Arroyo Cueza de Cabañas

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    • Day 31

      30. Etappe: Calzadilla dela Cueza (38km)

      November 26, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nach einer entspannten Schnarch-Trio-Nacht und nem guten Frühstück starteten wir heute alle nach und nach in den bisher kältesten Tag. Zum ersten Mal Minus-Grade am Morgen - Zeit die Leggins unter die Wanderhose zu ziehen und schnell zu starten, um fix warm zu werden! 🥶
      Nach den vielen kleinen Etappen fühlte ich mich heute wieder bereit für eine längere und stoppte nicht schon, wie fast alle anderen Pilger nach 20 km, sondern huschte nur schnell durch Carrion de los Condes. Kurz vorher traf ich Elisabeth und Lilly wieder, wir erzählten uns von unseren Erlebnissen der letzten Tage und verabschiedeten uns dann auch schon wieder, da auch sie hier stoppten. Nach weitern 18 km ohne jeglichen Ort kehrte ich dann in einem kleinen Dorf und der einzigen offenen Herberge Camino Real ein, die praktischer Weise auch eine Bar beherbergt (und im Sommer auch nen Pool inkl. Bar!) - aber leider keine Küche. Das Essen was ich dafür extra gekauft hatte, werde ich wohl auch morgen noch einmal mit mir herumtragen 😅 Eingekehrt sind hier nur noch 2 weitere Pilger, so dass wir sehr viel Platz und Ruhe haben.
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    • Day 27

      It's a Long Way to Calzadilla de la Cuez

      October 14, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      The most boring 17K walk I'll ever do! No shade, mostly flat, I was having hallucinations by the end.😅 Thank God there was a breeze, and it was not the height of the summer!

      2 things that broke up the 4 hour monotony-- a Pilgrim traveling by
      skateboard, and a food truck that served cold, fresh squeezed orange juice.

      Happy to be in Calzadilla de la Cueza for the night. Atleast we know there is food & drink here, unlike last night when we weren't sure...learning to take nothing for granted.
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    • Day 22

      Stage 20: Carrion-Calzadilla de la Cueza

      October 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      17 km/10 miles, 46°-74°, about 5.5 hours. Left Carrion a little later than planned as I found it hard to get up before 0700. Left my phone charger in the room which I was sure I was never going to do. So I may be offline until I can find another one. My next stop, Sahagún, is big enough I should be able to find one there. Was rather slow going as right lower leg was quite unhappy, on the top of the foot going up into the front of my lower leg. The muscles used to dorsiflex, or pull the toes up, are painful and the area was red and swollen when I got here. The kind bar man gave me a bag of ice, that and some naproxen are helping considerably. The hostal I'm staying in has a restaurant and serves dinner at 6:30! So I don't have to walk far to find food. It's 13.9, let's just call it 14, miles to Sahagún tomorrow, if this isn't feeling better I may take a taxi. I'm almost at the halfway point, feet don't fail me now! The expansive flat landscape of the meseta reminds me of Nebraska or Iowa, thank goodness I'm walking it in October in the 60s and 70s, it would have been unbearable in the summer.
      And now, a siesta before dinner.
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    • Day 29

      Calzadilla de la Cueza

      September 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Started out before dark again today, was a mild day as it was cloudy and sprinkled a bit today. We walked 12 miles today with no towns in between to stop, there was a food truck in the middle of nowhere about half way. Found a few benches along the way to sit and rest for a few minutes.Read more

    • Day 20

      Day 20

      September 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Monday again… breakfast obviously started earlier today, as I could hear lots of banging of doors and smell bacon from about 6am.. I still didn’t go down until my usual time as there was no point, I didn’t need to leave until 8.
      The forecast had changed slightly and the rain wasn’t due until this afternoon!! Result!!
      Although a bit cloudy to start today, it was actually really really warm.. it was a bit more of the same today, except it wasn’t long straight tracks and it passed through a few small villages .. amazing the difference it made.
      Just on the outskirts of Sahagún, I met a group of walker’s laughing as they wandered along, as I passed them they were all drinking from a bottle of red wine!! .. they even offered me a swig!! I politely declined, but definitely decided it was ok for me to have a beer when i got there!!
      Having had my beer ( not my first 😬 ) and my first paella snack since arriving in Spain ( I was expecting it to be every other meal!! ) I set off to find my accommodation..
      My room is lovely, super clean and bright after yesterday’s dark and gloomy one.. I put my bag down, lay down for a minute ( today was the first time my legs felt really tired ) .. and woke up 2 hours later!!!!
      Showered and sorted, I decided to go in search of a cash machine.. I got as far as the door, it was absolutely hammering down, so I joined Hazel and Yvonne for a beer.. would have been rude not to do so I thought.. it was a lovely hour talking about how we were feeling, finding it, and how quickly you loose your pride about wearing the same few outfits, hanging socks that haven’t dried on your rucksack and the joy of doing your laundry!!
      Then… In walks Rocky!! Real big trucker guy from Wisconsin, really outgoing and friendly … he’d arrived here yesterday, got a halfway certificate, then felt so guilty because he’d actually got a taxi for that stage due to blisters or something, that he’d got a taxi back this morning and hiked it today!!
      For a change ( not! ) I’m really hungry again and counting down till it’s time to eat.. 7 minutes!! I hope it’s not a disappointment 😂😂…
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    • Day 28


      May 22 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Day 20 Calzadilla
      Distance from Villalcazar to Calzadilla 23kms

      An easy day of walking along a flat sandy path for most of the way. A chilly wind was blowing so we picked up the pace and soon warmed up. We passed fields of wheat oats and newly planted corn either side of the path and listened to the sound of frogs in the stream so loud they broke the silence.
      With no villages for 17kms we were pleasantly surprised to see a food truck parked in the middle of nowhere just when we needed a coffee. As the saying goes “the Camino provides”. We sat enjoyed our coffee and orange juice in the sun and reluctantly moved on to complete the last stage of our walk today.
      Still on the Meseta and loving the quiet countryside no traffic small villages and few pilgrims.
      It’s been another great day.
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    • Day 18–19

      Day 17 to Calzadilla de la Cueza

      May 23 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Bit of a short day... so more day drinking - a habit on the Camino it seems... walk, café con Leche, walk, eat, drink, sleep, repeat

      Nice place with pool... and hanging with 2 couples that met on the Camino... Elizabeth & Ian in 2022 when she nearly passed out and he saved her and now... it's complicated... she is!American and he is in England...

