Kunstgalerie mit Café

    May 18, 2024 in Rwanda ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Der Künstler NIZA hat uns die Galerie und seinen Arbeitsplatz gezeigt.
    Hier können auch andere Künstler übernachten.

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