Madrid pt2

This place was out the gate. Don't know why I continue to be surprised...
Some Segovia here. See that wall, that was built in the year 100 like what? Still going strong 💪
See those arches? AlsoRead more
This place was out the gate. Don't know why I continue to be surprised...
Some Segovia here. See that wall, that was built in the year 100 like what? Still going strong 💪
See those arches? AlsoRead more
This monastery and church is home to Carmelite nuns. Inside you can see where St Teresa was born and lived as well as artefacts from when the monestry was founded. Most of the convent remains inRead more
Arrêt à Avila ville de Ste Therese d Avila pour une courte halte avant d arriver à Salamanque ville universitaire .
Ses colleges qui s etalent ds tte la ville ses églises médiévales et palaisRead more
Ávila, Segovia und Toledo sind die historischen Drei in Kastilien-Leon.
Ávila ist die Stadt mit der längsten (2,5km) und best erhaltendsten Stadtmauer. Leider ziehen die Leute immer öfter fort undRead more
Hoje, saímos da província de Navarra e entrámos nos caminhos de Castela e Leão, com campos ondulantes pejados de vinhas a perder de vista, só interrompidos pelas suas ‘bodegas’ e pequenasRead more
Diese Stadt hatten wir gar nicht auf den Schirm!
Umso überraschter waren wir, mal wieder nach einer nächtlichen Nebelfahrt, dort angekommen, von einer toll beleuchteten Stadtmauer empfangen zuRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Ávila, Avila, آبلة, اڤيلا, Горад Авіла, Авила, Àvila, Άβιλα, Avilo, آبیلا, אווילה, アビラ, ავილა, 아빌라, Авіла, 阿维拉