Roc la Campane

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    • Day 8

      Camino Moment - PW

      September 5 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      People on the Camino talk about moments that they attribute to something termed ‘spiritual’. Most people who know me know I am mostly sceptical about these attributions. Good luck or coincidence are probably better terms. However, today I spent time with a lovely Northern Irish woman, Anne, walking to Najera. She was a grandmother of 14, mother of 5, extraordinary wedding cake maker, had a brother involved in the IRA and imprisoned in the Maze, and had a brilliantly sharp mind and wit. We had a few laughs together. Anne then started talking about friends and family who’d passed with cancer. For the first time on trail, I mentioned fleetingly about Libby’s recent breast cancer diagnosis. Topic lasted less than a minute max.

      We then caught up with Anne’s husband, Eugene, who was walking with small Paul, at a rest place. I sat down and was chatting with the Irish group. Eugene then presented me his hand made Camino momento - see below. He said we hear your wife has been going through some health difficulties and we hope that this will help ease things for her and your family. I don’t recollect Ann chatting with him when she arrived or how he knew this fact. Other Paul didn’t tell him. It was quite spooky. He then told me the history of the memento; that he was a retired shoe repairer in Belfast and that he made only a few of these self stitched leather mementos to pass onto people on the trail who he felt needed or deserved them. I got the last one.

      As soon as that interaction was over, the Irish group left, not to be seen again. Spirits in the night.

      I now have this memento attached to my pack for the rest of the journey. Given Libby’s Irish roots, I carry it with pride.

      How does one attribute an interaction like this one today? Coincidence? Nice people doing nice things? Premonition? All I know was that it was not ordinary.

      Comments please.
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    • Day 8

      Day 5. Logrono to Najera. 28.5km.

      September 5 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Another long day but over easy terrain. Following a major highway but far enough away to feel that you are in the countryside. Lots of grape vines bulging with fruit. Thankfully overcast most of the way with light rain in the morning. I would like more sun but tall Paul prefers the clouds. A number of stunning Cathedrals on the route. The early wealth and power of the catholic church is very obvious. A small nondescript town has a major Cathedral full of ornate wooden panels and statues of every saint. All dripping in gold leaf. No doubt plundered from Spanish colonial conquests.
      Bodies are getting acclimatized to 25+ km days. Tall Paul has a blister but seems to be managing the discomfort. My feet are good which has been a blessing considering my pre departure foot issues. Staying in shared dormitory accommodation tonight, which is not our first choice but all we can get. We are too old to be sharing with strangers. Catherine, our mate from the UK has finished her Comino section and heading home tomorrow. Thanks for the fun times Catherine.
      Tall Paul has bought a new top. The colour was Libby's favorite from years ago.
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    • Day 14

      Day 9. Logrono to Najera

      August 31 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Sat, Aug 31. Today, 19+ miles and 10 hours of hiking. Departed Logrono at 0535 and had to walk nearly a mile just to get back onto the Camino Trail. The path out of Logrino was long but flat and much if it through the riverside park. We really enjoyed the silence and solitude of walking in the dark. Traversed around the reservoir Pantano de la Gratera and after a quick pit stop, began a mild climb through the vineyards of Rioja. Passed the mile long fence of crosses, the Toro statue on the hill, and the ruins of the pilgrim's hospital before arriving in Navarette. Had breakfast with Federick from South Africa before visiting the sixteenth century Iglesia Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion. For a euro we were able to light up the beautiful, gold altar piece. For the next two hours we chatted with Alex from South Wales who is working in Spain as a English teacher. Five miles later walked into the village of Ventosa with from Veronica from Slovenia. Craig bombed on getting a pizza but the cokes were refreshing. Up to the top of the village for a quick look at the church and then back on the trail for the last 7 miles, almost entirely through the manicured vineyards. We chatted for about an hour with Chris and Sandy from Asheville, NC. It has been interesting to hear people's stories and why they are "doing" the Camino. Even better, it passes the hours of walking. Debbie found a small wallet with credit cards and drivers license on the trail and we began to wonder how we might get it back to the young Asian owner. We didn't have to wait too long as several miles down the trail we came to a park where several pilgrims had stopped to rest, some even taking a siesta. Sure enough a young man was laying on a park bench and no, he didnt even know he had lost all his valuables. Some say the "Camino Provides" but Debbie said God answered her prayer to return the wallet to the rightful owner before we reached the next town. At 1500, we hobbled into Najera and found our apartment. Chinese was for dinner and then a quick stop in at the grocery store before retiring for the night.Read more

    • Day 17


      May 11 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Day 9 Najera
      Distance from Torres del Rio 32kms

