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- Mar 12, 2020, 11:24 AM
- 🌧 21 °C
- Altitude: 1,736 m
TanzaniaMbeyaMbalizi RoadMbeya8°53’36” S 33°26’30” E

Today I spent/lost the whole morning in Mbeya running between the immigration office and different mobile network provider offices. The providers all have "new computer systems" which require me to get identified with the government's immigration authority by scanning my fingerprint. You remember the tiny little border post where I crossed? They had a pack of paper and a toilet but no fancy devices to register any fingerprints which means that "I am not in the system" at all ... and thus cannot be identified by any of these "new computer systems". Even the immigration office in Mbeya could not register my fingerprints! They certified my passport copy in order to convince one of the providers to assist me but were not in the position to understand, that the provider simply cannot override the fingerprint identification processes of his "new computer system" which just quits with the notice that "Michi, der, is illegal". They should stop introducing premature laws. (And they should stop trying to bake bread!)
Totally frustrated that I could not listen to Rockantenne Bayern while rocking the super-annoying main traffic route towards Daressalam I continued.
As always, after pain comes joy. Some
might call that "destiny" but I prefer "the miracle of life". So, luckily later today I get stopped by the police for speeding with 76 kph instead of the allowed 50 in the middle of nowhere! After telling them that they suck, that they are corrupt - but friendly - and that their taken picture of my car is a lie, I get approached by Heiner, a Swiss guy travelling around with his Tanzanian wife Rozina. They got befriended by the police guy three months ago and shared a drink with him. We meet again in Makambako further down the road for lunch and afterwards Rozina gets me a SIM card on her private account. Rock! :-DRead more