      And the other couple is Ida from Norway and Paul from Ireland. They met 7 years ago and got married last year.

      I also walked a short bit with Chuck(sp?) from Seattle...

      And John from Australia gave me a kangaroo pin... he was in the cathedral last night when they blessed the pilgrims... I cried and he was kind ...

      Said goodbye to Rob... he is going back to Netherlands... will walk the rest of the Camino next time... but the time on the road restored his faith in humanity.

      Previous night Gabbi & I chatted a bit... we had Chai tea and did not keep an eye on the time... and the next moment the nun came into the lounge area and scolded us like little children and sent us off to bed... I did not even brush my teeth! Just climbed in bed like a good girl! Gabbi left early today... did not see her but I hope I'll see her later again
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    • Day 31

      Day 22-Calzadilla de la Cueza

      September 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      Relatively short day, 11 miles, and flat but no towns or services in between so it was a bit monotonous. Sunflowers, corn fields and dirt. There was a food truck halfway through so we took a little break.

      We arrived in Calzadilla about noon and found the friendliest innkeeper who checked us in quickly so we could get to our chores (laundry) and then lunch.

      Today marks the halfway point of the walking portion of our trip. I can't believe we've made it this far!
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    • Day 21

      Carrion de los Condes to Moratinos

      April 12 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      I got away pre-7am and was so smug about it, but somehow today took forever! I walk quickly when I'm walking, especially here where it's so flat you can churn out 11 minute kilometres with no hassle, but in the heat I'm finding my breaks come more frequently and take longer. That's fine, who cares? Not me. It is nice to finish before the sun gets overhead though - by 3pm it's in your face, the temp is as high as it'll get all day, and it all gets a bit harder.

      Admittedly I had an ambitious target today, hoping to get to a town on paper 32km away (but I'm finding its always more). At 3.50pm I'd done 31km and was in the town '2.5km' from where I'd hoped to be and called it. I don't think anything good happens after 4pm on the trail. That's a rumour I just made up and I'm sticking to it.

      In the 17km stretch without a town or a bend that started the day, I was chaperoned along by a lot of insects and birds. Some of the birds didn't bother to tuck their legs in on the short flights along the path and they looked really stupid, I hope they knew that.

      Tonight when I have internet I'm going to google how bees move laterally so quickly because it honestly absorbed me for about 10 minutes at a rest stop. Have you ever watched them? They are LIGHTNING and I don't understand how because they aren't pushing off from anything and their wings are so small. Maybe Eva knows.

      Every rest stop at a bar is a chance to check in with the herd and swap updates - who's going where, who's up ahead. Everyone seems to be in contact with each other, and while I've been given numbers and feel some pang of exclusion whenever texting is brought up, I don't regret not getting a sim card. I like being completely adrift most of the day, until I connect to wifi in the albergue. Dave has my Instagram, I assume he'll tell me anything critical - he made me aware that in Fromista a cat came into the albergue and slept on someone's bed and I've never in my life been more jealous.

      At the first rest stop of the day I met the Australian tour group the Beatles told me about, more specifically their guides, one of which they were particularly sour on. They had described this guy to me as an absolute knob, strutting around as a saviour but useless in the moment. So I was curious to put a face to the dickhead. Two of the Beatles have a medical background. Ian was the operational manager of a hospital in England during Covid and retired early two years ago due to burn out - attributing his recovery to a year of therapy.

      Apparently, ages ago one of the women on the tour fainted from exhaustion, and this tour guide handled the situation by kneeling next to her, loudly announcing she needed to eat, and trying to fork meatballs into her unresponsive mouth. As Ian and Steve spat over dinner as they regaled the story, "give her a fucking coke you idiot". So that was fun to meet him. He did think he was God's gift. To be fair, if I got to do this and get paid I probably would too.

      Circling back, I was going to push on but it was hot, my arm was getting sunburned, and it was late in the day. I saw an albergue festooned with Italian flags and figured if I can a) do it all in Italian and b) eat well tonight, then its worth the stop. I also don't want to get to Sahagun too early tomorrow, as they dole out a Meseta certificate but the office only opens at 9.30am.

      It's the first time I've been charged for those stupid disposable sheets (€2) so I'll be critiquing dinner carefully. She told me you eat well here so WOE BETIDE HER LITTLE ITALIAN BUM if we don't. It's carbonara and some other stuff. I'll let you know.
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    • Day 38

      Calzadilla to Terradillos dl Templarios

      October 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      Our walking day was shorter than I had thought it would be because I made a math error when doing the itinerary. But I t was nice to have another short day.
      We walked mostly on gravel paths and some tractor roads between villages.
      We saw a lot of Adobe buildings and walls, and also noticed that many tractors were parked inside the small villages, quite different from the isolated farms where tractors are normally kept in the US - I remembered this difference from sociology class, but the social implications are quite interesting
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arroyo Cueza de Cabañas, Arroyo Cueza de Cabanas

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