      With another long day ahead we left Torres del Rio before the sun rose. Although a long day the path was easy and the temperature was pleasant. We haven’t seen much wildlife about but today we spotted a toad it almost blended into the gravel path. Posted this for the grandies. Passed by archaeological remains of a church and hospital founded in the Middle Ages the hospital assisting pilgrims on their way to Santiago. Through a village with its period houses and carved family crests and armorial shields so much history.
      We entered into the town of Najera (with its high rock face acting as a dramatic backdrop) early afternoon. A great walking day behind us and around 576kms to go to reach Santiago de Compostela.
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    • Day 14

      Day 12 - To Najera

      September 20, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      Day 12 - To Najera
      (pr. Nahera)
      17 kms; Difficulty 2/3

      The vineyards are just so awesome and the grapes are amazing! Walking by them everyday, how can you avoid such a temptation? Well, you can’t! Many pilgrims snitch them for a treat as they walk by. You wouldn’t believe how delicious and sweet the grapes are! Vine well-ripened and ready for making wine.
      I came upon a poem written for Peregrinos. Unfortunately it is in Spanish but I will translate it when I can!
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    • Day 11

      Estella to Luquin

      September 27, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Leaving Estella was hard after being stuck inside for so long. I felt very disconnected from other pilgrims and honestly felt like giving up and going home. My very small albergue didn’t help. There were only two other people who I barely saw and I ate dinner and breakfast alone.Read more

    • Day 16


      June 17, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌩️ 82 °F

      Silly thing. I became obsessed with the color purple during my preparations for the Camino. Purple iPhone, can opener, towel, collapsible cup, and so forth. Don’t know why. It’s just become my favorite color—although I am still very partial to green.

      Anyway, we are seeing a LOT of purple along the way, mostly in the way of wild flowers by the side of the trail. I’ve attached a pic here, but there seems to be an endless and delightfully never ending variety!

      Thank you God for purple. (And those other colors too.)
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    • Day 10


      May 30, 2018 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Heute waren es dann nur 15 km, irgendwie ist gerade der Wurm drin. 🤨
      Zum einen hat mein Rucksack beschlossen mich zu ärgern, indem er einfach kaputt geht und mich dabei auch noch verletzt.... Böser Rucksack.

      Zum zweiten hab ich mich wohl doch überlastet und heute heftige Schmerzen im rechten Fuß und der linken Schienbeinkante bekommen..... der Fuß ist nicht das Problem, aber das Schienbein bremst mich doch heftig aus.... bergab und bergauf sind kaum möglich. Nun lieg ich hier, gedopt mit Ibuprofen und Kühlpack und hoffe, dass morgen alles wieder in Ordnung ist. 🤞😁

      Sonst war der Weg an sich heute echt nett, wenn nicht mal wieder der Regen wär. Bin durch unendliche Weinberge🍇🍷 marschiert (wie es sich für Rioja auch gehört), leider waren die Trauben noch nicht reif 🤨. Einen uralten Olivenbaum hab ich gesehen und jede Menge kleiner Steinmännchen.

      Aufgrund des Wetters 🌧⛈ und der Schmerzen und weil ich zu Beginn blöderweise 6 km neben einer Autobahn laufen musste, hatte ich seit Langem mal wieder Musik in den Ohren. Dabei hab ich festgestellt, dass bestimmte Musik Schmerzen erträglicher macht, irgendwie komisch aber es ist so. 😁🤔
      Zu erwähnen hierbei die Musik der 90iger, Ace of Base ins besondere. Bei der Musik lief es sich wesentlich schmerzärmer... Gar nicht gingen die Backstreet Boys, da war fast jeder Schritt doppelt so schmerzhaft. 😂

      Ich werde es weiter beobachten.

      Morgen sind eigentlich ca. 20 km geplant..... mit Hilfe des Heiligen Jacobus und der modernen Schmerzmittel wird es hoffentlich klappen 😁 Drückt mir die Daumen 😘
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    • Yes, My Legs and Feet are So Sore!

      September 7, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      Missing my sweet husband today on his birthday. I have never missed his birthday.

      I walked from Logroño to Najera, which is 28.9 km. We were so blessed with an overcast day and a BREEZE! It made the long hike as enjoyable as it could be.

      I feel blessed to have the eyes of faith! It amazes me the many reminders of our loving God. The sunrises greet me in the morning. The Camino family I have here in Spain--support each other in this quest to Santiago. The huge bull (art) stood proudly for this Texas girl. Beautiful nature surrounds me when I walk. The crosses individuals have placed in the fences along the path. All reminders we are not alone. All prompting me to be grateful and give thanks for this day on the Camino de Santiago!
      Santo Domingo tomorrow!
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    • Day 16

      Hamburgers and fries ala espanola

      July 4, 2018 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      4th of July, so hamburgers, cokes and fries were the perfect thought for lunch.

      However the Spanish take it literally and our hamburgers included chopped ham..

      Viva America! Where hamburgers are 100% beef, except at McDonald's.Read more

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