Plaza Isabel La Catolica

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    • Day 9


      May 20, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Auch in Granada geht’s Samstagabend richtig die Post ab. Die Eingeborenen haben wieder die Straßen bevölkert. Wir haben gut gegessen und sind anschließend noch zu dem Aussichtspunkt San Michael gewandert und haben von dort die Alhambra bewundert. Heute Morgen sind wir zeitig los, da leider Regen angesagt war. Ecki hat uns durch verwunschene Pfade durch die Berge in das Epizentrum des schlechten Tourismus (Torrox) geführt- aber trocken. Zielsicher hat er dort die beste Pizzeria am Strand gefunden (Man spricht deutsch).
      Sonntag scheint der Rennrad Tag für den spanischen Andalusien zu sein. Zumindest haben wir, haben wir Heerscharen von Rennradfahrern überholt.
      Die letzten 50 km haben wir leider im strömenden Regen zurückgelegt, sind dafür aber jetzt sauber😁.
      Am Flughafen waren wir drei uns einig: eine tolle, landschaftlich sehr abwechselungsreiche sehr zu empfehlende Motorradtour. Die Stimmung war sehr gut, wir haben viel gelacht und es gab keine brenzligen Situationen. Michaels Dieseleinsatz wird uns auch positiv in Erinnerung bleiben. Wir freuen uns schon auf die nächste gemeinsame Reise.
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    • Day 28

      Palacio de Generalife

      February 28 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Wasser und Pflanzen schaffen eine Atmosphäre der Ruhe. Unterstützt wird dieses noch durch das sanfte Plätschern der Brunnen. Die Wasseroberflächen wirken wie Spiegel, die alles noch größer erscheinen lassen.
      Ein Paradies über den Dächern von Granada mit Blick in die wunderschöne weite Landschaft wie die schneebedeckten Berge der Sierra Nevada.
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    • Day 230


      February 3 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Über die Autobahn ging es heute nach Granada. Sobald wir die Gegend mit den Gewächszelten hinter uns gelassen hatten, konnten wir wieder (wie schon auf der Hinfahrt) blühende Mandelbäume bewundern.
      Vorbei an einem Stausee (war nicht sehr voll) hatten wir einen guten Ausblick auf die schneebedeckten Gipfel der Sierra Nevada.
      Enge Parkhäuser sind wir inzwischen gewöhnt, aber diese Auffahrt war doch sehr eng. Mit einigem Fluchen hat Jörg es dann irgendwie geschafft Mathilda gut zu parken. Danach mussten wir es nur noch schaffen den Aufzug zu benutzen (Treppen gab es nicht und die Auffahrt, die gleichzeitig die Abfahrt ist, wollte ich nicht runter gehen.), auch wieder klein und eng und wenn er in unserer Etage hielt war er schon voll.
      Irgendwann waren wir unten und konnten die Stadt erkunden. Ziemlich schnell kamen wir zur "Cathédrale Santa María de la Encarnación" (Klingt viel besser als Cathédrale de Granada!). Die Kirche wurde von 1523 bis 1704 mitten in der Stadt errichtet. Sehr imposant von außen und auch von innen.
      Leider waren die Toiletten geschlossen, zum Glück gab es öffentliche und sehr saubere ein paar Ecken weiter.
      Anschließend sind wir weiter durch Granada gebummelt.
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    • Day 150

      Grand Granada

      January 31, 2017 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      I have just arrived to beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains in front of me and 20 degrees. I met a woman on the bus into town who was complaining about the heat on the bus to me in Spanish and I actually understood her and agreed. I think the bus driver in his wool sweater still had the heat on. She told me she was panicking because she had to go to England for a month to work and had 2 small dogs that needed to be looked after. I told her about the housesitting site I was on and gave her my email address. She was very grateful and told me she would be in touch. It would be great to have one month in an apartment in central Granada and learn some Spanish and take a break from the hostels and especially cook for myself and omg shave my legs! We'll see if she contacts me- gotta put it out there. So far Granada is magnificent. The mountains are right there and I feel like at I'm at the west coast. Later I went for a walk and found the cathedral and the Artisan market which had so many beautiful things I wanted to buy, particularly interesting rings. I stopped in at a tiny canteen where four older men were having a rather intense conversation. I had a tapas and beer for two euros and then listened to them sing.Read more

    • Day 69

      Travel day to Granada, Spain

      May 29, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Miles: 3.8 Steps: 9055
      Flights stairs: 6

      We took a 3 1/2 hr bus ride to Granada today. It is really great to travel this way - either by bus or train, vs flying. I feel connected to the places I’m visiting and not just zooming over them. Flying will be necessary on this trip, but I’ll enjoy the slower pace while I have it. Plus, Europe knows how to operate their bus and train systems - pretty impressive.

