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    • Day 24

      Bärensuche im Regen

      October 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Weiterfahrt aus dem Picos de Europa in den Somiedo-Nationalpark durch eine traumhafte Bergwelt. Beide Nationalparks Heimat vom Wölfen und Bären. Es wurden bei strömenden Regen jedoch keine von uns gesichtet. Kleine Spaziergänge in den Regenpausen. Fox natürlich im Glück. Am Ende auf einem charmanten Camping im Valle de Lago gelandet. Leider nach Gasbrenner, Frischwassertankdeckel, dann Dichtung jetzt auch irgendetwas mit whs der Innenbatterie kaputt, auf jeden Fall sind wir nun ohne Wasserpumpe, funktionierende Heizung oder Licht. Die Frage bleibt, was stimmt wird noch alles kaputt gehen und kann man mit diesem Gefährt weiter?!Read more

    • Day 61–62

      Saint Martin

      July 6 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 13 °C

      We headed for the Coast of Northern Spain stopping at the small village of Saint Martin. It's at the start of some great hikes with huge mountains with great rock climbing opportunities. We parked in a free Aire close to the town. The journey down here was challenging, we had to negotiate very narrow roads through villages and lots of winding roads over the highest mountains we have ever driven over completely surrounded by clouds and lots of misty rain. We spotted vultures above us and cattle in the middle of roads, even wild mountain dogs came close to our motorhome as we were climbing, but glad we did it as it's an experience not to be missed.Read more

    • Day 24

      Nachtrag: warum so viele Kangals

      October 22, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Sowohl im Picos de Europa, wie auch im Somiedo-Nationalpark gibt es, wie überall im Norden zahlreiche Kühe (mit Hörnern) , Pferde, Schafe, Ziegen und auch Esel. Und ob freilaufend oder auf der Weide, in der Heimat der Bären und Wölfe ist immer ein Kangal-Hütehund in der Nähe. Laut Google hat der Kangal eine größere Beisskraft als ein Löwe und kann es mit einem Bären aufnehmen. Appel hat nur einmal gebellt, sich dann in die Seite zwicken lassen müssen, dann gefiept und Trost gesucht (und natürlich auch bekommen) und danach ist er immer zügig vorbei. Aber den Schnapperabdruck konnte man in seinem Fell gut erkennen. (Haben uns nicht getraut, so ganz in Ruhe ein Photoshooting der Kangals zu machen)Read more

    • Day 46

      Day of laziness.

      June 9 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 12 °C

      The weather although not stormy isn’t very good. Rain predicted for today so we decided not to move. With the mountains shrouded in cloud and mist there’d be little to see, and whilst I hate the feeling of driving next to sheer cliffs I do at least prefer to see where they are!
      We were feeling like we needed a little bit of rest before we get back on the road so the rain gave us the excuse we needed to stay put.
      After a short walk into the nearby town we spent the day being very lazy so not much to report for today. 😴
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    • Day 45

      Severe thunderstorms predicted.

      June 8 in Spain ⋅ 🌫 15 °C

      With severe thunderstorms predicted for today and tomorrow indicating “Danger to life”! we decided that it would be best to find a nice safe aire to sit it out. Driving around mountains is probably not the best place to be in a thunderstorm. We found one on Park4night that looked nice and safe and headed there. On the way the drive was very interesting, still in beautiful mountains but not quite so remote as before. About 10km from our destination we found ourselves driving through the most stunning gorge, high cliffs perhaps 400ft high either side of the road that followed the river. It’s so hard to describe how dramatic the huge sheer cliffs were that we drove through the centre of. If you’ve ever been through cheddar gorge in the uk just times that by 100 and then double it. It was immense and went on and on. We arrived at the park up and settled down for a rest, feeling quite exhausted from all the excitement of the last few days and secretly hoping for a spectacular thunderstorm from our safe vantage point… that disappointingly never happened in the end. A few distant rumbles and that was it.Read more

    • Day 35

      La Senda Del Oso - The path of Bears

      November 6, 2021 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      We had a great nights sleep, no noise, no vanlifers turning up at stupid hour banging doors and no barking dogs. And we woke to a mountain view, a steaming lake and clouds winding there way down between the mountains.
      From our camp spot in the little car park we headed for the path of bears a little further away but parking was a problem so we turned around and headed for the motorhome parking at terverga.
      We arrived about 11am, bought some empilladas from a small shop on the way and ate them before exploring our surroundings.
      Tervaga and the small surrounding villages are beautiful, they are complete chocolate box hamlets surrounded by huge snow capped mountains and Ellie has finally fallen in love with somewhere.
      At midday we headed for a small mountain on foot, we didn’t take a lot with us as we thought we would be walking the path of bears which is flat so 3/4 of a bottle of water and 4 orange club biscuits were what we took, and I’ll be honest they were all by chance.
      As we approached the path of bears we decided instead to take a different path that led up the mountain, I read the gradient and height which was 19% at 850 meters for 8.5km but Ellie only read the distance which was 8.5km.
      2 hours later going uphill all the way on a road we still hadn’t come across another sign and we were still walking on the road and I was convinced this was wrong so I checked google maps, it looked to me as if the path should go from another small hamlet a little further up. We turned off the road and entered the hamlet and walked around a maze of tiny roads you would have trouble getting a horse around let alone a car and then a grassy and very rocky path appeared on a bend and we took it.
      The path was obviously hundreds of years old with huge cobbled stones forming the base of it and the gradient was incredible. I kept checking google maps for our position just to be sure we were still heading in the right direction because now our only landmarks were huge mountains and we so nearly gave up, but an hour later we arrived at the summit. It was a great achievement especially for Ellie as she hates walking uphill and we were greeted by wild horses, 360° views and a tiny little chapel.
      We decided to walk back down the road which probably hurt just as much going down hill as it did going up and by the end of it we were both walking like a couple of drunks.
      At 4:30pm we arrived back at Wanda, completely exhausted after almost 5 hours and 10 miles of hiking, we didn’t ever find another sign for the path we thought we were taking but the walk was beautiful and we will probably remember it for the rest of lives.
      I’m sure we will sleep well tonight.
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    • Day 34

