Sri Lanka

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    • Day 13

      12. Tag: Kabalana Beach + Hikkaduwa

      January 4 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Heutiger Morgen: Die Klospühlung funktionierte nicht 😅. Also, es ist wirklich jeden Morgen spannend, ob wir Wasser und Strom haben. Langweilig wird es so sicherlich nicht.

      Am Morgen stärkten wir uns wieder mit einem gesunden Frühstück. 🫶🏻 Etwas Ungesundes findet man hier wirklich schwer. Die Bewohner essen hier hauptsächlich Obst und Gemüse, Seafood wohl auch, aber sehr wenig Fleisch und tierische Produkte. 🥭🍍🍌🫑🌽🥕
      Danach gingen wir wieder zum Strand und beobachteten die Surfer. Heute war es teils bewölkt, teils etwas sonnig. ⛅️
      Ab dem späten Nachmittag machten wir uns auf den Weg zur letzten Unterkunft in Hikkaduwa.
      Das erste Mal reisten wir heute mit einem lokalen Bus. 🚍Und manomiooo, das war wild! Für Lisa waren es die beengendsten und stressigsten 1,5 Stunden Busfahrt, während Markus es eher als abenteuerliche Fahrt im Diskobus 🪩🎉sah.

      Die Busse sind hier alle wild dekoriert, mit Diskolichtern und Bassanlage. 👩‍🎤🎤🎶
      Wenn der Bus kommt, müssen alle anderen ausweichen. Also wirklich verrückt!

      Froh, endlich in Hikkaduwa zu sein, machten wir uns frisch und gingen noch lecker essen. Heute gab es wieder etwas Lokales: Masala Chickpea-Curry für Lisa und für Markus einen Gemüse-Garnelen-Eintopf.
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    • Day 9

      AHANGAMA ☀️

      January 9 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Prosegue il nostro viaggio sulla costa, spegnendo altre onde, ma mai l’umore (o quasi😶‍🌫️).
      Alloggiamo in mezzo al verde, facciamo pipì in mezzo al verde, ma qualcuno rimane digiuno perché il poco spicy dei Sri lankesi è decisamente non poco spicy.Read more

    • Day 8

      Mirissa Beach

      March 12, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Gut geschlafen, gut gelaunt und mit abwechslungsreichem Frühstück (Auswahl French Toast, Srilancian, Arabican Breakfast’s uvm.) ging‘s heute zum Strand. Zunächst zu Fuss im Ort zum Kabalana Beach. Aber schnell war klar zu viele Wellen für Frida. Dann per TukTuk (25 min) zum Mirissa Beach, der soll kindertauglich sein hieß es. Sah zunächst auch so aus. Leider war die 30. Welle dann doch so heftig, dass ich mit Frida auf dem Arm unter Wasser kam. Da hatte ich leider ihe Scheu vorm Meer erneuert und die arme Maus wollte nicht mehr ins Wasser und hat tapfer im Schatten ausgeharrt, derweil Tilda nicht genug von den Wellen kriegen konnte. Mea Culpa😪 Am Nachmittag malen im Schatten und chillen.Read more

    • Day 11

      Back to Jungle Beach

      March 15, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Weil es dort so schön war, heute nochmal den Weg zurück nach Unawatuna zum Jungle Beach (diesmal aber der etwas größere von beiden). Auf dem Weg haben wir noch Stopps eingelegt . Stelzenfischer in Koggala und beim Rope Swing im Dream Cabanas.Read more

    • Day 10

      Karen allein unterwegs

      March 14, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Whale Watching in Mirissa mit Raja and the Whales. Pick up 5:30 in der Unterkunft…eigentlich. Aber Rashandra, unser liebgewonnener Tuktuk-Fahrer hat verschlafen. Wake Up Call 5:31 und Rashandra war 5.40 endlich da. Das Boot legte pünktlich 6:30 ab. Los ging es zu Delfinschulen der Spezies Spinner. Gegen 9:30 waren dann die Delfinsichtungsbedürfnisse aller Bootsinsassen befriedigt, sodass wir weiterzogen, um einen der beiden Blauwale in diesen Gefilden zu finden. Er zeigte sich nicht, wie schon 76 Tage lang, dafür aber ein Brydewal. Vom Schaukeln und der Hitze des Bootes ermüdet, erreichte ich 13 Uhr wieder unsere Unterkunft. Erschöpft vom Planschen im Pool schliefen unsere Mädels auch schon im angenehm kühlen Bungalow. Am späten Nachmittag gings an den Strand von Koggola Abhängen im Heimat Hugs. Ein paar süße einheimische Mädchen gesellten sich neugierig zu uns und spielten schlussendlich mit.Read more

    • Day 8

      Endlich am Meer

      January 3, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      Unsere Rundreise geht jetzt langsam zu Ende und unser Urlaub fängt an.
      Es ist schon anstrengend fast jeden Abend in einem anderen Hotel zu sein, aber wir wollen ja auch etwas vom Land sehen.

      Wir sind heute vom Yala Nationalpark nach Weligama gefahren, ein Ort im Süden von Sri Lanka, bei Galle.

