Mother Gretchen

"I mean, if you even knew how mean she really is. You know I’m not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? She told me two years ago that hoop earrings were “her thing” and I wasn’t allowed toRead more
"I mean, if you even knew how mean she really is. You know I’m not allowed to wear hoop earrings, right? She told me two years ago that hoop earrings were “her thing” and I wasn’t allowed toRead more
On the road at 6 again this morning. Saw a handful of people about 1.5 hours into our walk but the crowds did not come. Did we walk faster, leave earlier than the others, did they quit or are theyRead more
At breakfast Eric unpacked a hapless Dave, retired postal worker. Dave had a tough first day over hydrating on electrolytes. But I saw him walk later and he had a fast pace going. So he recoveredRead more
Urchige Pilgerbrücken…
Die Biermarkengespomserten wundervollen Graffitis immer wieder mal auf dem Weg zu finden…
Die überall anzutreffenden kleinen Galicischen Speicherhäuser aufRead more
Busy on Trail again but had more time as only going 15km
I let's the big groups pass.
Listened to music and did more reflection
If I had one wish today it would be to sit at table and have one moreRead more
At about 32k (per my watch) I came to this beautiful bridge and a nice village with quality buildings, clean, well looked after. I thought I was in Melide and, for once, the watch agreed with theRead more
Finsternis und Nieselregen haben mich in den ersten Stunden begleitet. Heute wurde es nicht vor 8.30 Uhr hell. Seit Beginn der Pilgerwanderung merkt man deutlich, daß die Tage kürzer werden.
Es warRead more
Whew! When you’re not well, travel is stressful and worry can cause you to lose sleep. Went to the Farmacia and found the experience to be reminiscent of the pharmacist in Doc Martin! You make yourRead more
I think my favorite part of the walk today was coming across the busker playing the bagpipes, letting us know you are close to the end! We are two days from Santiago and in the heart of Galicia. TheRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Traveler 😳🤣
Traveler Chuckle 🤭