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Top 10 Travel Destinations Taoyuan
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    • Day 43

      Asia United Hash

      November 21, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      After several days of sickness, finally starting to feel better. Flew out of Chiang Mai Wednesday afternoon, and arrived here in Taiwan (Taoyuan City) in the evening. Getting through the airport was super easy and fast, and then we had a short 30 min taxi to the hotel. We were both feeling a bit hungry, and Jo suggested we get some sushi. Luck was in our favor, there was a sushi bar a half a block from our hotel. Even better, I was expecting it would probably be expensive, but it was ($1 per plate), so after a full dinner, it came to only 420 TWD ($14 US). A beer and a movie back at the hotel finished off the evening, and a good night's sleep.

      AU Red Dress Run - We wandered down to the venue in the morning, to register and get our goodie bags (they were plentiful, with backpack, shirt, patch, hat, dish, utensils, and various other unsundries) and met up with a few old friends. Since there is no hash scheduled for Friday, we decided to join in on the Red Dress Run. With all our new stuff in tow, we dragged it all back to the hotel, had some lunch, got some more medicine, and then made our way back to the venue for the RDR. Trail was no better than expected, basically a conga line through the streets, dodging cars and scooters, visited one temple, and then finally turned right and made our way into a local brewery for beer check number one. After about 30 minutes, we finally got moving again, and dodged a few more cars and scooters before finally popping out into an inner city park for beer check number two. This one actually had live entertainment, as a young female drum player rocked the party as we drank a wide selection of juicy beers. After about 45 minutes, we made a break for it and finished trail on our own. Back at the venue, once the pack finally arrived, we were entertained by the best dressed pageant, and dined on some local dinner delights. Circled finished just about the time the drizzle started, so after one more beer . . . we made our way back to the hotel for a hot shower, a movie, and more sleep. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/4271…

      Day 1 - We selected a long trail, just to see what we were going to expect for the weekend, and get in a good workout. We did trail one, for 10 Kms, and I was expecting 90 minutes, may 2 hours . . . but it was some serious climbing and ended up taking nearly 3 hours. But an awesome trail in the jungle, with several views . . . just a bit overcast though. Some of the climbs were so sharp, that they actually appear to overlap on the map below. It was a long bus ride, almost 2 hours, so we were about the last ones to return to the venue. It was packed by the time we arrived, but there was still plenty of food, and the beer flowed freely. The entertainment was good, but we did not hang around to long . . . need a hot shower and some sleep. https://www.relive.cc/view/vmqX1BjV4Lv

      Day 2 - We selected trail 2 for a rebound, it was billed as an 8 or 11 Kms optional trail. Jo went on the 11, while I opted for the 8 Kms as it had a bit less climbing. It was a beautiful trail, with a hearty climb at the start for the first 2 Kms, then the split. Soon after the split, I passed a small cafe, where a gent was singing Karaoke, pretty funny. After a bit more climbing, we finally topped out at 3.2 Kms, then we had a cool long downhill section along a streambed. At the bottom, we turned left and back up for a bit, soon leveled off. We passed an old gazebo that had an excellent over view of the reservoir. From there, it was down some old stairs to the road, then a zig zag on a continuous downhill run to the finish. Very nice. At the On In, we had several choices of food, all delicious, and plenty of refreshing beverages. The circle was also super fun, as we played some games and sang some songs. I won a t-shirt by throwing my shoe closest to it, and Jo came in second on the beer mile. :) We then went back to the venue for the closing ceremony and more fun and games. Jo won the flour blowing peanut counting contest (she'll have to explain that one to you). :) What a finish to a superb event here in Taiwan. Now we have a day of rest before flying over to Bangkok. https://www.relive.cc/view/vZqNN7zzX3q
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    • Day 9

      Chiang Kai-shek

      September 26, 2023 in Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Nach dem gestrigen Abend ging es heute etwas später auf Erkundungstour.
      Der Yangminghshan Park befindet sich im Norden von Taipei. Bei Azaleen- und Rhododendrenliebhabern ist er ein Muss. Leider sind wir zur falschen Jahreszeit hier.
      Von dort ging es zum Chiang Kai-shek Memorial. Der Besuch ist für alle Taiwaner DAS Ziel.
      Bei einem Bummel durch den abendlichen District 1, dem Ort unseres heutigen Abendessens, sahen wir unter „Olympiazeltdächern“ Frauengruppen beim Freizeitvergnügen: Formationstanz, bzw. -gymnastik.
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    • Day 29


