Well, this is different! I passed the campground in Lac de Champex and felt guilty- but only for a bit. Pure luxury after some pleasant hiking. Spa, walk around lake and amazing 9 course meal withRead more
Well, this is different! I passed the campground in Lac de Champex and felt guilty- but only for a bit. Pure luxury after some pleasant hiking. Spa, walk around lake and amazing 9 course meal withRead more
[ + 593 m | - 786 m ]
Nous étions en dortoir cette nuit et la chambre était étouffante. On espère mieux dormir la nuit prochaine.
Réveil 6h30.
Nous quittons le hameau du Ferret et sa jolieRead more
In ca. 4 Std. fahren wir von Zuhause über Bern und Martigny auf sehr engen Serpentinen zum Teil im ersten Gang, hinauf zum wunderschönen Lac der Champex wo wir ein sehr schönes und ruhigesRead more
Für unser heutiges Ziel, den Col de Forclaz, gibt es zwei alternative Routen. Eine Gruppe geht den Weg über das Fenetre d‘Arpette, die andere über die Alpage de Bovine.
Zwischen 9-10 UhrRead more
Schwedenpanzer neben Haubize
You might also know this place by the following names:
Lac de Champex
Traveler Sandwich looks so good. Really tastes good after hiking all day.
Traveler The no people in the villages is a little spooky. Sort of like in the Wizard of Oz, the little people hide until they are told it is safe and they can come out. Or it could be a little more sinister.😬😄.
Traveler That looks interesting. Would be fun to try when we all get together. Were they good. I just remembered you are probably in bed, I'll finish this tomorrow.