Casa del Cordón

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    • Day 25

      2. Hontanas to Castrojeriz

      July 30 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      I had picked up my delivered luggage from albergue San Esteban. It was full, so I had to find other accomodations. I ended up at albergue Rosalia, and Anne-Marie and Robert (Australia), whom I had met on the path also ended up at the same albergue. We all decided to skip the next 6 stages of the camino ( 139.3 kms.). Robert arranged the taxi to take us to the bus station in Melgar for the following morning. From there, we took the bus to León.Read more

    • Day 18


      July 10 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      The Find Penguins app only allows videos up to 1 minute and twenty seconds. And then only two videos per post. My reflection today about Judgement is 7 minutes. I began to cut it up like I had done with other longer videos but it became too complicated. So I’m trying uploading it to YouTube and adding the link to a Find Penguins post. If you care to make a comment, please do so in the Find Penguins app. But without another workaround this was the most efficient way for me to add it.

      Judgement reflection:
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    • Day 15–16

      Day 14 to Castrojeriz

      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Easy day... apart from starting (again) without coffee!

      Luckily at about 9km's at Castellanos de Castro I got great coffee and pancakes with peanut butter. Bed huskies- Oasis - sat at my feet. And played with a littkitten, India.

      The church ruin of San Anton is incredible! And they have a small albergue there...

      My watch died... but feels like I walked about 15km's but must be at least 19 to 20...
      Can still feel my leg but I'm either getting used to it or it's getting better.

      Saw Monique, Herman (from Holland), Matteo(UK), Ken, Alyssa & brother (Toronto) on the road.

      Forgot to mention the little buck that came from nowhere and ran next to me for a (short) while before he disappeared in the thick grass

      Also Hans, who looks like he is suffering but he keeps going.

      Nice municipal aulberge tonight... colourful & friendly.

      Korean couple, old lady with sore knee, Tom, Mateo & girl who I saw long ago- also with injured knee - all here
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    • Day 12–13

      Day 11 Tardajos - Castrojeriz

      May 7 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      29.7 km (324.6km from start). 5h 25min walking incl. only 25 min breaks. 1900 calories. 6 km/h

      Finally a perfect day on the road. Beautiful weather, endless fields of Meseta, no pain in my knees or muscles. Huge amount of energy - I had a fun today.

      Last night hostel was a nice place - but some people can make it difficult. Had an elderly gentleman in our 8 mans room who wanted door to hallway open but window closed. We would have died in there if there was not for a tough Spanish lady who opened the window during the night. Elderly gentleman was bitching whole morning that we made him sick and destroyed his Camino 😂

      Walking Camino is very simple - I used my phone to find a way only in big city’s. There are yellow arrows everywhere - no chance to miss the Camino.

      Staying in quite nice hostel in Castrojeriz - they have breakfast with bacon and eggs. I can feel tomorrow will be another fabulous day on Camino 😇
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    • Day 26

      Castrojeriz to Fromista

      September 29, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Unfortunately we were not successful in locating a bar last night that was going to play the rugby, in fact I don't think much happens in Castrojeriz. However we did have a great pilgrim dinner and they were serving garlic soup so the boys were very happy as photo will show. Note the glasses our darling waiter is wearing! We got back to our wonderful roomy bedrooms and listened to the rugby on the RWC app which was pretty good and much healthier than propping up a bar. Great win so went to sleep happy.
      We got up at 530 and were on the road by 6.15 knowing the day was going to be hot. The mornings as usual was just beautiful with a nearly full moon lighting up the way although we did need our torches. We had quite a climb of 150 metres ascent but luckily it was nice and cool. When we got to the top the views of the surrounding valleys were stunning with the moon still up and the sun rising in the east. One thing we miss is the dawn chorus and all we heard was one lonely crow.
      Down we trekked into a valley leading us to Fromista. We crossed over a beautiful old bridge with mist coming off the river and the sun rising behind us. By the time we had walked 11 km with not much food inside us we were desperately hoping a cafe would be open and luckily Brian found a bar/ cafe . It was full of the local hombres who were enjoying some sort of liqueur drink. This was at 10 am but it was a Saturday and who are we to judge!
      We rested awhile over coffees and big bread rolls of pastrami and cheese, called bocadillos. That totally revived us so on we went for 14 more km with the day getting hotter and hotter. We passed fields of fresh cut hay( love the smell of that) and dying sunflowers. It was the first irrigation we had seen so there was a bit of greenery and a few old castle ruins. Not unsimiliar to walking through Central Otago minus the sunflowers.
      5 km from Fromista we came across another village and nothing was happening here at all . It was like walking into one of those deserted towns in a western. What we wouldn't have done for a cold drink there!
      On we walked, although my walk becomes a plod after about 20 km. Luckily we walked along a canal and even had some trees to give a bit of shade. We do have lots of chats as we walk but usually that has tapered off in the last few km! I walked and talked for a few km with Gail from North Carolina who dined with us last night and was a great person to while away a few km with.
      Finally in the heat of the midday sun we arrived at Fromista with a declining population of 840 and for a Spanish village on a Saturday it seems quite lively.
      Our hotel is quaint and our bedroom overlooks the stunning Iglesias de Martin X1 C for which Fromista is famous for. But as beautiful as the sight of this amazing church was, a more appealing view was that of the bar serving cold beers. It too had lots of locals lazily sipping the afternoon away.
      Now it's siesta time before we venture out to explore ,but as it's 30 outside it won't be for awhile.
      Just a note on the team of eight ( our feet) . None of our feet have let the team down to date and no blisters so we are very pleased as we come across so many pilgrims in terrible distress that can hardly walk, often young ones but no,
      our team are soldiering on. Long may it last.
      Siesta time
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    • Day 26

