Inside the Walled City of Avila

Our visit to Avila included inside and outside the Walled City. Inside the wall, a thriving city of Churches, hotels, shops, restaurants, and residence's with lots of medieval charm, and the same asRead more
Our visit to Avila included inside and outside the Walled City. Inside the wall, a thriving city of Churches, hotels, shops, restaurants, and residence's with lots of medieval charm, and the same asRead more
Arrêt à Avila ville de Ste Therese d Avila pour une courte halte avant d arriver à Salamanque ville universitaire .
Ses colleges qui s etalent ds tte la ville ses églises médiévales et palaisRead more
Ávila, Segovia und Toledo sind die historischen Drei in Kastilien-Leon.
Ávila ist die Stadt mit der längsten (2,5km) und best erhaltendsten Stadtmauer. Leider ziehen die Leute immer öfter fort undRead more
After a very long journey, we made it to Spain! Tomorrow is our day in Avila, but we spent the afternoon exploring the city a little. Can you believe these photos were taken at 7:30pm?! Crazy!
Our apartment was well fortified…
You might also know this place by the following names:
Muralla de Ávila, Muralla de Avila
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