Back on the Le Champlain and greeted warmly by crew who have had a torrid time with the charter. We found it quite moving and happy to reconnect with them.
Sainte Anne Marie island is a nationalRead more
Back on the Le Champlain and greeted warmly by crew who have had a torrid time with the charter. We found it quite moving and happy to reconnect with them.
Sainte Anne Marie island is a nationalRead more
Today was our pre-booked boat trip to Sainte Anne Marine Park and neighbouring islands 🏝. We were due to be picked up at 9.30am and were ready and waiting in reception. However, our driver didn'tRead more
Essen, Trinken, Baden und Nichtstun 😊. Wir entdecken ein verlassenes Ressort und wandeln am Rand entlang. Morgen soll gesegelt werden - wenn der Wind es zulässt.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Anse Mare Jupe
Traveler Na das sieht ja schon wirklich schön aus, wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß.
Traveler 😘