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    • Day 52

      Porto po raz pirewszy

      October 9, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Pomału wyciszamy się. Mieliśmy przepiękny nocleg w Muxia. Nasze okna wychodziły na ulicę, która oddziela nas od morza. Całą noc mieliśmy odgłos fal, które dotarły przez cały Atlantyk, aby powiedzieć nam dobranoc i zapewniać piękny sen. Rano troszkę pospaliśmy i w końcu udało się wyjść. Najpierw śniadanko z przepysznymi kanapkami z hiszpańską szynka, serem i awokado. Udało się nam kupić parę rzeczy na drogę i jeszcze ostatnie spojrzenie na latarnię i kościół. Jest legenda o kościele, która mówi, że jak Santiago czyli Jakub jeden z bliższych Jezusowi apostołów był w Hiszpanii i myślał że mu słabo idzie nawracając pogan, przypłynęła Maria na kamiennej łodzi (Barka), poklepała Santiago po ramieniu i powiedziała, że wszystko jest dobrze i dobrze daje radę, a potem znikła. Dlatego potem powstał kościół w tym miejscu,który to uwiecznił. Ponoć Maria przyleciała do Saragosy do Jamesa na kolumnie i jest tam kościół pod wezwaniem Sw. Marii od kolumny. Była tam w podobnym celu. Bardzo wspierała Jakuba w jego ewangelizacji.
      Tak naprawdę Sw.Jakub był pierwszym apostołem, który został Męczennikiem, Herod obciął mu głowę, a było to w 44 roku naszej ery. W 40 roku wrócił do Jerozolimy i tam zginął śmiercią męczeńską.
      Później już powrót do Santiago, Kasia musiała się po drodze wykąpać w morzu i chyba to wywołało u niej ogromne zadowolenie. Potem już Santiago, oddanie samochodów i dotarcie do stacji autobusowej. Byliśmy w Porto po około 4 godzinach jazdy. Mamy piękny hotel zaraz koło rzeki. Wieczorkiem jeszcze małe wyjście na obiadek, wino i Porto.
      Żal się żegnać z tym czasem, ale tęsknota za naszymi jest równie wielka.
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    • Day 62

      Finisterre (bike day 2, 48km)

      June 13, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today was longer but less hilly and most of the day was so good with quite a few long downhill sections going back to sea level but some of the hills were insane. If we lost our momentum on the narrow rocky paths we just couldn’t start again and had to push! We also had a few bike issues. Ant’s bike couldn’t use the last 3 easy gears for a while and Jane’s motor died. Shimano “Error E10” wasn’t a good sign. Fortunately we were near the top and there were not any steep sections to go but still a bit of work to get to the top. Then we went all the way down to the coast to a seaside village called Cee where, after a long lunch, a new bike arrived from our rental company. Such awesome service! AND a full battery! We then went over a hill and back down again to Finisterre. On the way there was a ridiculously steep down hill that we could easily have bypassed on the road and Ant managed a proper “stack” but fortunately was not injured!
      The arrival into Finisterre had a long cobbled pathway which we normally love but seriously, for a bike path! Welcome indeed. Not good for the derrière!
      We arrived in one piece, had a quick shower and cycled to mass as it is St Anthony feast day! Then off to meet a fellow pilgrim for a drink before we ate a delicious seafood dinner of Calamari, langoustine in pastry bags and a huge plate of mussels. We walked to sunset because our butts are a bit tender for cycling!
      Finisterre was know as the “end of the world” for westerners and it is tradition for pilgrims to watch the sun set over the sea after the long walk across the country. We got lucky and had no clouds - the first for many days so we will bore you with our pics!
      A special moment today at second breakfast when we met an 81 year old Belgian lady who walked the Camino Frances in a month! Such a positive lady, just amazing!
      Phew, I feel tired just writing this but it was such a cool day. Beunos Noches 💤
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    • Day 14

      We are almost at the end of the 🌎

      May 26, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 63 °F

      Yesterday we began our final walk to Finisterre 'the end of the world' another 50 miles. We’ve hit 28 miles the last two days, total to date, 128! We have one more BIG day left!!

      Tomorrow we finish off our journey with the Camino with a 22 mile walk, about 8 hours. Our biggest walk! 😱
      The Romans gave it that name ‘Finisterre’ because they used to think that was the end of the world.

      For us we have so many things to be grateful for but at the TOP of the list is our salvation. Even though the Romans got it wrong, we do know there is an end to this world and a new one when we take our final breath.

      What a wonderful reminder this isn’t home but rather just a journey until he calls us home. Until then we will keep traveling our #detkenadventures and keep telling people about a man that welcomes sinners into His New world and His perfect kingdom.

      One more day Friends.

      p.s. there was a creepy picture of a doll on a bike. Thought you should see a few pictures that weren’t beautiful 😂
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    • Day 42

      J42 - Départ d'Olveiroa

      October 3, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Après la journée de pluie d'hier, le temps est meilleur aujourd'hui : un peu de brouillard ce matin, de la brume de mer ce midi à Cee, et sinon du soleil ! Ça fait du bien !!

      Départ vers 8h d'Olveiroa, il y a de beaux horreos dans ce village.Read more

    • Day 11

      Maroñas to Olveiroa: +- 13kms

      October 6, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Today was a much easier day: the rain eased off a bit and wasn't pelting us like yesterday, and we had a much shorter distance to cover.

      We met a few very interesting people today. First an older couple from Norway; the husband is about to turn 85 and his wife, 79 years old. They had just completed the Camino Portuguese from Porto 😳 (which is 320kms long) before starting the Camino Finsterre! And here we were patting ourselves on the back for completing the Camino Ingles (about 115kms) before starting the Camino Finsterre! We are both humbled, delighted and inspired by them. They started walking 23 years ago and love it, they have done major walks across Europe including a very tough one in Norway.

