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- Sep 28, 2023
- ⛅ 73 °F
- Altitude: 1,640 ft
SpainGaliciaSobrado43°2’25” N 8°1’24” W
Sobrado dos Monxes

25km or 15 miles today. We are tired. . We are in Sobrado dos Monxes. There is a Monastery that the town ‘gets its name from’. Our walk today would be more beautiful photos pathways and pastures. Just go back a few days to see the scenery.. Beautiful, for sure! ButI don’t want to bore anyone.
The air is cool and crisp, the clouds don’t let the sun beat down. And the food was great but breakfast! A good start!
Speaking of eating, I really want to go back to last night. As I was talking to my grandson, over the phone, 40-60 goats ran down the road past our eating place/cafe and hurried into a pasture. Some missing the mark and scrabbling back into the open gates. A dog was handling most everything with a older gentleman in the back walking calmly was giving orders in Spanish to the dog (?) or the goats ? One additional unexpected bit of help was a teen on a bicycle rounding around the goats at another angle from the dog. It was so fun to see. I feel the dog and the old man really worked the magic. But the teen got some of the younger ’uneducated’ kid goats to follow the ‘leader’. What’s fun end to the evening. We don’t see that after dinner ever!
On the subject of animals, I got another animal treat today. As we were walking a very rural road ( most of the day) 30 dairy cows approached us on the road, walking a naturally as a mooring stroll, with one black and white herding dog. The dog would hunker down and wait for a misstep. Then come out, correct the offending code by mearly walking toward it at a low walk then go to the side and hunker down again. Until the next cow went awry just a bit, Then the dog would bolt out correct the cow by walking toward it, no bark or growl. . Over and over. The dog was in his/her element and really enjoying every moment. I thought ( and I love this thought) that the owner had just sent the dog to take the cues to the next field.
There were no cars on the road, just the dog, 30 dairy cows and us. Finally, a small older woman dressed with her apron on and staff in hand, followed all the cows.
I told her , her dog was amazing ( in poor Spanish) She smiled broadly and responded, “Yes, he is. Thank you!”. That dog is loved!
On another note,we met a gal who asked to walk with us awhile. It’s what pilgrims do. Try someone on for a bit and if it’s a good fit you walk together. If not, you u drop back or sped up and on. 😉
We walked with Meelike ( pronounced almost like the Hawaiian Melekimaka (spelling? ). She is Estonian ( NOT Slavic, thank you very much 👍) living in the Nederlands.
Walking 27km ….. brought our conversions to several subjects and into some deep sharing moments! The Camino brings up things in all of us we didn’t know we needed to share. She has had moments, as have we all. It was a good day! And the time went by a bit faster for us all.
These ( believe it or not ) easier days can feel long because we don’t have the HUGE terrain challenges as before. I know 27km isn’t short but the first 11-14 days were so much more difficult, technical, Hot, muddy and somehow LONGER!
Ah, side note, we were trying to be good about taking breaks as each one of us has a small niggling physical issue we are trying to deal with our Kerri from rearing it’s ugly head…. This was to be a day with few places to take a break. At one point we took to some cement blocks on the side in the road highway just to take a breather and rest our feet.
Another time we saw a hand written sign for coffee and sandwiches, etc.. We turned in to what appeared to be a chicken barnyard with a house to the side, tables chairs and flies. Chickens roamed everywhere! Tired dirty dogs greeted us and a happy 30-something man. !
Then Mama came out. Sweet gal , dirty shoes - but her a working farm er… chicken coop-thing and we gulped and decided to order… still a bit apprehensive of our decision. The other desperate pilgrims we have seen along the way poured in. Apprehensive, but happy for food, chairs and coffee several sat, justifying our decision.
The South Aftikan’s wanted to order Botega’s-sandwiches, Mama wanted to know if the wanted chicken sandwiches. Both men looked around a bit aghast and then looked at us. Tammy said, ‘The chicken is FRESH!!” We all laughed and they asked me to order cheese and tomato on bread. 😂😂
Moving on to Sobrado-
The Monastery is beautiful ! When we arrived after dinner, the monk wasn’t around. We were in the foyer and wanted to go in the church or at least the court yards. We tried opening the courtyard door and heard little voices behind the large thick door, “Can you open this? We can’t get out!” We couldn’t get in! 😂
The monk arrived and spoke Spanish until he heard us speak and switched to English and unlocked the building and courtyard Leung the confused people staying there out.
The monk tuned out to be very really funny. His English was great! He busted a bit and explained where we could look around as the church closed at 7:30pm. We held ourselves to a tour and then returned to thank him and day good bye.
I asked where he learned his English. His answer . “ I came buy it honestly being born in England”.
The expectations were have….. LOL
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Traveler Great post! It’s all so fascinating to me. I would have loved watching the dog rounding up the cows. He seems like he/she had quite the strategy.
Hiker Holly I love that kind of thing. A simple special event to common in their lives and something we don’t get to see. 👍😊