Church of San Saturnino

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    • Day 7

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona

      September 13, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      Day 5 - Rest day in Pamplona
      Today I had a rest day. Or so I thought. But I ended up walking 10 to 12 km throughout the day. I visited a beautiful church! A famous Catholic in Pamplona called “Catedral de Santa María la Real de Pamplona”. So beautiful, as Catholic churches are! I also shopped for a bag to send some of my overpacking to Santiago to wait for me. It was a nice break.Read more

    • Day 6–7


      September 11 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nachdem Aufstehen in der herrlichen Berglandschaft in den Pyrenäen, machten wir uns auf dem Weg Richtung Pamplona.

      Auf dem Weg hielten wir beim örtlichen Supermarkt, wo ich einen der besten Schinken in meinem Leben gegessen habe. So hauchdünn, dass man hindurch sehen kann.

      Bei unserer Ankunft in Pamplona sahen wir schon von weitem die imposante Kathedrale über der Altstadt thronen. Wir teilten uns auf da wir unterschiedliche Aspekte der Stadt erkunden wollten.

      Ich fuhr mit meinem Fahrrad durch Stadt auf den Spuren der Pilger. Da in Pamplona der Jakobsweg startet war in der ganzen Stadt eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre spürbar.

      Nach dem Besuch der Kathedrale, der Schutzkirche der Pilgerer kamen wir Abends voll mit Eindrückein unserer Unterkunft an.
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    • Day 7

      On the road at 930 finally

      August 23 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      I met Andres next to the pilgrim Office while I was waiting for it to opeHe has a pilgrim shop where he gave me a brand new credential and also a nice Carrier

      I like pamplona because they mark the Camino trail every 10 m it's very helpful for a guy like me that gets lost easier

      Joern Is traveling with me he is from East Germany born in 1977

      Jorn patka favebook. Joern.

      Sunflower farm in route
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    • Day 5

      Day 5 - Olague to Pamplona, 25 kms

      May 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      We arrived in Pamplona around 3pm today, having walked under blue skies for the first time since we set out from Bayonne five days ago.

      As promised, Isabel came to the albergue in Lantz at 8am to take us by road to Olague. It took all of 5 minutes but saved me the prospect of that knee deep river crossing. I’d had enough water. We were definitely ready for a dry day feeling the sun on our faces. We thanked Isabel for all her kindness to us. She wished us a ‘Buen Camino’ and we were on our way.

      The day was wonderfully uneventful. Sure, some mud and large puddles to navigate but an otherwise easy walk. We even had the luxury of a lunch stop at the 15 km mark in the delightful village of Souraren, where the cafe / bar was open! We finally got to eat our emergency rations, that we had carried most of the Way, and the remainder of the fruit Isabel had given us for breakfast. And then went into the bar and ordered a cafe con leche for me and a neste for the French. Talk about the high life.

      We had 10 kms left to walk. At the town of Trinidad de Arre, just 5 kms before Pamplona, thé Camino Baztan joins thé much busier Camino Frances. Having walked such a quiet path for the past five days, we decided not to cross the lovely old stone bridge into Trinidad to join the many more pilgrims on the Frances, but to continue walking by the river on to Pamplona. ❤️
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    • Day 6


      May 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌩️ 15 °C

      Twenty four hours in Pamplona. We walked in to Pamplona around 3pm yesterday and left around the same time this afternoon, by bus to Jaca.

      Pamplona holds significant memories for me and for The French. My first time here was on Day 3 of my first Camino - the Camino Frances - in 2011. My second time was with my dear friend and Camino ‘amiga’ Jill when we walked the Camino Frances together in 2013.

      My third time was in May 2014, after walking about 900 kms from Le Puy en Velay. The last 10 days or so I’d walked most of the time with a Frenchman. Pamplona was my last stop before returning to Australia. He was walking on to Santiago. We had dinner at Cafe Iruna, along with two Swiss pilgrims. I wished The Frenchman and the Swiss pilgrims a buen camino for their continuing journey. And did not imagine I’d see any of them again.

      My fourth time in Pamplona was in May 2016, again after walking about 900 kms, this time on the Camino Arles and Aragones - and with The Frenchman. It was exactly two years to the day since that first evening at Cafe Iruna. A lot had happened in that two years.

      When we arrived in Pamplona yesterday afternoon, after dropping off our backpacks at our hostal, our first stop was Plaza del Castillo to enjoy an apero at Cafe Iruna in the late afternoon sunshine - Spanish way.