      Then we also chatted to a Belgian man who had completed the Camino Primitivo before starting the Finisterre route. We know the Primitivo is considered the toughest of all the Caminos (along the northern coast of Spain) with treks through valleys and mountains. He was telling us it was absolutely freezing in the mountainous parts of the Primitivo, and he found it very challenging. We could see he was in low spirits; he was questioning why he was still walking, with all the rain we are having on the Finisterre route. I felt so sorry for him and did my best to encourage him to keep walking to Muxia and to take a few days' break to recover. I didn't have the heart to tell him that my weather app predicts solid rain until at least next weekend.

      I guess that is the beauty of walking with a friend. We are each other's support all the way. Not once have we considered giving up, even yesterday, which we agree was our toughest day (mentally) so far.

      Then we also met up with the lovely Dutch lady we saw at dinner last night; Geraldine. She is walking 2kms further than us today but we are pretty certain we'll see her again. We found the same thing on Camino Ingles. You tend to meet up with the same people every day.

      Today's walk was great; because it was so much shorter. Our feet are in good shape (to be expected) and we have time to dry our gear before tomorrow morning, when we set off again.

      Plus!! We arrived at the albergue pretty early and knew we were booked into a dorm room, which we don't enjoy that much as there is very limited space. As I handed my card over to pay, I asked if they maybe have a twin room available ( I checked last night and there was nothing) and yes they did! We were elated, as it includes our own bathroom as well. Brand spanking new.
      The Camino has provided yet again. 'Ask and you shall receive'.

      Lunch was at the albergue, a massive salad. It's been a good day.

      Here's our Relive:
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    • Day 84–85

      Day 84 - Vilaserio to Olveiroa

      July 14, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      This morning we awoke feeling a little ropey🙄 but persevered because we are hardened travellers.
      Things didn’t bode well as Simon looked out of the window to see grey, leaden skies. He was also dismayed to see how many pilgrims were already on the road!
      We had bacon butties with coffee to get us motivated and out of the door.
      We had a 20 km walk in front of us. We started bold with no ponchos but quite quickly could see the mizzle and signs of rain ahead.
      We were on a busy route and Simon got into his usual ‘race the pilgrim’ mentality- I left him to it!
      Here was some good, attractive open countryside with small settlements and farms. Some had a few loose dogs roaming around who seemed quite excitable, this was unnerving as you can’t move too fast or protect yourself with a big rucksack on your back. They turned out to be friendly enough, thank goodness 😅
      There were a lot of handsome jays on route, we also heard the frogs again in a ditch we passed that reminded us of our French walks.
      The mist and rain were upon us about a third of the way in, so we donned our ponchos- we are learning to read the sky well.
      We had quite a few long climbs on the route that led to some good views but also a stiff breeze.
      As we came out of a wood and into another settlement we came across a cafe. We decided to halt the race and stop for a coffee and a slice of chocolate cake as the bacon butties had worn off.
      A lot of other pilgrims joined us.
      The end of the walk had steep climbs and was very windy, however the rain subsided 👍
      We reached our destination- Casa Loncho which is a smart solid stone set of rooms with lovely views over the countryside.
      It has a great restaurant attached which did us a healthy salad, pizza and lasagna.
      We are hunkered in room now awaiting ‘the match’!
      We head for Finisterre tomorrow - the end of our westward journey.
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    • Day 54

      Noch 35 km ...

      July 21, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      ... bis zum Atlantik!
      Ein paar Bilder habe ich auch gemacht.
      Es ist irgendwie komisch. Vom Atlantik im Süden durch Spanien zum Atlantik in Galicien.
      Jetzt so kurz vor dem Ende der Wanderung prasseln viele Gedanken völlig untrukturiert auf mich ein. Es wird sortiert.Read more

    • Day 43


      June 21, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      7 Uhr 30 reicht vollkommen aufzubrechen, bei dem Nebel und ohne Kaffee, den bekam ich erst nach 3 Stunden in einer Panaderia/Bäckerei. Heute reichten auch 25km, denn in den weiteren 15 km gibt es weder Bars noch Herbergen. Es war sehr schwül , heute kein Regen und es waren auch wieder je 540 Höhenmeter zu bewältigen, aber es scheint, dass ich morgen schon Finisterre erreichen werde nach 30 km, ich hoffe., hätte 1 Tag eingespart.Read more

    • Day 31

      To Logoso (30 km, 550 m)

      May 11, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      I knew I was getting a visit from Michael and Flavia at my destination, so that put some pep in my step. For the first four hours, we were engulfed in mist, so there wasn’t much to see. But the time went quickly because I was walking with a few different people.

      I had a coffee break in an albergue’s café, where I ran into Grigor from Slovenia. He was describing Some sort of NGO work he was doing, and then said “I am a lawyer.” I said “I am too!”. At the table over from us, someone shouted — oh no, I’m a criminal! Well, it was funny at the time.

      I had a nice long lunch with my good buddies, and afterwards we walked up to see the Pedra Cabalgada, which is a rock positioned so precariously on top of another rock that you can’t believe it won’t fall. But it hasn’t yet. We also walked down to the nice river and enjoyed catching up on the last two years since we had seen each other. All in all, very nice day.
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    • Day 21

      WOW WOW WOW - Fußstapfen

      June 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Nur Natur

      So ein Glück

      Und hier jetzt noch das Zelt 🌈🏕

      Oder Haus


      Danke Camino 😌😃🙃

      Und wer jetzt immer noch nicht gepackt bzw geplant hat.........

      Danke Stefan für das tolle Treffen am tollen Ort, für tolle Gespräche über Leben und.......Read more

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