      September 19, 2022 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C


      Bevor es wir wieder in den Süden von Kaohsiung am Abend mit dem Highspeed Train zurückkehren sollten, wollten wir uns noch den sehr traditionellen Konfuziustempel anschauen und hatten das Glück trotz Geschlossenheit am Montag eine schnelle private Führung zu erhalten. Wunderschön erstreckten sich Figuren bunt bemalt entlang des Tempels. Direkt nebenan war der Tempel geöffnet und ein reger Besuch. Es war spannend, den Besuchern bei der Ausführung verschiedener Rituale zuzuschauen. So war neben dem Anzünden von Reucherstäbchen auch das Werfen von roten Halbmondhölzchen (Jiaobei), die in die Luft und dann auf den Boden fallen gelassen worden waren, sehr beliebt. ⛩️🏯

      Das nächste Ziel war die Alte Straße Taiwans, die bekannt für seine unzähligen Läden ( Essen / Kleidung / chinesische Medizin/ …) ist. Wir fuhren entlang des Hafens dorthin, legten jedoch einen Zwischenstopp bei einer bekannten und traditionellen chinesischen Restaurant DIN TAI FUNG ein. 🍜🍥

      Dort bestellten wir lauter kleine Buns, Dumplings und weitere Spezialitäten. Erstaunlich war, dass direkt nach unserer Ankunft Körbe für unsere Rucksäcke gebracht wurden und auch die Jacken auf den Stuhllehnen vorsichtig mit einem edlen Bezug abgedeckt wurden. Während des Essens war es auch möglich bei der Zubereitung (Handarbeit im Akkordsatz ) der Spezialitäten in Sekundenschnelle zuzusehen. :🥟

      Die alte Straße war ein schöner Schluss, um noch einmal vor Abfahrt die Stadt zu Fuß zu erkunden. Dort schlenderten wir entlang der unterschiedlichen Geschäfte, probierten mal hier mal dort und machten uns auf in Richtung Taipei Main Station. Zufrieden und auch etwas erschöpft von dem 4-tägigen Trip, ging es zurück nach Kaohsiung. 👌
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    • Day 175

      Sky Lanterns

      February 21, 2020 in Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      We took a train trip to the Pingxi region just outside of Taipei the other day. It is a mountainous region that used to be full of coal mines. The first stop was a place called Juifen. There are rumours that the movie “Spirited Away” was inspired when Hayao Miyazaki visited. The town was pretty, but was quiet. The next stop was Pingxi. We had some Taiwanese sausages, they were delicious. We did a hike up to some local peaks. There were some sketchy bits that had ropes to hold on to.

      The final stop was Shifen . In Shifen we released a lantern. Before you release a lantern, you write hopes and wishes on the 4 sides with special ink and a paintbrush. You then take the lantern onto the train tracks with 2 people who work for the place where you buy your lantern. One of them takes pictures while you release it and the other one lights a stack of paper that is placed on the bottom of the lantern. We had a pink lantern which means we will have happiness

      It was really fun to release the lanterns and if I ever went back I would do it again but I would do it at night and try to be there for the Pingxi lantern festival when 1,000’s of lanterns are released into the sky.

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    • Day 16

      Day 3 Bear hash!!

      November 24, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Day 3 and it was a butt kicker!! Beautiful trail and hung out with some fun people!! Ended trail at a reservoir and hit a 551 meter high mountain!! Wahoooo On On

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    • Day 2

      Look up, and up, and up

      September 22, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Caught the high speed train into Taipei city, which took about half an hour, so I'm glad we didn't take the regular speed one. Seriously though, Taipei is a massive urban sprawl, intermixed with dense foliage covered hills.

      Our one and only reason for dipping our toes into the city was to see Taipei 101. Wow, what a structure. It punches into the sky, towering over all other buildings and giving a stunning view of Taipei, amid the smog. Very impressive, especially the lifts which fire you up to the 89th floor in just over 30 seconds.

      After gazing over the strange mix of old traditional Chinese structures and futuristic skyscrapers we caught the bullet lift back to ground level and caught the MRT back to our airport hotel. A few hours sleep and a refreshing shower, it is 33 degrees here, and we're off to the airport. A few more hours in the business lounge doing it tough then we board our bird bound for Vienna.
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    • Day 2

      A magic carpet ride

      September 22, 2018 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Let me get this out of the way early. China Airline's Business Class is exceptional. Delicious food, exemplary service from slim, attractive flight attendants, (take note Air NZ) and a lie flat bed that had enough controls to keep the geek in me gleefully happy. I even got some good sleep, which is highly unusual for me anywhere, especially on a plane. Some 'other' unnamed people on this flight had even more sleep than me. In fact at one point there was a symphony of snoring. Initially I thought two untuned tractors were having a race though the cabin, but it was two other passengers. One whom I know very well. We landed in Taipei just after 5am and it was already 27 degrees. This may be a toasty kind of day. Next stop central Taipei.Read more

