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    • Day 10

      Jour 10 - De Bilbao à Santurce

      September 1, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Je loge ce soir à Santurce, tout à côté de Portugalete. C'était une petite étape d'environ 14 km, presque plate. Par contre, pas vu un seul pèlerin...

      Portugalete a aussi une caractéristique étonnante : la ville étant construite à flanc de colline ,on trouve plusieurs ascenseurs publics, et même... des escalators ! Autant dire que le pèlerin que je suis est passé à côté de ces dispositifs 😊😊Read more

    • Day 10

      Jour 10 - Portugalete

      September 1, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      J'arrive presque à l'embouchure du fleuve (Bilbao est vraiment dans les terres). Portugalete dispose d',un pont transbordeur qui fonctionne toujours. On peut traverser sur une barge suspendue à des câbles, au ras de l'eau. A noter que Marseille avait un tel pont sur le Vieux Port au début du 20e siècle.Read more

    • Day 32

      Museumswetter in Bilbao

      April 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Wie gut, dass in Bilbao auf der absoluten To Do Liste das Guggenheim Museum steht. Denn heute ist absolutes Museumswetter, es regnet fast den ganzen Tag. Samu hält ganze 3 Stunden mit mir dort aus. Danach gibt's ne fette Portion Nudeln beim Italiener. Was für ein Glück, dass wir im Hotel eine Badewanne haben. Wir kommen nämlich recht durchnässt dorthin zurück und Samu taucht erstmal eine Stunde ab. Am Abend ist es wieder trocken und wir drehen noch eine Runde durch den Kiez und fahren mit der Schwebefähre auf die andere Seite der Stadt. Morgen geht's zurück nach Burgos. Ich bin schon ziemlich nervös und hoffe soooooo sehr, dass wir unseren Camper wieder repariert zurück bekommen und endlich die lange Heimreise antreten können. Schließlich sind wir gefühlt schon 40 Jahre unterwegs, wie Samu heute morgen nach dem Aufwachen meinte:-)Read more

    • Day 53–54

      Day 53 Bilbao to Sestau

      June 13, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      The sun was shining as we got up and breakfasted at Andres’s flat. Then on the road once more.
      We wandered through complete urban sprawl on the way out of Bilbao. The nicest sections were along the canal and at 1 point through a kind of country park whee the locals were sunbathing.
      Apart from that we went through blocks of apartments, under and over motorways, big loud building projects and felt quite done in when we arrived in Sestao. It had been a long slog of roads and underpasses.
      The approach into town was very daunting with rubble and broken concrete buildings with lots of graffiti.
      We plodded up and down the Main Street of pinxtos bars, we found one that was serving chips and burgers and settled for lunch.
      Still have big issues with finding food as no where here does a meal before 8.30pm.
      We called into a local greengrocer and bought supplies to cook as we knew we had a kitchen to use.
      We arrived at the apartment we had a room in and the owner was quite flustered as she had been in shower when we rang the bell!
      We were shown our room, the bathroom and kitchen then left to our own devices.
      After showering we slumped, then had to rally to get cooking - our first homemade meal in 2 months.
      We were well underway with this when the phone went.
      Suddenly 2 more guests arrived- so now we are 5 adults in a tiny apartment with one toilet 😫
      Not great!!
      We will avoid this situation in future
      We settled ourselves to eat whilst the other adults wandered about us working out how to use the washing machine- not very relaxing!!
      Anyway onwards and forwards let’s hope we get some sleep and are in a more peaceful setting tomorrow 🤞
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    • Day 17

      Gernika to Larrabetzu

      May 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      I thought that this was going to be a pretty easy day, since it wasn't a very long distance - about 16.5 km, or a little over 10 miles. In fact I planned to start a little later than usual because I had planned to try to get a bed at the municipal albergue, and it didn't open until 3 pm.

      So I slept in a bit (until 8) and then had some breakfast with the Canadians. It was already starting to feel warm, so I started to wonder if a late start was such a good idea. Then I decided that maybe I should reserve a room somewhere since the municipal albergue only had 11 beds (or 20 depending on which guide I was reading). There was nothing available on, so I decided to send WhatsApp messages to the nearby Casa Rurales - there were no pensions or hotels in the area.

      Before I could even send the second message the first place replied that yes, there was a room available. So I set out for what I thought would be about a 4 hour walk. I immediately encountered some steep climbs, and the temperature was also rising. Just the day before I had been thinking about sending my umbrella to Santiago since there's a lot more shade on the Camino del Norte than on the mostly treeless stretches on the Camino Francés. I was so happy that I had it with me to protect me from the sun! By the end of my walking day the temperature had soared to 90°F. 🥵

      Adding to my exhaustion was that there were no little towns or other places to stop and take a rest. Though at one house I passed a woman had slices of watermelon and other fruit for sale. She invited me to sit while I ate my watermelon, but I was afraid that I wouldn't want to stand up again if I did!