      Die Jackfrucht ist so groß und dick, dass sie am Baum hängt und nicht am Ast.
      Wir haben sie unterwegs manchmal hängen gesehen , konnten aber nicht so schnell ein Foto machen und heute gab es die Frucht beim Obststand.
      Bei der Besetzung durch die Engländer hatte Sri Lanka nicht genug Reis und so wurde die Jackfrucht als Reis gegessen.
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    • Day 11

      Day 9 - Mirissa, massage, dinner locals

      February 26, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Today we go out together, for the first time since we've been here. Enjoying Sri Lanka together like a tourist. Robin takes me by bus to Marissa. The bus is full of locals and not one tourist. While it’s super easy to travel by bus AND super cheap. Our half hour ride to Marissa only costs about €0.06 cents. Bizarre right? The bus drivers here think they are God and they drive like idiots, the buses are decorated with photos, texts, loud music, again a nice experience.

      Once in Marissa we go to Shady Lane. We have a delicious breakfast here, they also have little shop in the restaurant. Kind of a best practice for Ciao Bella actually. People are literally queuing up to eat here, we get a lot of inspiration! We have a chai pudding, smoothie bowl, coconut latte and a chocolate cake. All super tasty. We enjoy this while playing our games.

      After this we walk for a while on the beach of Marissa and then decide to take the bus to Unawatuna. In Unawatuna we take a massage. Oh my god, how amazing this was. For only €15 a full body massage, it is really wonderful and relaxing. We are going to do this more often, 100%, we are completely zen now haha.

      We take the bus to Habaraduwa to Robin's father. He says he's taking us all out to dinner, including the neighbor kids, he's taking us to Shack in Galle. Awesome! The children are very excited. We go home, get ready and take 4 tuk-tuks to Galle. Special moments because the kids don't often visit a restaurant and the beach. We order pasta and pizzas and Edward shows the kids best way to eat pizza. We take pictures on the beach and drink chocolate smoothies. They absolutely loved it. Amazing kids.

      We bring them home after this. They show their houses, meet their parents, show pictures of the past. Had a great evening with these super nice people.

      Now a weekend working at Ciao Bella in the restaurant. Hope you dutchies enjoy the carnaval hihihihi.

      X Ciao ciao
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    • Day 3

      Day 2 - Explore Ciao Bella

      February 18, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      The flight to Colombo was long, noisy with drunk people but we had fun watching movies, painting nails and playing games. Like we always do at home hihihi. Also we try to sleep little bit but were so many noisy people in the aisles that it made it inconvenient.

      When we landed, got our suitcase and had documents checked, Sajith (manager of Ciao Bella and good friend of Robin's dad) picked us up. 2 hours drive to Kabalana, where Ciao Bella's hotel is located. In the meantime we stop in Unawatuna for a Srilakan delicacy: the eggrol. After this finally to Robin's daddy!

      We look at his place in Habaraduwa where Ciao Bella started. It's not quite finished yet, but it's definitely a start, this will be a beautiful paradise with a pizza restaurant. Edward is super happy to see us and takes us in the tuk-tuk to Ciao Bella Kabalana.

      Looooove it here! Really nicely made and set up, the hotel is a bit old so still plenty of work for us to do :)))))
      Dad glad we're here so we can tackle a lot of work. We plan what we all want to do with marketing, team bonding, the restaurant menu, the new idea to open a shop, the hotel rooms, take pictures for the website and so on!

      We have dinner at a pizza restaurant on Matara Road, very tasty because we were quite hungry, and then go home quickly because mosquitoes are coming. We are very tired from the journey and the jetleg. Shower and go to bed!

      Ciao ciaooooo xxx
      Robin & Carlotte
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    • Day 9

      Day 8 - Pain, new menu & thunder

      February 24, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Time flies when you’re having fun. We have been in Sri Lanka for a week already, and we have already done so many beautiful things. Today we really take it easy, Robin has been having a lot of trouble with her foot since yesterday so we decide not to do too much.

      In the morning we go for breakfast with Lea, at an incredibly nice place: Two Sisters. A few years ago, these two sisters moved from Turkey and started this place, you can have a delicious full Turkish breakfast here with homemade bagels, cheese, jam, baba ganoush, etc. After this Robin and I go to Robbert, a Dutch man we met at Ciao Bella. He is a physiotherapist and we asked him to take a look at Robin's foot. After a few minutes of searching for his place in the tuktuk we find the Vila where Robbert is staying, what a pearl, what a paradise. He gives Robin tape on her foot and go back home again.

      Because the government is saving electricity in the country, parts of the country have no electricity at certain times. This is also known as load shedding. This also happened when I was living in South Africa back in 2019. We enjoy ourselves with games and paint our nails. We give Robin's foot some rest today. We are also already making travel plans, because we are not only staying in the south at Kabalana, but at the beginning of March we will head inland to visit some beautiful places there.

      When the power is back on, we start new dishes together with the cook, we teach him chia pudding, banana pancakes and buddha bowls. The new menu is going to be yummy.

      The weather changes and we get heavy rain with thunder and lightning. We decide not to leave tonight, we were supposed to have dinner with Omani and her friend, but we text them that we are sorry and move dinnerplans to tomorrow. Preferably no tuk tuk ride in this weather.

      Sajith massages Robin's foot with a kind of herbal ritual and then we go to bed. Tomorrow another day of taking it easy, we take the bus to a beautiful beach and will have breakfast and lunch at Shady Lane in Marissa. During the weekend we are needed again in the service and the kitchen at Ciao Bella because the cook is then two days off.

      Also Omani lets us know the curry and cinnamon powders are ready. It looks so good! We will pick it up later this week and next Wednesday we will start building the shop so it can open on Thursday :)

      We are going to dream now, ciaooooo! X
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