Campo das Cortes

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    • Day 14

      Day 14 - 28th Wedding Anniversary

      June 24, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We were awoken around 9am by Veronica knocking on our tent to say goodbye. We managed to get out of bed to say goodbye properly before they hit the road back to Santander and home.

      With us both feeling slightly special, Jackie gave me an anniversary card & made me a bacon baguette for breakfast. I was feeling now also guilty because I had forgotten or been too busy to buy a card, so I made amends by doing the washing up again, whilst Jackie washed more clothes.

      We finally hit the beach at midday, sat in our usual spot & stayed there until 7pm. The beach was busy with locals as it was the weekend & another pod of dolphins swam past, but slightly too far away to photograph.

      As it was our anniversary, Jackie decided she wasn’t going to cook, but we would eat in the campsite restaurant. We chose the 3 course meal for €13.50 each & it was absolutely beautiful & such great value. For starters, Jackie had a plate of mussels with a garlic & lime dressing, whilst I had the cream of pumpkin soup. For mains, we both chose the ‘pork surprise’ while turned out to be a pork loin with an accompanying sweet chutney & chips. For dessert, I had the cherry cheesecake, while Jackie chose what she thought was a crème brûlée, but turned out to be a double baked cheesecake. Jackie doesn’t eat cheesecake, so to save her embarrassment, which is what you do on your 28th wedding anniversary, I ate it for her!!!!

      We finished the evening with a white wine nightcap & had an early night.

      Song of the Day : Anniversary by Duran Duran.
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    • Day 100–103

      Fistera... ha non merde Muros

      November 12, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Pas de repos pour les marins,
      Le lendemain de l'arrivée de Julie on part à 6h30 du mat pour une grosse nav.
      Objectif passer le cap Finistère tant que les conditions sont bonnes.
      La nav se passe bien malgré des conditions un peu dure au large.
      On longe les côtes sous le soleil d'Espagne avec vent arrière et une pointe a 10 nœuds de vitesse, on arrive juste avant le coucher du soleil à Fistera par 20 nœuds de vent.
      On s' en sort pas trop mal pour notre manœuvre mais on se rend compte que c' est vraiment juste un port de pèche pas du tout prévu pour les touristes.
      On se fait donc virer une heure plus tard par le pécheur qui rentre de sa journée et on galère à sortir de la place.
      Vu qu'il n'y a pas d'autre places et que le vent est bien monté on décide de partir se cacher à Muros à 4h de nav.
      On arrive bien claquer à minuit après avoir essuyer des rafales a 40 nœud. (toute voile rentrées et au moteur heureusement).
      On passe 2 jours sur place à profiter du beau temps et attendre que le vent se calme pour partir faire des mouillages dans les 3 rias qui nous amènerons a Baiona.
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    • Day 14

      Muros ❤️

      May 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Der Regen in O Grove treibt uns ca 100 km weiter nach Muros , ein hübsches,umtriebiges Küstenstädtchen .

      Wie immer gemütlich über Landstrassen auf denen uns kein einziges Wohnmobil begegnet . Die wunderschöne Küstenstraße führt uns durch Noia , einem mittelalterlichen Städtchen und einem beliebten Durchgangspunkt für Jacobspilger 🥰

      Was mich immer wieder begeistert, ist die üppige grüne Vegetation ! Ganze Abschnitte auf denen wilder , meterhoher Farn wächst !

      Wir steuern unseren ....wie immer.... wunderschönen Campingplatz "A Vouga" ca 4 km außerhalb der Stadt an.
      Direkt an einer kleinen Bucht mit direktem Zugang zum Meer ! 🌞🌅 Herrlich ❤️

      Leider ist unsere Freude ein bisschen getrübt, weil mein Bike anscheinend ein Päuschen braucht ..... getreu dem Motto.....wer sein Rad liebt, der schiebt 😜 4 km von der Stadt zum Campingplatz.... Sportprogramm erfüllt 😜

      Hoffen wir, dass die Werkstatt im Ort mein wichtigstes Fortbewegungsmittel wieder flott machen kann 😁
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    • Day 13

      Day 13 — San Juan Festival

      June 23, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The morning started with a drama, I went to get my wash bag to clean my teeth & couldn’t find it anywhere. We turned both the tent and the car upside down to no avail. I then popped up to the campsite reception & had a stupid conversation with 2 blokes who didn’t speak a word of English. Luckily the owner, Ellie, seemed to understand what I had lost & returned with my missing wash bag. Evidently, I had left it by the washing up sinks the previous evening after having a shower. That will teach me to try and multitask!!

