New Taipei

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Top 10 Travel Destinations New Taipei
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    • Day 11

      Taipei Night Market

      October 10, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Smells of everything from roasting horse nuts to fried cheese. We sampled some dumplings and some weird noodle slop. One bite tasty next more slop. Very strange.
      Loads of people and loads of lights. After an hour, definitely time to go back to the hotel to rest the feet.Read more

    • Day 248

      Jiufen again

      June 11, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      De retour dans le nord, on en profite pour retourner dans un coin qui nous avait vraiment plu en arrivant à Taïwan : On part refaire un tour à Jiufen. Ce village est tellement beau et paisible, ça nous fait du bien ! Planqués au milieu de la forêt, avec la mer et du thé 🍵
      En plus, on arrive enfin à avoir du soleil pour profiter de la vue sur la mer 🤩☀️
      Y a pas à dire, c'est quand même magnifique Taïwan ❤️🇹🇼
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    • Day 156

      Jiufen & das Meer

      April 2, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Es gibt an der Nordküste irrsinnig viel zu sehen, aber da Sonntag war und wunderbares Wetter, waren die Massen unterwegs. Ich habe daher einige Sights an der Küste ausgelassen, habe mich an den Staus vorbeiheschummelt und nach Laune ausgewählt wo ich stehen bleibe (Susanne, da ist wieder was nur für dich dabei 😉).

      In der Gegend gab es Gold-, Silber- und Kupfererzabbau. Die Ruinen einer Raffinerie blicken als stummer Zeuge dieser Zeit auf das Meer.

      Juifen ist eine kleine Stadt, die sich an einen Hügel schmiegt. Die Straßen, Wege und Stiegen sind voll Menschen und durchziehen die Stadt wie die Ameisenrouten einen Ameisenhaufen. Zumindest an einem Sonntag. Es wird hier ganz viel Ghibli Studio Zeug verkauft, die Stadt erinnert ein wenig an die Stadt in "Spirited Away", vor allem abends, wenn die Lichter angehen. Ich wäre gern so lange geblieben um das zu sehen, aber die Massen an Menschen habe ich nicht ausgehalten.

      ###### english ######

      There is an insane amount to see on the north coast but as it was a Sunday and the weather was beautiful the crowds were out. So I skipped a few sights on the coast, cheated my way past the traffic jams and chose where to stop depending on my mood (Susanne, there's something just for you again 😉).

      Gold, silver and copper ore mining happened in the area. The ruins of a refinery look out to sea as a silent witness of that time.

      Juifen is a small town nestled on a hill. The streets, paths and stairs are full of people and run through the city like the ant routes through an anthill. At least on a Sunday. A lot of Ghibli Studio stuff is sold here, the town is a bit reminiscent of the town in "Spirited Away", especially at night when the lights come on. I would have liked to stay long enough to see that, but I couldn't stand the crowds.
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    • Day 182

      Keelung, Taiwan

      June 11, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 81 °F

      New-to-us port #51 … with an overnight.

      We arrived at noon into the port city for Taipei and headed off to see what we could on a short afternoon before the sites closed down for the day.

      In the meantime, unbeknownst to us, this is what was happening in the skies over the Taiwan Strait … in the eternal struggle between Taiwan and China.Read more

    • Day 378

      Jiaoxi & Jifuen

      December 25, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      As a geologically active country on the Pacific ring of fire, Taiwan has hundreds of hot springs. Whole towns have sprung up around some of the springs, populated with public baths and hot springs hotels.

      As a Christmas treat I checked into a hot spring hotel in Jiaoxi. These hotels have private spas in each of the rooms, with the bathroom taking pride of place with full length windows overlooking the mountains. Wanting to make the most of this amazing hotel I spent most of my time chilling in the spa, with some local snacks, beer, and spirits.

      Jiaoxi is also a nice town to explore, with a good night market selling delicious street food and even mulled wine! It ran alongside a stream fed by hot springs lit up with Christmas decorations which was quite effective at putting me in the Christmas spirit despite my better intentions. The hotel even had Charlotte Church on the telly at breakfast!