      Alone in the mountains

      November 5, 2021 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      This morning again we had a very rude awakening by a vanlifer, rocking up next to us in the car park at 3:30am and then proceeding to bang every door in the van while they sorted themselves out. That just reinforces my beliefs that vanlifers are the entitled of the road.
      So at 6:30am when I got up I dropped the electric step, opened and closed the habitation door and then opened and closed the cab doors very loudly just because I could.
      Then at 9am much to our delight a bread van pulled into the car park beeping his horn like there was no tomorrow, that definitely woke the buggers up.
      At 9:30am we proceeded down the steps and into the beach to be greeted by sea caves and arches galore. We scrambled over wet rocks and rock pools to get to the 3 arches and we were one of the first there along with other photographers who had tripods. I didn’t take mine because I knew it wouldn’t be free of people long enough to do long exposures and it wasn’t but I did shoot super fast and lots of exposures so I can stack the pictures later. These other photographers were very frustrated and kept on shouting at people to move out the way.
      We spent about an hour in the beach and had a good break in the weather before we set off for a small car park in the Sienda National park to spend the night.
      When we arrived at 2pm it was raining hard so we made lunch and chilled for a couple of hours and as the rain wasn’t stopping we just decided to head out anyway. We took the famous Torres de osos route or the path of bears because in this region of Spain they do have wild bears. Off we went over a beautiful lake on a long wooden bridge and along the mountain path. It was a beautiful walk, even in the rain and we did get very wet but the walk spurred Ellie on to look for a place that might have bears.
      It turns out that tomorrow’s park up in Terverga is famous for the bears so tomorrow we will be going on a bear hunt. But tonight we’ll be spending the night alone listening to the rain and hopefully getting a full nights sleep.
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    • Day 81

      Römische Goldmiene, Schnee & Dart spiele

      April 23, 2022 in Spain ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      Ein Highlight zu dem Flo gerne fahren wollte: die 2000 Jahre alten römischen Goldmienen Las Médulas. Wir trotzten en dem Wetter und wanderten durch das beeindruckende Gelände bzw. durch Täler und Schluchten, die ehemals ein großer Berg waren.
      Unsere Route sollte wieder Richtung Norden weiter gehen, die Küste ruft. Flo hat einen Stellplatz auf einem Pass (Puerto de Ventana, 1587 m.) rausgesucht aber der anhaltende Schneeregen bei 3 Grad und Schneematsch hat zu einem Veto seitens Lili geführt 😅 also standen wir da oben um 20:20 Uhr und hatten noch keinen Schlafplatz… Ein Hoch auf das Internet und Park4night, eine Alternative war „nur“ 30 Minuten entfernt.
      So sind wir nach einer sehr schönen Fahrt durch Schluchten in dem kleinen Ort San Martín gelandet. Der riesige, kostenlose WoMo-Stellplatz war komplett leer und somit hatten wir ein bisschen „frei stehen“ feelings ☺️ an Kochen war nicht mehr zu denken - es war super spät und wir super k.o.. Also sind wir in den etwas verschlafenen Ort gestiefelt und haben uns im nächstbesten, geöffneten Restaurant irgendwas bestellt das gut klang (bei den Namen der Gerichte hat Google Translate nicht funktioniert…). Es kam ein riesiges spanisches Cordon Bleu - wir dachten es wäre sowas wie ein Eintopf 😅
      Gut gelaunt sind wir nach dem Essen noch in den Pub gegangen und haben fast mehr Geld für Dart Spielen als für die riesigen Gib Tonics ausgegeben!
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    • Day 4

      Valle del Lago

      August 18, 2022 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Llegamos a Valle del Lago y nos instalamos en el hotel de Somiedo. Paseamos por los alrededores y planificamos la ruta al Lago para mañana. Descubrimos que es tierra de osos y que se dejan ver muy frecuentemente. ¡Qué nervios! Cenamos en el pueblo y nos vamos a descansar para mañana.Read more

    • Day 100

      Entrago 2

      March 2, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Abendliches Rennen gegen die Sonne. Hab verloren 🚴🌘

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