Hiking to Melchese Frutt, luxury!

Our first full day of hiking was such a success with the gondola to Joch Pass then hiking to Melcheese Frutt to stay in the beautiful Frutt Lodge and Spa. Yes! Spa! What a way to recover from a greatRead more
Our first full day of hiking was such a success with the gondola to Joch Pass then hiking to Melcheese Frutt to stay in the beautiful Frutt Lodge and Spa. Yes! Spa! What a way to recover from a greatRead more
Train the. Bus from Luzern to Engleberg then gondola to Jochpass… started the hike today! Welcome to the Via Alpina! Hiked to Melchsee Frutt.
Bald ist Peti so weit. Dann sind Herr und Frau Bünzli zufrieden und können sich mit Peti häuslich irgendwo niederlassen. Bis dahin gibt's noch viel zu besorgen und abzuklären. Ich bin viel zuRead more
Sehr schöne Wanderung (ca. 3 Std.)
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