      After another morning on the beach, we headed up for our usual beers on the verandah, but horror of horrors, Geoff & Veronica were sat in OUR seats. And to make matters worse, Geoff even acknowledged that they were sat in our seats. The bloody cheek of it!

      We had our usual couple of ice cold beers, a portion of chips & complimentary ham & cheese croquettes, whilst we put the world to rights with G & V.

      After another afternoon in the sun, we retired early for the big event, the San Juan Festival. Throughout Spain, the summer solstice is celebrated on the 23rd June every year, known as the San Juan Festival, with big fires blazing on the beaches. To celebrate, the campsite was putting on a free buffet for the campers & a requisite fire.

      At 8.15pm, we joined Gillingham G & V on the campsite veranda. We ordered a large beer each & Jackie went off in search of the free buffet. She came back with a plate of chicken & sausages for me & a plate of mussels & fried sardines for herself. An absolutely fantastic spread & all the more tastier because it was free. Between the four of us we bought & consumed four bottles of red wine.

      Around 11pm, the staff asked us to go out to the car park where a small fire was ablaze. We were given a hot toddies (or two) and we stood around the fire. A few people including the manageress, Ellie, jumped or stepped over the fire, maybe it’s the tradition. The highlight was one half-wit jumped over the fire, but somehow managed to sit back down into it, then jumped up frantically patting his backside.

      That should have concluded the evening, but G & V invited us back to their super plush motor home for more red wine. We, probably Jackie, was being loud and raucous, because sometime around midnight a Spanish man in the neighbouring motor home poked his head out of the window & told us to “Shut up “. We continued drinking until 12.45am apparently, I don’t actually remember getting home to bed.

      It had been a very enjoyable evening & a good laugh with G & V.

      Songs of the Day : Honour the Fire by Killing Joke.
      Sometime Around Midnight by Airborne Toxic Event.
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    • Day 35

      Final instalment!

      June 11, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Thanks for all your lovely comments 🥰
      I thought I would just add the photos from our day trip to the coast, which was relaxing and so nice to be driven … rather than walking! Although I’m so generally tired I did nod off on the coach!
      We stopped first at a fishing village Muros en route, and then at an impressive waterfall into the sea, this is because the sea has ingressed known as rias, and there are many of them along this coastline. Then we went to the ‘end of the world’ or Finisterre cape where there is a lighthouse and the 0 Km way marker as it is believed that this is where St James was last seen alive, although all other way markers count down to Santiago Cathedral.
      The scenery is stunning and the sky was threatening, apparently there was a visible cold front coming as seen by the line in the sky (David’s input!). We then had lovely seafood paella in Finisterre village. And the coach came back stopping at Muxia, made famous by ‘The Way’ film ( Martin Sheen scattered his son’s ashes) and an impressive semi circular waterfall and very old bridge.
      Then David and I got a bus this morning from Santiago to Porto, and lost an hour as Portugal is on UK time! While Fiona flew back to the UK.
      We’ve had a relaxing afternoon exploring very hilly Porto and took a boat tour of the six bridges here on the river Douro, although I managed to nod off again, as I did on the bus this morning!! I have quite a sleep debt to catch up on!! My feet are happier now and I’m looking forward to seeing friends in Lisbon and also going home next week!!
      So thanks again everyone for your fabulous kind support, lots of love to you all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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    • Day 11

      Day 11 - Paddling with Dolphins

      June 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Hallelujah, a decent nights sleep for both of us. After breakfast we headed down to the beach which is literally on our doorstep for the first time. After checking all the options up & down the beach, we settled on a spot just below our tent. We pretty much decided there and then that this would be our spot for the next four days.

      We paddled out into the sea & wow, whilst we were knee deep, a pod of dolphins cruised past about 30 yards in front of us & actually put on a show of leaping out of the water. (It could have almost been an surreptitious midnight visit to Brighton Aquarium in the early eighties!!!). It was magical, but sadly I did not have a camera or phone with me or even with us on the beach. You’ll have to trust us that this is true!!

