South Korea

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    • Day 215

      Further down the coast

      October 11, 2019 in South Korea ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Down the coast we continue. It's still nice and sunny. We feel more and more distant from big cities, crossing only little fishermen's villages. After many food and coffee opportunities in the north, the options narrow down to little fish restaurants.
      We meet a few other cyclists but otherwise it is quite deserted and the population seems to be aging. Young people have probably left for bigger cities.
      The trail is sometimes tricky, going up and down the coast all the time. We also regularly see damages from the recent typhoon, especially on river banks and bridges. One day the little port where we plan on going down to have lunch is completely barred : it has been badly flooded. To comfort us the men from the traffic regulation offer us some pastries. Another couple gives us energy drinks at a viewpoint ! Korean people are very nice, as usual.

      It is definetely the day of generosity : half an phour later, arriving at another little village, we are attracted by what seems to be a local traditional party with danse and music. We don't know exactly what is going on but the local folks soon invite us at the party and for a delicious lunch, ensuring that we don't lack anything. We then attend the performance. I would say it's nicer to watch than to listen to but you can judge by yourself by watching the videos :).

      I also try to lure David into a spa and into a cave visit, but the spa is too expensive and the cave has been flooded too... Anyway, the little detour inland that we made for these places has given us the opportunity of another nice camping spot, in a grassy field full of flowers rather than at the beach.
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    • Day 102

      Back to the North: Gyeongju to Donghae

      March 16, 2018 in South Korea ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We have left the southern part of South Korea today. The next two nights we will stay in Donghae, a city on the coast close to Pyeongchang. It is the last stop on our round trip through Korea. After the paralympics closing ceremony on sunday we will return to Seoul.

      The spring is over and we have winter again. It is stormy with some snow falls on the coast, but it should be a bit better within the next days.

      On the way to the north we found a cool Memorial and stopped for a short visit. After our arrival in Dinghae we had a great Korean BBQ once again.

      Wir haben den Süden heute in Richtung Donghae verlassen. Donghae ist eine Stadt an der Küste ganz in der Nähe von Pyeongchang und die letzte Station unserer Rundreise durch Korea. Nach der Abschlussfeier der Paralympics geht es für uns dann zurück nach Seoul. Der Frühling ist leider auch wieder vorbei. Hier ist es stürmisch und es schneit sogar ein bisschen.

      Auf dem Weg Richtung Norden haben wir noch ein cooles Denkmal gefunden. Zum Abschluss des Tages gab es dann nochmal ein koreanisches BBQ.
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    • Day 10

      Yeongdeok Crab Village

      May 9, 2018 in South Korea ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Am Mittwoch sind wir 5 Stunden nach Yeongdeok gefahren. Yeongdeok ist ein kleines Fischerdorf, welches für seine Königskrabben sehr bekannt ist. Natürlich haben wir dort auch gegessen. 🤗🦀❤

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Yeongdeok-gun, 영덕군, KRYDK

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