Off to New Zealand

Up for a nice breakfast of salad, sausage, egg and hash brown. They were playing christmas music, so I suppose that made it our Christmas day meal. No where near as full or pissed as usual forRead more
Up for a nice breakfast of salad, sausage, egg and hash brown. They were playing christmas music, so I suppose that made it our Christmas day meal. No where near as full or pissed as usual forRead more
Zrugg ghads mit EVA Air, miteme Tankstopp in Bangkok, zrugg nach Wien und vo dette mit Austrian nach Züri. S Pijama wos ghe hend isch agnehm und d Decki sehr kuschlig. Hetti sicher chönne 10h underRead more
Heute ging es von Tainan nach Taipei. Der Stadtteil in dem wir sind heißt Taoyuan. Für die Strecke von circa 300 km benötigen wir 4 Stunden. Der Westen Taiwans besteht zum größten Teil ausRead more
This is my 3rd attempt to post from Taiwan airport. I guess I am tired after the 13 ht flight. It was good tho long. Got 3 meals, a glass of (horrible) wine and a few hours sleep. Also watched DowntonRead more
We survived the 13 hr. overnight flight from Vancouver. I managed to catch a few z's and Denis caught a fee more. Huge plane with lots of screeming babies but they did settle down after we had a hotRead more
My silence the last few days was because I didn't do much! I visited the National Palace Museum, which was interesting, but nothing out of the ordinary.
It was also raining all the time, so my plan toRead more
Nach einer pünktliche ICE-Fahrt haben wir die erste Nacht in der Nähe des Flughafens in Frankfurt übernachtet. Auch der Flieger in Richtung Taipeh ist fast pünktlich gestartet. Der 13 stündigeRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Luzhu District, Luzhu, 蘆竹區
Great video!