A bit more from San Sebastián

There were a few other photos and descriptions from San Sebastian we wanted to share so I’m adding another post.
We’ve really enjoyed our time here and appreciate our friends (the Tjernlund’s)Read more
There were a few other photos and descriptions from San Sebastian we wanted to share so I’m adding another post.
We’ve really enjoyed our time here and appreciate our friends (the Tjernlund’s)Read more
Rain fell steadily for most of the morning. Once it had eased off, we headed out to climb Mount Urgull. It's more like a hill with an elevation of only 123 metres...it stands on the edge of the OldRead more
04:40 Uhr, der Wecker klingelte bereits, 20 Minuten später stand auch der Taxifahrer schon da. Früh ging es heute los, denn um 07:30 Uhr ging mein Flug von Madrid nach San Sebastian. Knapp eineRead more
Wir haben alle wie Engel geschlafen in unserem trockenen Hotelzimmer.
Heute morgen gab es Frühstück für Könige🙌
Von diversen Müsli Zutaten, Früchte, Fleisch & Käse gab es auch noch vieleRead more
☀️ 🏤 Tagesimpressionen 🏫 ☀️
San Sebastian hat mir so gut gefallen 😍, dass ich heute Mittag nochmal in die Stadt gefahren bin...
The plan for the day was to take in the two hills at either side of San Sebastian's main bay. Initially to go up on the funicular before it got too busy. However the sun dictated otherwise so MonteRead more
Hausberg mit wunderbarem Ausblick auf den Atlantik und San Sebastian.
You might also know this place by the following names:
Castillo Kalea
Traveler Thanks Sis!