South Africa
Pringle Bay

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    • Day 22

      Fahrt zur whale coast

      January 17, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Heute morgen verabschiede ich mich von Senta und Peer. Die beiden Südafrikaner mit deutschen bzw. russischen Wurzeln habe ich ins Herz geschlossen. Zwei Tage hatten wir eine „Balkongemeinschaft“ hier in der Boulders Beach lodge. Die beiden haben vor zwei Tagen ganz spontan auf einem Parkplatz geheiratet mit vielen Blumen - Flower power pur!🌸🥰. Vor allem mit Senta unterhalte ich mich häufig, auch noch in der Dunkelheit, die Gespräche gehen tief und ich fühle mich sehr mit ihr verbunden. Das berührt mich und ich freue mich, sie kennengelernt zu haben!

      Nach einem sehr gemütlichen Morgen mit Frühstück am Hafen von Simon‘s Town entschließe ich mich, an der Küste entlang zu fahren Richtung Hermanus. Es ist wieder tolles Wetter mit klarblauem Himmel und Sonnenschein.

      Die Straße führt zunächst mitten durch eine Dünenlandschaft. Das ist zwar echt schön, andererseits bedaure ich es auch, weil durch die Straße in diese schöne Landschaft eingegriffen wurde. Dann ändert sich die Stimmung - ich fahre an endlosen Wellblechbaracken vorbei. Hier wird bedrückende Armut deutlich, auch das wieder ein Teil von Südafrika. Ein Mann torkelt betrunken am Straßenrand. Ich stelle fest, dass ich das Bedürfnis habe, meine Fensterscheibe zu schließen. Eigentlich gibt es keinen ersichtlichen Grund dafür - da sind Muster im Gehirn gespeichert. Vor einer Stunde habe ich noch einem armen Mann vor einem Supermarkt etwas zu essen gekauft - viele bewegende Erfahrungen. Ja, hier gibt es krasse Gegensätze - bittere Armut, Resignation, Schönheit und Reichtum dicht beieinander.

      Dann wird die Küstenstraße immer spektakulärer. Sie windet sich entlang an Hügelketten - rechts das Meer und immer wieder herrliche Strände. Diese Ausblicke genieße ich einfach nur bis ich in Pringle Bay ankomme. Dies ist ein kleiner beschaulicher Ort, abgelegen, gefühlt im Nirgendwo. In einem Café bekomme ich leckeren Couscous Salat. Ich merke, dass es mir bis Hermanus zu weit ist und fahre daher um die Halbinsel herum auf die N2 zurück Richtung Kapstadt. Ganz unerwartet öffnet sich beim Sir Lowry’s Pass ein gigantischer Ausblick in die Ebene und die False Bay. Ich kann nicht anhalten, um dies zu fotografieren, die wunderschönen Bilder sind jedoch in meinem Gehirn gespeichert. Später komme ich wieder an den Armenvierteln vorbei und der Dünenlandschaft. Das war eine Fahrt durch eine wunderschöne Landschaft mit bewegenden Eindrücken!
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    • Day 9

      Harley "day vision" 🤘🏾🔥

      January 23, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Was für ein männlicher Tag... Knapp 170 PS, 1600ccm, 350 Kg, 37 Grad und 500km.
      Die Idee, dass wir eine Harley Davidson mieten sollen, kam von Andrea. Natürlich haben wir diese Idee umgesetzt. War ehrlich gesagt schon ganz schön dekadent mit 6 Harley's an den Townships vorbei zu fahren. Am Anfang des Tages hatte ich mit diesem Gedanken ehrlichgesagt etwas Mühe.

      Nichts desto trotz war es ein unvergesslicher Tag!
      Extrem warm aber wahnsinns Eindrücke! Einmal mehr wieder "just impressive", was Südafrika alles zu bieten hat. Ich kenne bis jetzt kein abwechslungsreicheres Land. 🇿🇦❤️‍🔥
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    • Day 52

      Day 52 - Pringle Bay

      May 6, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Friday morning kicked off with scurrying to get the caravan loaded and hitched before the rain came down, in buckets! With all hands on deck, we just managed success before it happened and down it came as we moved out!

      So many thanks to Dawie and Shiela (and Noddy) for looking after us and spending such quality time. Much love to you all.

      Heavy hearts all round as we departed for Pringle Bay. Like Arniston, Pringle has, for many different reasons, a very special place in my heart and DNA.