      After a few days of pure relaxation I got back on the train and headed to Jifuen, an old mountain town that supposedly inspired the Studio Ghibli animated film Spirited Away. This makes the town very popular with tourists, and trying to navigate the famous old street was a nightmare as it was often packed with tour groups and day trippers. So after seeing this street once, which is mostly lined with souvenir shops anyway, I did everything I could to avoid it from then on! Luckily the town had many interesting and picturesque back streets which were fun to explore. Exploring the town felt a bit like snakes and ladders, if I came across a flight of stairs I took it to see where they took me, and the winding streets would often lead me back to where I started when I least expected it. It was also very wet when I was there, which meant that there was constantly heavy clouds covering the town, occasionally lifting slightly to give atmospheric views out over the mountain towards the sea.
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    • Day 9


      September 26, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Heute sind wir in den Norden von Taipei gefahren. Der Fluß Danshui ist die Grenze zwischen Taipei und Bali. Hier in den engen Gassen herrscht geschäftiges Treiben. Neben jeder Menge Kunst- und Kleingewerbe darf Streetfood nicht fehlen.
      Eine viel verwendete Begrüßung lautet: 你已經吃過了嗎。
      Hast du schon gegessen?
      Denn, nach dem Essen ist vor dem Essen.
      Ich habe noch nie in einem Urlaub so eine Vielfalt von Speisen kredenzt bekommen.
      Ob chinesische, japanische, oder taiwanische Küche, die Auswahl an Zutaten scheint schier unerschöpflich zu sein.
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    • Day 10

      101 tower

      September 27, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Den Abschluss unserer Besichtigungstour durch Taipei bildete der 101 tower. Bis 2007 das höchste Gebäude der Welt mit einer Höhe von 448m (Dach), bzw. 508m (Antenne).
      Die Stockwerke über dem 91sten Stock sind für eine Besichtigung gesperrt. Auf dem 91sten Stock befindet sich eine Aussichtsplattform. Im 88sten Geschoss das „Erdbeben-Ausgleichsgewicht“. Die dort installierte Kugel wiegt ca. 700t, und soll bei einem Erdbeben (die in Taiwan an der Tagesordnung sind) die Schwingungen des Gebäudes minimieren. Auch während unseres Aufenthalts bebte die Erde.
      Die Aussicht ist, was soll ich sagen, überwältigend.
      Die Bilder sprechen für sich…
      Ach ja, der Kaffee im 89sten Stockwerk kostete 9,00€.
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    • Day 8

      Teipei wir kommen

      September 25, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Heute ging es von Tainan nach Taipei. Der Stadtteil in dem wir sind heißt Taoyuan. Für die Strecke von circa 300 km benötigen wir 4 Stunden. Der Westen Taiwans besteht zum größten Teil aus Schwemmland, also eher unspektakulär. Die Einwohnerdichte von Taoyuan beträgt 12.500 pro Quadratkilometer. Zum Abendessen, mit Pao-Lans Enkelin sind wir schnell mal um die Ecke in ein japanisches Lokal (37 km = 45 Minuten) gefahren.
      Danach gab’s einen abendlichen Ausklang in einer Karaokebar.
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    • Day 93


      March 24 in Taiwan ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Um 10 Uhr fährt nach Taipeh in die
      Altstadt und zur gedaechnisstaette
      Des ersten präsidenten. Danach zum
      Taipeh Tower 101. In keelung zum Jade
      Buddha und keelung tower. Abschließend durch nachtmarkt mit
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    • Day 71

      Taipei, Taiwan

      March 15, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Più che il giro del mondo stiamo facendo il giro dei più alti grattacieli al mondo. Oggi siamo arrivati a Taiwan e siamo saliti sulla 101 Tower di Taipei, quinto grattacielo più alto del mondo. Indovinate quanti piani ha? Esatto. Ha una forma a "bambù" dove 8 moduli uno sopra l'altro s'innalzano da un basamento piramidale. Sulle 4 facciate poggiano 4 enormi monete e simboli di felicità a forma di nuvole, mentre draghi d'acciaio ornano gli angoli.
      Appena giunti a Taiwan un comitato di benvenuto con le autorità locali ha festeggiato il Comandante, il mio amico Pietro Sarcinella, evidentemente quale campione di calcio balilla. Strano, però, che non abbiano festeggiato anche me, che sono il suo compagno di gioco. Forse le notizie sono state oscurate dalle autorità cinesi, che mi vorranno assoldare nella loro nazionale di calcio balilla. Staremo a vedere.
      In mattinata escursione a Taipei. Come riassumere.... tanti palazzi vecchiotti, molti templi lungo il tragitto. La giornata prevedeva la visita a due edifici di culto e a quello che ci hanno spacciato per il secondo grattacielo più alto al mondo: aggiornatevi, siete quinti! Belli i templi, anche se per noi non erano cosa nuova.
      La 101 Tower si trova nel centro finanziario di Taipei, dove la città cambia in modo drastico: nuovi grattacieli ed enormi centri commerciali, come quello che abbiamo trovato sotto la 101 Tower, dove espongono tutti i marchi più famosi, compreso quello del mio ex datore di lavoro. Chissà se tra i portafogli esposti ce ne sarà stato qualcuno il cui prototipo è stato realizzato da me.
      In definitiva altra bella giornata: vi regalo il paesaggio che si vede dall'89esimo piano della 101 Tower, piacevole nonostante una leggera nebbiolina.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Taipei, New Taipei, 新北市

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