      Lunch consisted of a couple of ice cold large beers on the campsite cafe verandah, which was the perfect location looking out over the beach & bay. It was made even more perfect by the fact that the large beer cost just €3 & it came with complimentary nibbles, a bowl of green olives.

      The afternoon was spent on the beach, on dolphin watch to try & swim with them, but there was no hide or hair of them. At 6pm, we returned to camp & did what we vowed that we were not going to do……we got in the car and drove back to the Eroski supermarket in Muros. We bought a spare toothbrush, toothpaste, an apple danish, 2 litres of red wine & 14 litres of white wine, all for just under €30. We are not returning to the supermarket again.

      Dinner was more chill con carne with salad & Jackie’s garlic bread using the artisan bread left over from breakfast. After a couple of wines we hit the sack. All this sitting around in the sun doing absolutely nothing is exhausting!!!

      Song of the Day : Swim with the Dolphins by The Mission.
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    • Day 10

      Day 10 - The Rain in Spain…….

      June 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Three times during the night Jackie re-inflated her airbed which makes a hell of a racket, particularly in the dead of the night. On top of this, my solar fairy lights were on crazy mode, which makes our pitch more like Blackpool Illuminations. Jackie informed me she was not sleeping on the airbed again.

      We finally awoke just before 10am, but to our horror we discovered that it was raining again, contrary to the weather forecast. Fortunately it seemed to be just a passing shower and minutes later we having coffee & a breakfast of artisan bread and jam. Everything was perfect until a black cloud loomed over, then burst. We ran for cover into our tent grabbing what we could as the rain hoofed down to the extent that a river was flowing past the door of our tent.

      I had had enough & with it still raining, I made a rash decision to immediately go & find a camping shop & buy a new airbed. I googled camping stores & ‘Oh god’, the nearest was a Decathlon in Santiago de Compostela an hours drive away & where we had been just the previous day. We bit the bullet & set off in the pouring rain like a couple of feral dogs, without a shower, cleaning our teeth or changing our clothes. Not our proudest moment.

      We stopped in Muros, a small harbour town, a couple of miles from the campsite & visited a hardware shop in the vain hope they might sell air beds. We came out with a small door mat, a back up bottle opener & a cheese grater……… as you do. We then visited a supermarket next door for more provisions. I had the one job of getting Jackie 3 litres of white wine, one bottle cost just 99 cents, so I treated her to others at the exorbitant cost of €1.99 each.

      We then drove the exact route to Santiago de Compostela & to the biggest Decathlon we had ever seen. After much umming & aahing about whether it would fit, we bought a a small double comfort airbed for me, as well as another rain jacket I didn’t really need, another pair of sunglasses and a cap & bikini top for Jackie.

      An hour later having driven through more rain we arrived back at our campsite in glorious sunshine & we vowed to not drive anywhere tomorrow, until we realised that I had bought just 1 bottle of white wine & 2 more bottles of red wine. Doh. In the remainder of the afternoon we faffed about deflating & inflating airbeds, whilst listening to the entire fifth day’s play in 1st Ashes Test that left me deflated at it’s conclusion.

      Jackie cooked up a huge pot of Chilli Con Carne, which we had with salad & bread. Jackie also fed a family of sparrows that multiplied by the minute.

      The evening finished nicely with a small pod of dolphins swimming up & down in the sea in front of us. I didn’t attempt to grab my camera having learnt from my less than successful attempt to photograph pink dolphins in Thailand.

      Song of the Day : Kingdom of Rain by The The.
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    • Day 12

      Day 12 - Camping Finally Sussed

      June 22, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      We both slept through until 8.30am & were up & busy by 9.30am. After coffee WE took our dirty laundry to the on-site washing machines. It cost €3.50 for a full load & the washing machine added all the required detergents.

      We had our artisan bread & jam for breakfast, then returned, well Jackie did, to collect our clean clothes, whilst I was busy taking our beach stuff to the beach. We then had a morning of sunbathing & walking up & down the beach. The beach I would describe as wild & rugged & pretty much almost perfect.

      On our walk we were accosted by Geoff a fellow camper who was curious to know what I had seen through my binoculars. (To give this some context, I was using my binoculars to watch what was a potential drugs bust by the local coastguard out in the bay the previous day). It ultimately appeared to be just a routine check.