      The casa rural where I had booked was very lovely, and the owner was really nice. But of course it was at the top of a steep hill! The owner provided dinner so at least I didn't have to walk down and then back up to eat.

      A couple of my Camino forum friends, Laurie and Clare are together on another Camino route, and they called me on a WhatsApp video call. It was great to see their faces and chat a bit, and Laurie confirmed that I had made the right choice by not staying at the public albergue since the dorm is in an attic type space with poor ventilation, which would have been horrible on such a hot day.
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    • Day 18

      Larrabetzu to Bilbao

      May 28, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 61 °F

      This actually was a pretty easy day. There were some hills, but they were mostly in shade and it wasn't anywhere near as hot as yesterday. I walked most of the day with Kasha from Poland who I met a few days ago. It only took me a few hours to walk the short distance to Bilbao, so this was mostly a tourist day. When I did this route back in 2018 I didn't stay in Bilbao and only stopped long enough to have breakfast and take some pictures at the Guggenheim museum.

      After checking in to my hotel, showering and washing my clothes I received a message from Edna and Janice, two sisters from British Columbia who I had met in Markina. They came over to the old town area where I was staying and together we walked around the city, including walking all the way around the Guggenheim. We found a large plaza with pintxo restaurants all around and chose one that offered 10 pintxos and a bottle of wine for 30€. We ended up supplementing that with a few more pintxos for a total of five each. Each one is several bites, so it was plenty of food.

      Then we had to have a dessert that's a specialty of Bilbao called a Carolina, which is a small custard tart topped with meringue which looks like a soft serve ice cream cone. It was delicious!

      Sadly, many of the people that I've met so far are either ending their Camino this year in Bilbao (many people, especially Europeans do a section of a Camino every year), or they are spending two nights in Bilbao, so I'll no longer be in the same schedule.
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    • Day 256–257


      January 2 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute fliegt Mama wieder nach Hause, daher klingelt heute der Wecker, denn es soll ja stressfrei beginnen, das Jahr 2025.

      Jedenfalls belohnt der Sonnenaufgang das frühe Aufstehen. Nachdem ich Mama am Flughafen abgeliefert habe, zieht sich der Himmel komplett zu. Mama kommt nach Portugal und hat einfach 10 Tage Sonne. Sie fliegt zurück und schon hab ich wieder den Regen am Hals, wo gibt's denn sowas?

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    • Day 3

      En route pour Getxo la côte

      October 1, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      On sort Hercule by night du petit parking sur les toits de Bilbao et on quitte la capitale du Pays basque alors que les bars et restos de pintxos se remplissent.

      Direction Getxo pour le dodo.
      Mission ne pas être en pente et pas trop de tchatchas espagnol pour s'endormir...

      Trouvé! En bord de mer, petite station balnéaire qui fera l'affaire pour nos tendres câlins.
      Très bonne nuit réparatrice.
      Réveillés par le bruit des vagues et la voix crispante de la abuela 😂

      Premier petit dej dans le van avant la séance de sport avec mon coach préféré en bord d'océan 🥰
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    • Day 11


      September 7, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

      It was all urban. Very hot. This is a normal Cafe/cafeteria for them. Everything from coffee/latte and food to a drink and food.
      Guggenheim museum in the morning and off along the river.
      Some breezes off the river. We stopped at 13km to take shoes off ( daily bliss) and one pair of socks- no blisters yet! Then on to Potugalete
      Two of us missed turn for a bridge/ferry more like a gondola that takes cars, bikes and pedestrians across the river. And walked on 2.9km to Getxo. Absolutely beautiful and worth the mistake! Photos don’t do it justice. The beach was huge and gorgeous! The building architecture stunning!
      Ok clothes are hanging to dry. Time to have a glass of wine and water then find food.
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    • Day 11

      Schwebefähre Puente de Vizcaya

      September 17, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Hierher zu kommen war etwas beschwerlich.

      Wie sind von Portugalete nach Getxo über die Fähre und Portugalete ist selten häßlich und von Einbahnstraße und Straßen von denen man nicht abbiegen kann gesäumt.

      Trotzdem hat sich der Weg gelohnt. Die Schwebefähre war super!

      Heute werden wir das erste Mal ein Ziel nicht schaffen. In Bilbao sollten wir noch zum Guggenheim Museum, da die Stadt aber seit 06/2024 Umweltzone ist, können wir nicht mit den Auto bis zum Museum und da der einzige Campingplatz, den wir heute erreicht haben noch 1:10 Stunde Fahrzeit - mit Autobahn - entfernt ist, schaffen wir es zeitlich einfach nicht mehr, auf der anderen Seite zu parken und zu Fuß rüber zu gehen. Bis 21 Uhr müssen wir am Campingplatz sein.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Getxo, غوتكسو, Geĉo, Guecho, ゲチョ, Gečas, Гечо, 格乔

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