    • Day 1

      Dinner in Tapei

      May 13, 2017 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Toch nog wat eten, tis een rare dag. Net of ik vanmorgen uit nl ben vertrokken, dus een lange dag. Morgen lunch met ouders van Jod, de kersverse echtgenoot van Zindzi, mijn nichtje en dochter van mijn broer.twas lekker en gezellig.Read more

    • Day 24

      Bye bye Taiwan

      January 18, 2019 in Taiwan ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

      “Nach Taiwan?!“ so ungefähr war meine Reaktion als Tim mir von der Idee erzählte. Ich hatte Taiwan nicht wirklich als Reiseziel auf dem Schirm. Doch das Land und vor allem auch die Leute haben uns begeistert und wir müssen zugeben, dass wir Taiwan wirklich als Reiseland unterschätzt haben. Die Taiwaner sind sehr freundlich und sehr hilfsbereit. Auch wenn die wenigsten Englisch sprechen wird hier immer ein Weg gefunden, im Zweifel mit Google Translater. Wir hatten auch nie das Gefühl dass man uns hier als Touristen „übers Ohr hauen will“.

      Hier gibt es eine vielfältige und wunderschöne Natur - Berge, Wasserfälle, schroffe Küsten, Sandstrände, Seen, Urwald usw. Wenn man dabei bedenkt wie klein die Insel ist, ist dies wirklich beeindruckend. Außerdem kann man hier kleine verlassene Örtchen finden, genau so aber auch riesige Städte. Zugegeben die Städte sind nicht immer die schönsten, aber man findet immer tolle Ecken, gepflegte Parks und wunderschöne Tempel, Pagoden oder Memorials. Zudem gibt es eine gute Infrastruktur, kinderfreundliche Hotels und meist ist alles perfekt organisiert. Sogar beim Eiskaufen bekommt man nach der Bestellung eine Nummer und wartet dann bis das Eis fertig und die Nummer aufgerufen wird. Es ist überall so sauber, dass es sogar Theo aufgefallen ist. Und das obwohl man so gut wie nie Mülleimer findet. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ich frage mich nur was die Taiwaner denken, wenn sie mal nach Berlin kommen... 😏

      Lediglich das Essen hat uns teilweise etwas herausgefordert 🙈 Da hier alle auf chinesische und japanische Touristen eingestellt sind, gibt es kaum Speisekarten auf Englisch. Zudem ist das Essen sehr sehr fleischlastig. Oft hat uns da das gut ausgebaute Netz an 7-Elevens gerettet. 😜

      Vielen Dank Taiwan für die schönen Erlebnisse! 🇹🇼
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    • Day 1

      10 Days in Taiwan!

      October 8, 2016 in Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      My trip to Taipei, Taiwan was a 9 hour flight from Brisbane to Taoyuan with Eva Air. Admittedly I was feeling quite ill during the last hour before arrival, not really sure why as I've never had "flying-sickness" before. Eva Air was great, smooth landings and great customer service from the flight attendants, I would definitely recommend the airline. The cost of my flight was $836 with 30kg for luggage, and converted $620AUD which gave me $13000NTD.

      I arrived in Taoyuan International Airport at 6:10pm and collected my luggage and out of customs at approximately 6:45pm.. All ready to start my 10 day Taiwanese adventure! My 7th uncle and his son picked me up and brought me to Banqiao, the place where I stayed for the first week in Taipei. Boy, was I excited! And a little nervous - I' had not seen my relatives for a good fifteen years!

      I was amazed and excited to see the city, and discovered that it was still busy and lively late into the night! Shops were still open for business, food stores were still open for the hungry people. We went and grabbed my favorite drink.. BUBBLE TEA! aka Milk Tea - and some deep fried chicken to sooth and satisfy my grumbling belly.

      Ok. The food. Into this journey of mine, you will see just how much of a "foodie" place Taiwan is known for, but for now I will just rant on about the deep fried chicken. The delicious, mouth-watering deep fried chicken... Honestly, amazing! It is definitely a must eat when visiting Taiwan. It was approximately $100NTD for a whole bag, and so approximately $4AUD. They were pretty kind with its serving size!
      Originate in Taiwan, Milk tea normally cost around $5 for a medium size in Australia and I bought one for $50NTD, which is approximately $2AUD.

      First things first. As much as I love getting magically lost in a new destination, I always make sure to have a SIM card or a working phone with data just in case of emergencies, obviously for safety reasons.
      The SIM card I bought was $800NTD, for 10 days of unlimited data usage and it only cost me $33AUD. Bargain, right!

      Although the city doesn't sleep until midnight, I went to bed early after all day of flying and spending it at airports. So, first night was an early night, ready for the first day of my adventure!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Taoyuan, 타오위안 현, 桃園縣

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