      Anyway Geoff was then interrogated by Jackie & she established that he & his wife, Veronica, had been in northern Spain & Portugal for the last 5 weeks in an RV & had literally done our itinerary but in reverse. Geoff promised to provide us with a list of the campsites they had used on their trip.

      Lunch was back in the café veranda for a couple of ice cold ones. We were given complimentary Serrano ham rolls, but we also ordered some papas fritas to accompany our lunch.

      The afternoon was perfect. The sun stayed out & the beach got busier, but not too busy, with locals. We finally left the beach at 6.30pm.

      Jackie created a gorgeous Arabiata pasta & salad for dinner, whilst I remained on dolphin watch with a glass or two of white wine. I washed up. During dinner, Geoff kindly provided us with the promised list of campsites that they had stayed at on their trip.

      For both of us it was the perfect day.

      Song of the Day : A Perfect Day Elise by PJ Harvey.
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    • Day 16

      Tag 16

      April 16, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Heute haben wir uns von Jessy und Nicola verabschiedet. Bevor wir auf dem Camping "A Vouga" Nachbaren wurden, waren wir in Zürich Nachbaren. Nur kannten wir uns noch nicht😛 Dank ihnen können wir jetzt sogar jassen.. ein bisschen zumindest ;) Die Beiden wollten eigentlich nach Portugal, da die Grenze aber bis auf Weiteres geschlossen bleibt ziehen sie weiter nach Andalusien und Sardinien. Viel Spass!
      Beim Schiessen des Abschiedsfoto entstand ausversehen noch das Bild des Tages für heute😅
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    • Day 9

      Day 9 - Santiago de Compostela

      June 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Woke up at 3am to find my airbed deflated so that my back was uncomfortably now on the floor, but my head and feet were in the air on air pockets. I pumped the airbed, but it slowly deflated again whilst I tried to get back to sleep. Not a great start to our first night camping.

      We awoke again around 9am to the sound of the forecast rain lashing down on our tent. Our bladders forced us out of bed and to the shower block. We then had a coffee in the on site cafe, then headed out for Santiago de Compostela an hours drive away or walking on a 4 day pilgrimage. We drove.

      An hour later we arrived in Santiago de Compostela, the final stop on the epic Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail. Santiago is a unique city imbued with the aura of a millennium’s worth of journeys. Today some 300,000 Camino Pilgrims and many thousands of others venture here each year. I also read that most people consider Santiago de Compostela to be at it’s most beautiful when the stone streets are glistening in the rain. This was lucky for us because it was still blooming raining.

      We parked up in a tight spaced town centre multi storey car park, then headed into the pedestrianised Old Town. The magnificent Santiago de Compostela dominated the skyline & we headed towards it without a clear walking route planned.

      As we walked towards the cathedral, we found a very ornate church to visit & peruse the decor. We then continued towards the cathedral & located Praza do Obradoira, known as Workshop Square. This grand square is in front of the cathedral’s west facade & appears to be where the modern day pilgrims were congregating presumably following the completion of their trails. It is known as Workshop Square because this was where the stonemasons set up their workshops when the cathedral was being built.

      We entered the Cathedral & felt lucky to discover that a service was in progress, we found a suitable spot & sat & listened for about 30 minutes, which included a small section in English. It was still hard to follow what the vicar was saying, but he repeated the word ‘salvation’ on numerous occasions. We got the impression we were not allowed to take photos during the service, so I attempted to discreetly take short video clip on my phone with hopeless results.

      We then aimlessly wandered around the narrow stone streets & popped into the odd church for an enjoyable, but damp hour or so. It was an attractive old town full of interesting architecture with a constant soundtrack of bagpipes from the pipers located at sheltered vantage points to trap the tourists.

      Sufficiently pummelled with religion and the rain, we retreated to our car to return to the campsite. We stopped at a local Eroski Center supermarket & purchased provisions, mainly wine, but some food. The campsite was bathed in sunshine upon our return & we rearranged our gear to make the most of our pitch. Jackie then knocked up steak & salad, whilst I set up our solar lights around our tent & windbreak.

      We had an early night with Jackie offering to sleep on the deflating airbed, because she was lighter!!

      Song of the Day : Sweet Salvation by The Cult.
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    Campo das Cortes, 15250

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