      So a photo there … and a few other random snaps of Pamplona. ❤️
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    • Day 6

      Etappe 3 - Pamplona 4

      September 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Nach der Stierkampfarena war noch das Museum von Navarra angesagt. Interessant, leider auch hier nur spanisch und wenig englisch. Ärgere mich, dass ich nie spanisch gelernt habe, zumindest viele Grundbegriffe.
      Mittags muss eine Stärkung sein. Pintxos sind in Pamplona mit einem kühlen Blonden ein Muss. Einfach lecker!!!
      Zum Tagesausklang gab es dann ein leckeres Schinkenbaquette mit einem Bier. Ein alles in allem gelungener Tag gespickt mit viel Sehenswürdigkeiten und Kultur.
      Auf Wiedersehen Pamplona!!!
      Morgen beginnt unsere vierte Etappe. Wir freuen uns darauf!
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    • Day 6

      Etappe 3 - Pamplona, Stierkampfarena

      September 17, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Hier einige Impressionen aus der Stierkampfarena in Pamplona. Diese wurde 1922 gebaut und großteils von den Bürgern Pamplonas finanziert.
      War eine sehr interessante Führung mit einem Audioguide in deutsch.
      Bei der Besichtigung habe ich festgestellt, dass Ernest Hemingway als Gast in der Arena war.
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    • Day 6

      Day 4 - To Pamplona

      September 12, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Day 4 - To Pamplona
      Just as I arrived in Zubiri via a bridge yesterday, I left town on the same bridge. This bridge is called “Rabies Bridge”. An old tradition has it that if a dog was walked 3 times over the bridge it was believed to be protected from rabies. Legend from the 15th century says that builders dug into the rock to place a pillar and found a woman’s embalmed body. Santa Quiteria, patron saint against rabies. “When she was being transported to Pamplona to be buried, her body miraculously refused to budge from this spot, so her processional assumed it was a sign that she wished to be buried along the pilgrim road” (Camino De Santiago village to village guide, 2022).
      Today was a very difficult day! I hiked 20.6 km in 36°C searing heat. There was pockets of shade here and there, but not a lot. My water warmed up quickly in my pack. I had to rest far more often today, especially while walking in the direct sun. I became fatigued very easily. I was nauseous and constantly felt over-exerted, at one point thinking I wasn’t going to be able to make it to my destination of Pamplona. We have had a few people drop already, this early, from heat overexertion. So I was actually a little concerned. But I went very slow and tried my best to keep water in me, although it made me even more nauseous. I also tried to take a few bites of food now and then. And I took advantage of resting in the shade whenever I could find some. I went past a creek and the temptation to jump in was almost overwhelming! Not a lot of pictures today; I had to focus on myself. And by God’s grace, I did it!! Presently I’m in Pamplona. I have decided to take a rest day, tour the city, and regroup for tomorrow’s hike. So I’m here for 2 nights.
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    • Day 3


      August 15, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Very quiet on the streets this morning. Public holiday here, grabbed a paper map, went old school and set off on a walk around the "old town". Love the quietness of it all this morning- easing me in! Just beautiful. Come back to organise for tomorrow- heading to the start of El Camino, will head out this evening for more adventure!Read more

    • Day 5

      Day 3 - Larrasaona to Pamplona

      April 19 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 54 °F

      And the sun came out!! Today was a nice easy day - only 10.3 miles and one mild hill. 32,318 steps. We started out through beautiful flower lined paths and forest. Just as I was thinking how the whole trail has been beautiful, it popped onto the shoulder of a busy highway for two half mile stretches. Oh well. I officially came out of the Pyrenees foothills today and into a valley. Unfortunately, we climb out of that valley tomorrow. The last 3ish miles today was going through a suburb of Pamplona and a park. Lots of Spaniards out biking, walking dogs/kids and just going about their life. At least half of the locals I passed would say Buen Camino as we passed. A large bike group went by and every single one said it with a little bike chime added. School kids out at recess waved at us and said it. I’m surprised they aren’t thoroughly sick of that phrase, but I guess it shows how proud they are of the Camino and how friendly the country is. Got into Pamplona and promptly had a pinxtos (smaller version of tapas). Not really sure what it was but it had cheese and I think sardines. Pretty good. I’m in an itty bitty hotel room tonight, but it has a private bathroom (with a real towel!!), no roommates and is in the Casco Antigua (old city) right on the Camino trail so I’m a happy camper. Did my “chores” of showering and hand-washing my walking clothes before doing a walk around because it was siesta time and all the main sights were closed. Saw Catedral de Santa Maria la Real, the Iglecia de San Nicolas, Plaza Consistorial (where my hotel is), Plaza Castillo (Hemingway’s plaza in The Sun Also Rises) Iglesia de San Lorenzo and did a tour of the Plaza de los Toros (the bullfighting ring). Kind of just looks like an open air ballpark but with sand and a lot of concrete corrals and food/water troughs. Interesting to learn about the whole process. Pretty confident I don’t want to be a bull in my next life. Met up with some of my fellow walkers and had a dinner of tapas at a few places. I really like Pamplona - it would be nice to come back.

      I am now known as Minnesota Becks. An Italian couldn’t say my name and calls me Becks or Becksy. Walked part of the way with a couple from Shoreview (a town near Eden Prairie for you non-Minnesotans) so it appears Minnesota has at least 4 people walking right now. The 4th Minnesotan I haven’t met but appears not to be liked. I won’t tell you his nickname. Added Scotland, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, and Sardonia to the list of countries represented. Also learned German and Austrian men just hang out in their underwear and shirt when in their dorm rooms. And not boxers either. I suppose it’s no different than a Speedo. It was just me and those two sharing a room until another woman got added early evening. Very nice men and good bunk mates other than the whole underwear thing.
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