      Back in the late 80's and early to mid 90's our regular sport/entertainment was snorkeling for Crayfish off the False Bay coast. This over the years became more than just that, an institution! We studied the weather, the Moon and the Sun, the currents and the exact times of the tides. We logged dives and Crayfish sizes. Dreamed and lived and loved every dive we managed to get in at Pringle. We laughed and shared, we drank and ate, we recalled practically every dip down amongst the thick forests of Kelp. We knew every nook and cranny (every Crook and Granny) as we called them! After years of diving for Cray's, we considered ourselves competent in every respect. Unlike the other Boys, Miles Hamilton-Brown and Johan Meyer who could pillage a full quota in a 2m square sea bed in minutes, we were less able and took a good afternoon or morning to eventually yield a successful innings. As apposed to the illegal poachers who could scrounge baby Cray's including women in berry and children, it must be said we played fair ball, every dive outing.

      Driving into Pringle and down to the dive-site, was particularly rewarding, knowing that, when we could we did, and for now we wont or cant do it any more.

      Pringle has exploded from the days we were here and has grown from a small hamlet to a village and soon even a town.
      Back in the day, there was nothing. Now shops, bottle store, hair salons, Estate Agents and cute coffee shops and even boutique Mama n' Papa stores. Several roads are tarred and well maintained. A never ending battle between Baboon Huggers and their counters remains unresolved. Dune Lovers and their counters, likewise!

      After all these weeks of successfully navigating, mainly rural South Africa, we got lost in urban Pringle Bay(?) It really has developed from the days of only a Public Toilet that has similar stories of mirth.

      Eventually arrived at Gavin and Sandy, right on the Beach Front in Pringle Bay. Nothing between them and the smashing waves, except Cape Fynbos covered dunes and the beach. A complete 180° vista of another one of the most beautiful sea bays, anywhere in the world. Their original 'Diggs' elsewhere here in Pringle originally was, although basic and modest if not primitive to start with, overflowed with the usual 'Brown style' of a fishermans cottage, which it was meant to be. Then at the turn of the millennium, she got a glamorous face lift, converting the four walls into a beautiful boutique weekend cottage, that even Sandy loved and was proud of. Then Gavin, being a man of note, and in particular...projects, started getting itchy feet and not Athlete's! An additional, meager and empty plot was purchased down the road, still in Pringle.

      As always, it feels so homecoming seeing Gavin and Sandy again after so many years. Their new house built in the sand and scrub, is nothing but completely awesome. Built of timber, large and with a sublime view of the entire False Bay!

      .... my Editor is rushing me for urgent content and the pressure is killing me!!!

      Love, Peace and Light
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    • Day 53

      Day 53 - Pringle Bay

      May 7, 2022 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Somewhere way past midnight on Friday evening, with the assistance of copious beers, war-stories, braaivleis, good friends, more and more beer and much laughter we surrendered and got to bed.

      Saturday morning morphed with Friday night. A little war-torn, Gavin and I walked Mieka (the Golden Retriever) to a coffee shop up the road in Pringle. Even the great coffee and croissant was not able to bring any sort of equilibrium. I have to admit, that I did battle to right myself pretty much throughout the day! For weeks I had full ambitions to run here in Pringle at least a 7/8km outing. There was no way this could happen with the injuries I was contending with.

      Whilst Gavin attended to a 'project' with a hardware delivery (or whatever) Karen, Sandy and I took a stroll down the Pringle Bay beach.

      Here although the beach was immaculate, in every way, it just wasn't good enough for a few souls digging up to their knees in a mixture of mud and beach sand, at the mouth of the little stream on the far side of the bay, searching for any minute piece of plastic. All very dapper, whilst others are digging-in wind-barriers to prevent the dunes blowing away and up against foreshore houses, others are removing alien 'Port Jackson' bushes, which were preventing the sand blowing away in the first place. At the same time the Bunny/Baboon huggers are confronting the 'Baboon Scouts' who we saw armed to the backteeth with weaponary of sorts, armed with placards trying to avert a war!?

      Meanwhile the entire night and on the far side of False Bay, the city suburb of Khayelitsha, lights burned brightly! What was happening there tonight was a far cry from the incidentals on the False Bay extremities. The crime/rape/death/drug/prostitution carnival of South Africa or even the world was no doubt in full swing! Full scale War in the meantime still rages unabated in Eastern Europe!

      Today and tonight (Saturday) was subdued in comparison. No beer at all, all day and night, speaks to that! The four of us snacked on delicious 'Woolies' bites throughout the evening, only Karen was 'man-enough' to partake in the fruits of the vine, whilst she cleaned us up playing several rounds of 'Rummy'. There is a message in there somewhere?

      Love, Peace and Light!
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