      Caminowy Mysz Masz

      September 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Dzisiejszy krótszy dystans sprzyjał robieniu większej ilości zdjęć. A było co uwieczniać, zaczynając od idealnie błękitnego nieba, które wraz z naturą i historią tworzyły doskonały koloryt. Dodatkowo nawinęlo się parę pomysłów na urozmaicenie przydomowych ogródków i parę sympatycznych zwierzątek ... i od razu uzbierało się kolejnych 20 zdjęć 😊Read more

    • Day 94


      October 25, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      wir sind erstaunlicherweise sehr schnell aus der stadt burgos gekommen. dies dank der navigation von nik und einem tollen fahrradweg. der morgen war noch kalt und düster und je näher wir nach castrojeriz gefahren sind, desto freundlicher wurde das wetter. auf einer fast verlassenen strasse ist uns ein kleines altes auto entgegenkommen und hat angehalten. es war ein helfer irgendeiner kirche, der uns anhänger und äpfel geschenkt hat und natürlich auch den begehrten camino-stempel. wir haben dann etwas der katholischen kirche gespendet. in castrojeriz haben wir ein bungalow auf dem camping gebucht. im gespräch hat sich herausgestellt, dass der vater des besitzers über 30 jahre in ostermundigen bei der emmi gearbeitet hat und jedes jahr im urlaub nach hause gekommen ist. er hat ab und zu in ostermundigen seine ferien verbracht. in castrojeriz war eine unglaubliche ruhe und richtiger erholungsort nach der stadt burgos. nik radelte und sprang noch auf die riesige burg hoch und machte für uns alle ein video von der unglaublichen aussicht. es war für uns der schönste ort bisher. in der kirche wollten wir eigentlich nur den camino-stempel holen, doch der sigrist der kirche hat uns in beschlag genommen und uns die ganze kirche gezeigt. es war eine unglaubliche anzahl von prunkvollen gegenständen in der kirche ausgestellt. fazit des siegrist über uns war, dass wir wohl nicht immer ganz präsent waren im religionsunterricht. wir durften ihm nicht sagen, dass wir eigentlich reformiert sind. weil im grunde genommen gehen ja vor allem katholiken auf den pilgerweg. das dörfchen war früher grösser als burgos, welche heute eine sehr grosse stadt ist und hatte 5 kirchen und 2 klöster. ein teil der kirchen wurden aufgrund eines erdbebens zerstört. heute sind noch 3 vorhanden und 1 kloster ist in privaten händen.Read more