      Not much to show of Granada after today. Just figured out where we are, where everything is, etc. We did go to Los Italianos for gelato — they’re really proud of it, justifiably so. It was great. And we don’t have wifi at our Airbnb so going to have to hang out at a Starbucks everyday for a couple hours to do our planning and Jordans drawing. But Starbucks - really all the US food chains - are so different here. Nicer.
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    • Day 7


      October 6, 2020 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      After Ronda, I continued the drive to Granada more Western in Andalusia. It was another 2-2,5h drive in a beautiful setting of olive trees and agricultural fields. The highway looks new, so you can drive safely and easily.

      Upon arrival in Granada, traffic starts to appear (5pm). I drove to the city center in the parking Ganivet, as my hotel was just 100m further. It’s a bit more expensive, but you’re straight in the city center with a 24h guarded parking.

      My hotel was called Arte Vida Suites & Spa, which was about €44 per night. It was decent, because you get a spacious room, living room, bathroom and kitchen. The sauna was only available when informing the reception, which was a bit unfortunate because I arrived when the reception was already closed. So I went the next day at 12am, after my 9am visit to Alhambra.

      Here in Granada (Spain in general), restaurants only open at 8pm. So I had an ice cream and some shopping in the evening. Later around 8.30pm I had a delicious poké bowl in Wild Food, the vegan restaurant of the hotel Marquis Hotels Issabel’s. It was so good and the setting was so pleasant, that I returned back the next day for a breakfast at 8am. I had a yoghurt with fruits and a bagel. Mmmm.
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    • Day 4

      Durch die Straßen von Granada

      October 4, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Auf dem Weg zu unserem größten Ziel, der Kathedrale von Granada, sind wir an vielen kleinen Zielen vorbei. Durch unzählige kleine Gassen und über Plätze. Eine wirklich schöne Tour mit vielen einzelnen Zielen, welche wir aufgrund der Menge gebündelt in einen Footprint packen. Mit der Kathedrale als Ziel fest vor Augen ging es dann immer wieder durch verschiedene Gassen bis wir dann auf das gigantische Bauwerk gestoßen sind.Read more

    • Day 5

      Valencia and Granada - Day 5

      July 4, 2017 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Our day was mostly spent travelling the 500+ kilometres along the Costa Blanca from Valencia to Granada, and on arrival in Granada we visited the fantastic Alhambra.

      This remarkable palace/fortress overlooks the town. It was built to be the home of the Sultans of the Nasrid dynasty in the 13th century. Its name is derived from the Arabic al-qalaát al-hamra meaning red castle.

      This was our introduction to the art, architecture and history of the Moors, who ruled over most of Spain for 780 years from the 7th century, giving Spain a history unique to the rest of Europe.

      The Alhambra is an exceptional and breathtakingly beautiful place, a fantasy of stone-cut lace, arabesque gardens and fountains. It is the only medieval palace of its type and cultural significance to have survived anywhere in the world. In 1870 the Alhambra was declared a National Monument and in 1984 the UNESCO World Heritage Committee declared it a World Heritage Site.

      We took many photos during our tour and visit, but they do not really capture the beauty of this place, perched along the top of a hill with the magnificent backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
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    • Day 20

      Travel Day - Ronda to Granada

      January 19, 2018 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Our bus to Ronda didn’t leave until 1:30 so we had ample time to do the 20 minute uphill walk to the train station. It was a scenic ride with endless fields of olive trees. In Spain there are over 5 million acres of olive groves and over 300 million olive trees. A new high speed train track is being built on this route but is unfinished, so for the first 60 km we took a regular train and then we completed the last 120 km by bus. We were among the last passengers to get off the train so we were directed to a different bus than the majority. John was sure we were on the wrong bus when the driver didn’t take the exit to Granada but I could see that we were not on the express bus and had to make a stop in a nearby town. Once we were back on the highway he could relax, except for one annoyance. We had an elderly Spanish lady sitting in the front row who talked to the driver very loudly non-stop during the whole trip.

      The population of Granada is 239,000 but it is a very busy city and seemed larger. I messed up my hotel directions and bought two tickets for the Metro instead of the local bus. Off to a bad start and John was getting grumpy. We eventually got on the right bus and it was jam-packed with passengers so there was standing room only, which was very awkward with our luggage. The other passengers were so friendly and helpful so that made the 15 minute ride bearable. We got off in the central area and even with my map app we couldn’t find our way to our hotel. Another friendly, helpful lady saw our obvious confusion so she walked with us a short distance and pointed us in the right direction. It definitely wasn’t a smooth travel day! Our hotel, the Melia Granada, was very flashy in the public areas but our room was small and plain.

      Our goal in coming to Granada was to visit the Alhambra, the last Moorish stronghold in Europe. This is how we spent day 2 in Granada. From our hotel, the half hour walk was uphill the whole way. The Alhambra gets up to 8,000 visitors per day and I wisely bought our tickets 2 months ago as recommended. I had to pick an entry time as small groups are allowed in every half hour. Security was visible throughout the complex....a muzzled dog and several armed guards.
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    Plaza Isabel La Catolica

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