    • Day 18

      Day 19. Castrojeriz

      May 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      I stayed at a quaint hotel last night along with seven other pilgrims. The hotel itself was like a large house consisting of six guest rooms, each with their own bathroom, a small bar, an even smaller dining room, and a reception area that wasn’t much larger than a walk-in closet. The proprietor shuttled us back and forth, registered us, carried luggage up the stairs and ran the bar that served the 3-4 locals who were there. I arrived there shortly after 2:00 pm, then showered, napped for 30 minutes, then sat on the terrace to write my blog. Dinner started at 7:00, so that’s when all 8 hotel guests gathered at one table in the dining room (photo included). When we registered the proprietor asked us if we wanted dinner, but the reality was there was no other place to eat in this small village. We were 4 Americans, 3 Canadians, and 1 Australian. That was when a lady, I’m assuming his wife, came out offering us a great meal: soup (chicken,potatoes), salad (Mediterranean) , pork medallions, and choice of dessert ( fruit salad, flan, or ice cream). While the lady served us , the proprietor sat back chatting and joking in Spanish. Some people at the table knew enough Spanish to translate, keeping us apprised of what he was saying. It was a great family atmosphere and I was able to pick up enough to find him entertaining. We had many good laughs with him picking on me because I was the solo hombre (the only man).
      At 7:30 am we had a quieter breakfast, with only the lady working, and shortly after 8:00 am the proprietor shuttled us back to the same place he had picked us up yesterday. Once again, it was cold (5 degrees) , but few clouds, and after an hour or so, a strong tailwind picked up. Hundreds of wind turbines here. The walking was easy today, a 20 km trek, mostly level, with a stop at the small pilgrim village of Hontanas, and later at the ruins of a 9th century castle.
      Today, I connected with a young girl from Austin, Texas who recently graduated with her doctorate in physiotherapy. This trip is her reward to herself for having finished her schooling before going to a full-time job in Vail, Colorado. Two people she had previously met, an agronomist from Chile, who grows all kinds of berries, and a Spanish literature teacher, joined us. The Chilean spoke English fluently, and translated for the literature teacher, who just spoke a little English. My sense is that 70% of the pilgrims speak Spanish as their first language, which makes sense since we’re in Spain. If I were to come again, I would try to learn more Spanish beforehand. Chatting with other pilgrims makes the time fly by. So many interesting stories. However, early in the mornings, I do enjoy my reflective time. We’re generally quieter then, less apt to chat.
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    • Day 75

      65. Wandertag

      June 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Heute haben wir eine lange Etappe von 30 Km gemacht. Zuerst einige Fotos einer Pilgerherberge. Dann Wandbilder diesmal von Biblischen Geschichten. Immer wieder Blumen am Wegrand und auf den Felder. Dann sind wir auf den Spanischen Meseten angelangt. Gerade Wege soweit das Auge reicht. Plötzlich ein Tal und ein Dorf. Ein Foto vom heutigen Mittagessen Paella und Sangria, sehr fein.
      Gestern Abend hatte ein Hollönderpilger Geburtstag. Er wurde 54 Jahre alt. Wir haben ein Stück Dessert mit einer Kerze organisiert und alle im Saal haben Happy B. gesungen. Er war sehr gerührt. „En famillie“ macht man das halt.
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    • Day 9

      Das war es dann wohl

      October 24 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Heute Morgen hat sich mein Handtuch auf eine unerwartete Reise begeben – ohne mich. Gestern Abend war noch alles in bester Ordnung: Ich hatte es fein säuberlich aufgehängt, damit es über Nacht gut trocknen kann. Doch in der Hektik des Morgens, habe ich sie an ihrem Platz vergessen.

      Es mag nur ein Gemisch aus Hexamethylendiamin und Adipinsäure gewesen sein, aber für mich war sie viel mehr. Eine treue Begleiterin, die mich fast ein Jahrzehnt durch viele Abenteuer begleitet hat. In meinem Arbeitszimmer hat sie lange Zeit für Schatten gesorgt, indem sie tapfer vor dem Fenster hing. Die Sonne hat ihre Spuren hinterlassen und die Farbe nahezu ausgebleicht. Aber das hat sie nie davon abgehalten, ihren Dienst zu tun. Sie war auch mein Begleiter bei zahllosen Schwimmabenteuern, in Parks beim Sport, an Seen und Flüssen. Egal wo, sie war stets dabei. Obwohl sich das Abtrocknen mit ihr so angefühlte als würde man versuchen einen zu kleinen Gummihandschuh überziehen, war doch kein Handtuch schneller wieder trocken als sie. Sie war vielleicht nicht perfekt, aber zuverlässig und nur das Zählt für mich. Handtücher kommen und Handtücher gehen, kaum eines bleibt für immer. Seit heute gehst du deinen eigenen Weg, für immer.

      Und obwohl es nur ein Handtuch ist, fühlt sich der Verlust schwerer an, als ich erwartet hätte. Ein treuer Begleiter für fast 10 Jahre, ich werde dich vermissen, mein treues Handtuch. Mögest du nun in Frieden ruhen. Denn du wirst mit Sicherheit weg geschmissenem werden. Und ich kann erst in 4 Tagen wieder ein neues kaufen.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Casa del Cordón, Casa del Cordon

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